Results and Publications

This page lists publications and results stemming from the work performed by the Centre of Excellence in Research of Sustainable Space.
  • Alho, M., Cozzani, G., Zaitsev, I., Kebede, F., Ganse, U., Battarbee, M., Bussov, M., Dubart, M., Hoilijoki, S., Kotipalo, L., Papadakis, K., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Suni, J., Tarvus, V., Workayehu, A., Zhou, H., and Palmroth, M., Finding reconnection lines and flux rope axes via local coordinates in global ion-kinetic magnetospheric simulations, Ann. Geophys., 2024
  • Battarbee, M., Papadakis, K., Ganse, U., Hokkanen, J., Kotipalo, L., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Alho, M., and Palmroth, M., Porting the grid-based 3D+3V hybrid-Vlasov kinetic plasma simulation Vlasiator to heterogeneous GPU architectures, submitted, ASTRONUM-16,, 2024
  • Cozzani, G., Alho, M., Zaitsev, I., Hoilijoki, S., Turc, L., Grandin, M., Horaites, K., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Papadakis, K., and Palmroth, M., Interplay of Magnetic Reconnection and Current Sheet Kink Instability in the Earth’s Magnetotail, submitted,Geophys. Res. Lett., 2024
  • Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Zhou, H., Juusola, L., Workayehu, A., Kebede, F., Papadakis, K., Grandin, M., Alho, M., Battarbee, M., Dubart, M., Kotipalo, L., Lalague, A., Suni, J., Horaites, K., and Palmroth, M., The Vlasiator 5.2 Ionosphere – Coupling a magnetospheric hybrid-Vlasov simulation with a height-integrated ionosphere model, submitted, Geoscientific Model Development, 2024
  • George, H., Osmane, A., Kilpua, E.K.J., Palmroth, M., Kalliokoski, M., Henry, A., Rodger, C., Turc, L., Usanova, M., Raita, T., and Morley, S., Direct Observation of Radiation Belt Dropouts Inconsistent with Diffusive Wave-Particle Interactions, submitted, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2024
  • Häkkilä, T., Grandin, M., Battarbee, M., Szeląg, M.E., Alho, M., Kotipalo, L., Kalakoski, N., Verronen, P.T., and Palmroth, M., Atmospheric odd nitrogen response to electron forcing from a 6D magnetospheric hybrid-kinetic simulation, submitted, Ann. Geophys.,, 2024
  • Kebede, F., Palmroth, M., Turc, L., Zhou, H., Cozzani, G., Alho, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Horaites, K., Zaitsev, I., Grandin, M., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Workayehu, A., Suni, J., Papadakis, K., Dubart, M., Tarvus, V., Dayside Pc2 waves associated with flux transfer events in a 3D hybrid-Vlasov simulation, Geophys. Res. Lett.,, 2024
  • Kepko, L., Nakamura, R., Saito, Y., Vourlidas, A., Taylor, M., Mandrini, C., Blanco-Cano, X., Chakrabarty, D., Daglis, I., De Nardin, C. M., Petrukovich, A., Palmroth, M., Ho, G., Harra, G., Rae, J., Owens, M., Donovan, E., Lavraud, B., Reeves, G., Tripathi, D., Vilmer, N., Hwang, J., Antiochos, S., Wang, C., Heliophysics Great Observatories and international cooperation in Heliophysics: An orchestrated framework for scientific advancement and discovery, Adv. Space Res.,, 2024
  • Kotipalo, L., Battarbee, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., and Palmroth, M.: Physics-motivated Cell-octree Adaptive Mesh Refinement in the Vlasiator 5.3 Global Hybrid-Vlasov Code, accepted, Geoscientific Model Development,, 2024.
  • Palmroth, M., and Hukkinen, J., Expanding use of space creates a new planetary boundary for sustainability, submitted, Ambio, 2024
  • Papadakis, K., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Palmroth, M., Hashinator: A Portable Hybrid Hashmap Designed for Heterogeneous High Performance Computing, Frontiers Comp. Sci.,, 2024
  • Shay, M., Adhikari, S., Beesho, N., Birn, J., Buehner, J., Cassak, P., Chen, L.-J., Chen, Y., Cozzani, G., Drake, J., Guo, F., Hesse, M., Jain, N., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Lin, Y., Liu, Y.-H., Oka, M., Omelchenko, Y., Palmroth, M., Pezzi, O., Reiff, P., Swisdak, M.
