Botnia Study co-operates with The Finnish Institution of Health and Welfare (THL) and has transferred research data and samples to the Biobank from those subjects that have given THL Biobank consent during period of 1.12.2015 - 31.12.2023.
The previously collected data of the Botnia Study (Botnia family study, PPP Botnia, MIX-, SIB- and iPSC-studies) which was collected before 2016, has been transferred to THL biobank using public disclosure procedure. End of 2015, we published announcements concerning the transfer comprehensively in both national (Virallinen lehti, Helsingin Sanomat and Huvudstadsbladet) and local newspapers of those areas where Botnia Study has had a research center in some point.
The objective of the Biobank’s operation is to find methods, which promote the health of the population and prevent illnesses. It is hoped that the researchers’ results help in the prevention of illnesses and developing for safer, more efficient and personal care. The participation is voluntary and is always based on a written consent. The study participant has the right at any time to deny the use of his/her samples and data in THL Biobank, by informing it in writing to biobank. The handling of the samples and information is based on the Finnish biobank law (688/2012).
Additional information about the Biobank, about the sample giver's rights, the Institution of Health and Welfare and biobank research is found on THL biobanks website.
DIREVA is the diabetes register of the Vaasa hospital district, which is carried out through the co-operation with Lund University in Malmö, Botnia Study and University of Helsinki.
Direva transfers research data and samples to the Auria Biobank from those subjects that have given permission to the transfer. DIREVA data that was collected before 2017 has been transferred to AURIA Biobank using public disclosure procedure.
Auria Biobank is Finland’s first biobank. Approximately one million samples are stored in the biobank and used for medical research. Auria Biobank is situated in Turku, in connection with Turku University Hospital and the University of Turku. The biobank was established by the University of Turku and the hospital districts of Southwest Finland, Satakunta and Vaasa.
The participation is voluntary and is always based on a written consent. The study participant has the right at any time to deny the use of his/her samples and data in AURIA biobank, by informing it in writing to biobank. The handling of the samples and information is based on the Finnish biobank law (688/2012).
Additional information about the Biobank is found on AURIA biobank’s website.