  • Toffoletto, M., Toth, G., Wolf, R., Simulation Models for Exploring Magnetic Reconnection, submitted, Space Sci. Rev., 2024
  • Turc, L., Takahashi, K., Kajdic, P., Kilpua, E., Sarris, T., Palmroth, M., Soucek, J., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Dimmock, A., and Takahashi, N., From foreshock 30-second waves to magnetospheric Pc3 waves, submitted, Space Sci. Rev., 2024
  • Zaitsev, I., Cozzani, G., Alho, M., Horaites, K., Zhou, H., Kit, A., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Hoilijoki, S., Ganse, U., Battarbee, M., Papadakis, K., Suni, J., Dubart, M., Kebede, F., Workayehu, A., Tarvus, V., Koikkalainen, V., Turc, L., Palmroth, M., Ion-mediated tearing and kink instabilities in the Earth's magnetosphere: Hybrid-Vlasov simulations, submitted, J. Geophys. Res., 2024
  • Anger, M., Niemelä, P., Chermetiev, K., Clayhills, B., Fetzer, A., Lundén, V., Hiltunen, M., Kärkkäinen, T., Mayank, Turc, L., Osmane, A., Palmroth, M., Kilpua, E., Oleynik, P., Vainio, R., Virtanen, P., Toivanen, P., Janhunen, P., Fischer, D., Le Bonhomme, G., Slavinskis, A., and Praks, J., Foresail-2: Space physics mission in challenging environment, Space Sci. Rev.,, 2023
  • Afanasiev, A., Vainio, R., Trotta, D., Nyberg, S., Sheshvan, N. T., Hietala, H., & Dresing, N. Self-consistent modeling of the energetic storm particle event of November 10, 2012. Astronomy & Astrophysics679, A111. 2023
  • Aguilar, M. and 236 colleagues 2023. Temporal Structures in Electron Spectra and Charge Sign Effects in Galactic Cosmic Rays. Physical Review Letters 130. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.161001 
  • Aguilar, M. and 246 colleagues 2023. Properties of Cosmic-Ray Sulfur and Determination of the Composition of Primary Cosmic-Ray Carbon, Neon, Magnesium, and Sulfur: Ten-Year Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer. Physical Review Letters 130. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.211002
  • Ala-Lahti, M., Pulkkinen, T. I., Ruohotie, J., Akhavan-Tafti, M., Good, S. W., & Kilpua, E. K. Multipoint Observations of the Dynamics at an ICME Sheath–Ejecta Boundary. The Astrophysical Journal956(2), 131. 2023
  • Ameri, D., Valtonen, E., Al-Sawad, A., Vainio, R. 2023. Relationships between energetic storm particle events and interplanetary shocks driven by full and partial halo coronal mass ejections. Advances in Space Research 71, 2521–2533. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2022.12.014
  • Coti, C., Malony, A., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Shende, S., Huck, K., Rodriguez, J., Kotipalo, L., Malony, A.D., and Palmroth, M., Integration of Modern HPC Performance Analysis in Vlasiator for Sustained Exascale, Cray User Group 2023,,  2023
  • Dabrowski, B., Mikuła, K., Flisek, P., Vocks, C., Zhang, P., Magdalenić, J., ... & Sidorowicz, T. Interferometric imaging of the type IIIb and U radio bursts observed with LOFAR on 22 August 2017. Astronomy & Astrophysics669, A52. 2023
  • Dalbins, J., Allaje, K., Ehrpais, H., Iakubivskyi, I., Ilbis, E., Janhunen, P., ... & Slavinskis, A. Interplanetary student nanospacecraft: Development of the LEO demonstrator ESTCube-2. Aerospace10(6), 503. 2023
  • Dimmock, A. P., Gedalin, M., Lalti, A., Trotta, D., Khotyaintsev, Y. V., Graham, D. B., ... & Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F. Backstreaming ions at a high Mach number interplanetary shock-Solar Orbiter measurements during the nominal mission phase. Astronomy & Astrophysics679, A106. 2023
  • Dorfman, S., Zhang, K., Turc, L., Ganse, U., and Palmroth, M., Probing the Foreshock Wave Boundary with Single Spacecraft Techniques, J. Geophys. Res., 2023
  • Dresing, N. and 48 colleagues 2023. The 17 April 2021 widespread solar energetic particle event. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674. doi:10.1051/0004- 6361/202345938
  • Dubart, M., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Osmane, A., Spanier, F., Suni, J., Cozzani, G., Horaites, K., Papadakis, K., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Tarvus, V., and Palmroth, M., Parametrization of coefficients for sub-grid modeling of pitch-angle diffusion in global magnetospheric hybrid-Vlasov simulations, Phys. Plasmas,, 2023
  • Fleth, S., Kuehl, P., Kollhoff, A., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F., Heber, B., Rodríguez-Pacheco, J., & Dresing, N. Anisotropies of solar energetic electrons in the MeV range measured with Solar Orbiter/EPD/HET. Astronomy & Astrophysics676, A58. 2023
  • Fryer, L.J., Fear, R. C., Gingell, I. L., Coxon, J. C., Palmroth, M., Hoilijoki, S., Janhunen, P., and Kullen, A., 3D GUMICS simulations of northward IMF magnetotail structure, J. Geophys. Res.,, 2023
  • Ganse, U., Koskela, T., Battarbee, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Papadakis, K., Alho, M., Bussov, M., Cozzani, G., Dubart, M., George, H., Gordeev, E., Grandin, M., Horaites, K., Suni, J., Tarvus, V., Tesema Kebede, F., Turc, L., Zhou, H., and Palmroth, M., Enabling technology for global 3D+3V hybrid-Vlasov simulations of near Earth space, Phys. Plasmas,, 2023
  • Gieseler, J. and 12 colleagues 2023. Solar-MACH: An open-source tool to analyze solar magnetic connection configurations. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 9. doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.1058810
  • Good, S. W., Rantala, O. K., Jylhä, A. S., Chen, C. H. K., Möstl, C., & Kilpua, E. K. J. Turbulence Properties of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections in the Inner Heliosphere: Dependence on Proton Beta and Flux Rope Structure. The Astrophysical Journal Letters956(1), L30. 2023
  • Grandin, M., Luttikhuis, T., Battarbee, M., Cozzani, G., Zhou, H., Turc, L., Pfau-Kempf, Y., George, H., Horaites, K., Gordeev, E., Ganse, U., Papadakis, K., Alho, A., Tesema, F., Suni, J., Dubart, M., Tarvus, V., and Palmroth, M., First 3D hybrid-Vlasov global simulation of auroral proton precipitation and comparison with satellite observations, J. Space Weather Space Clim.,, 2023
  • Grandin, M., Connor, H.K., Hoilijoki, S., Battarbee, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Ganse, U., Papadakis, K., and Palmroth, M., Hybrid-Vlasov simulation of soft X-ray emissions at the Earth's dayside magnetospheric boundaries, Earth, Planet. Phys.,, 2023
  • Horaites, K., Rintamäki, E., Alho, M., Battarbee, M., Bussov, B., Cozzani, G., Dubart, M., Ganse, U., George, H., Gordeev, E., Grandin, M., Papadakis, K., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Suni, J., Tarvus, V., Tesema, F., Turc, L., Zaitsev, I., Zhou, H., and  Palmroth, M., Magnetospheric Response to a Pressure Pulse in a Three-dimensional Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation, J. Geophys. Res.,, 2023
  • Jebaraj, I. C., Dresing, N., Krasnoselskikh, V., Agapitov, O. V., Gieseler, J., Trotta, D., ... & Vainio, R. Relativistic electron beams accelerated by an interplanetary shock. Astronomy & Astrophysics680, L7. 2023
  • Jebaraj, I. C., Kouloumvakos, A., Dresing, N., Warmuth, A., Wijsen, N., Palmroos, C., ... & Fedeli, A. Multiple injections of energetic electrons associated with the flare and CME event on 9 October 2021. Astronomy & Astrophysics675, A27. 2023
  • Kalliokoski, M., Henderson, M., Morley, S., Kilpua, E., Osmane, A., Olifer, L., Turcer, D., Jaynes, A., George, H., Hoilijoki, S., Turc, L., and Palmroth, M., 
    Outer Radiation Belt Flux and Phase Space Density Response to Sheath Regions: Van Allen Probes and GPS Observations, J. Geophys. Res.,, 2023
  • Kilpua, E., Vainio, R., Cohen, C., Dresing, N., Good, S., Ruohotie, J., ... & Schwadron, N. Energetic ion enhancements in sheaths driven by interplanetary coronal mass ejections. Astrophysics and Space Science368(8), 66. 2023
  • Kocharov, L., Mishev, A., Riihonen, E., Vainio, R., & Usoskin, I. A Comparative Study of Ground-level Enhancement Events of Solar Energetic Particles. The Astrophysical Journal958(2), 122. 2023
  • Kouloumvakos, A., Vainio, R., Gieseler, J., Price, D. J. 2023. The effect of shock wave properties on the release timings of solar energetic particles. Astronomy and Astrophysics 669. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202244363
  • Paassilta, M., Vainio, R., Papaioannou, A., Raukunen, O., Barcewicz, S., Anastasiadis, A. 2023. Magnetic connectivity and solar energetic proton event intensity profiles at deka-MeV energy. Advances in Space Research 71, 1840–1854. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2022.11.051
  • Kumari, A., Morosan, D. E., Kilpua, E. K. J., & Daei, F. Type II radio bursts and their association with coronal mass ejections in solar cycles 23 and 24. Astronomy & Astrophysics675, A102. 2023
  • Kumari, A., Price, D. J., Daei, F., Pomoell, J., & Kilpua, E. K. J. Effects of optimisation parameters on data-driven magnetofrictional modelling of active regions. Astronomy & Astrophysics675, A80. 2023
  • Li, D., Warmuth, A., Wang, J., Zhao, H., Lu, L., Zhang, Q., ... & Dominique, M. Global energetics of solar powerful events on 2017 September 6. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics23(9), 095017. 2023
  • Morosan, D. E., Pomoell, J., Kumari, A., Kilpua, E. K. J., & Vainio, R. A type II solar radio burst without a coronal mass ejection. Astronomy & Astrophysics675, A98. 2023
  • Owens, M. J., Lockwood, M., Barnard, L. A., Yardley, S. L., Hietala, H., LaMoury, A. T., & Vuorinen, L. Annual variations in the near-Earth solar wind. Solar Physics298(9), 111. 2023
  • Pal, S., Balmaceda, L., Weiss, A. J., Nieves-Chinchilla, T., Carcaboso, F., Kilpua, E., & Möstl, C. Global insight into a complex-structured heliosphere based on the local multi-point analysis. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences10, 1195805. 2023
  • Palmerio, E., Maharana, A., Lynch, B. J., Scolini, C., Good, S. W., Pomoell, J., ... & Kilpua, E. K. Modeling a coronal mass ejection from an extended filament channel. II. Interplanetary propagation to 1 au. The Astrophysical Journal958(1), 91. 2023
  • Palmroth, M., Pulkkinen, T.I., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Koskela, T., Zaitsev, I., Alho, M., Cozzani, G., Turc, L., Battarbee, M., Dubart, M., George, H., Gordeev, E., Grandin, M., Horaites, K., Osmane, A., Papadakis, K., Suni, J., Tarvus, V., Zhou, H., and Nakamura, R., Magnetotail plasma eruptions driven by magnetic reconnection and kinetic instabilities, Nature Geosci., 2023
  • Pohjolainen, S., McKay, D., Talebpour Sheshvan, N., & Monstein, C. Repeated Type III Burst Groups Associated with a B-Class Flare and a Narrow-Width CME. Solar Physics298(10), 118. 2023
  • Pohjolainen, S., Sheshvan, N. T., & Monstein, C. Separating the effects of earthside and far side solar events. A case study. Advances in Space Research72(9), 4074-4081. 2023
  • Praks, J., Niemelä, P., Anger, M., Fetzer, A., Clayhills, B., Cheremetiev, K., ... & Palmroth, M. Foresail-CubeSat platform and missions to higher orbits. In 2023 XXXVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. 2023
  • Rodríguez- Garcia, L. and 12 colleagues 2023. Solar activity relations in energetic electron events measured by the MESSENGER mission. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202245604
  • Rodríguez- Garcia, L. and 12 colleagues 2023. Solar energetic electron events measured by MESSENGER and Solar Orbiter. Peak intensity and energy spectrum radial dependences: Statistical analysis. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/2022445531
  • Sarris, T., Palmroth, M., Aikio, A., Buchert, S., Clilverd, M., Dandouras, I., Doornbos, E., Goodwin, L.V., Grandin, M., Heelis, R., Ivchenko, N., Moretto-Jørgensen, T., Kervalishvili, G., Knudsen, D., Liu, H., Lu, G., Malaspina, D.M., Marghitu, O., Maute, A., Miloch, W., Olsen, N., Pfaff, R., Stolle, C., Talaat, E., Thayer, J., Tourgaidis, S., Verronen, P., Yamauchi, M., Plasma-Neutral Interactions in the Lower Thermosphere-Ionosphere: The need for in situ measurements to address focused questions, Front. Astron. Space Sci.,, 2023
  • Sarris, T.E., Tourgaidis, S., Pirnaris, P., Baloukidis, D., Papadakis, K., Psychalas, C., Buchert, S., Doornbos, E., Clilverd, M.A., Verronen, P.T., Malaspina, D.M., Ahmadi, N., Dandouras, I., Kotova, A., Miloch, W.J., Knudsen, D.J., Olsen, N., Marghitu, O., Matsuo, T., Marchaudon, A., Hoffmann, A., Lajas, D., Stromme, A., Taylor, M., Aikio, A., Palmroth, M., Heelis, R., Ivchenko, N., Stolle, C., Kervalishvili, G., Moretto-Jørgensen, T., Pfaff, R., Siemes, C., van den Ijsse, J., Lu, G., Liu, H.-L-. Sandberg, I., Vogt, J., Blagau, A., Stachlys, N., Daedalus MASE (Mission Assessment through Simulation Exercise): a toolset for in situ mission analysis and for processing global circulation model outputs in the Lower Thermosphere-Ionosphere, Front. Astron. Space Sci.,, 2023
  • Sishtla, C. P., Jebaraj, I. C., Pomoell, J., Magyar, N., Pulupa, M., Kilpua, E., & Bale, S. D. The Effect of the Parametric Decay Instability on the Morphology of Coronal Type III Radio Bursts. The Astrophysical Journal Letters959(2), L33. 2023
  • Sishtla, C. P., Pomoell, J., Vainio, R., Kilpua, E., & Good, S. Modelling the interaction of Alfvénic fluctuations with coronal mass ejections in the low solar corona. Astronomy & Astrophysics679, A54. 2023
  • Soljento, J. E., Good, S. W., Osmane, A., & Kilpua, E. K. Imbalanced Turbulence Modified by Large-scale Velocity Shears in the Solar Wind. The Astrophysical Journal Letters946(1), L19. 2023
  • Strauss, R. D., Dresing, N., Richardson, I. G., van den Berg, J. P., & Steyn, P. J. On the onset delays of solar energetic electrons and protons: Evidence for a common accelerator. The Astrophysical Journal951(1), 2. 2023
  • Suni, J., Palmroth, M., Turc, L., Battarbee, M., Cozzani, G., Dubart, M., Ganse, U, George, H., Gordeev, E., Papadakis, K., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Tarvus, V., Tesema, F., and Zhou, H., The Local Bow Shock Environment during Magnetosheath Jet Formation: Results from a Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation, Ann. Geophys., 2023
  • Talebpour Sheshvan, N., Dresing, N., Vainio, R., Afanasiev, A., Morosan, D. E. 2023. On the role of interplanetary shocks in accelerating MeV electrons. Astronomy and Astrophysics 674. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202345908
  • Trotta, D., Hietala, H., Horbury, T., Dresing, N., Vainio, R., Wilson III, L., ... & Kilpua, E. Multi-spacecraft observations of shocklets at an interplanetary shock. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society520(1), 437-445. 2023
  • Trotta, D., Horbury, T. S., Lario, D., Vainio, R., Dresing, N., Dimmock, A., ... & Yang, L. Irregular proton injection to high energies at interplanetary shocks. The Astrophysical Journal Letters957(2), L13. 2023
  • Trotta, D., Pezzi, O., Burgess, D., Preisser, L., Blanco-Cano, X., Kajdic, P., ... & Valentini, F. Three-dimensional modelling of the shock–turbulence interaction. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society525(2), 1856-1866. 2023
  • Turc, L., Roberts, O. W., Verscharen, D., Dimmock, A. P., Kajdič, P., Palmroth, M., ... & Ganse, U. Transmission of foreshock waves through Earth’s bow shock. Nature Physics19(1), 78-86. 2023
  • Usoskin, I. G., Koldobskiy, S. A., Poluianov, S. V., Raukunen, O., Vainio, R., Kovaltsov, G. A. 2023. Consistency of the average flux of solar energetic particles over timescales of years to megayears. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202245810
  • Vuorinen, L., Hietala, H., LaMoury, A. T., & Plaschke, F. Solar wind parameters influencing magnetosheath jet formation: Low and high IMF cone angle regimes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics128(10), e2023JA031494. 2023
  • Wagner, A., Kilpua, E. K., Sarkar, R., Price, D. J., Kumari, A., Daei, F., ... & Poedts, S. The automatic identification and tracking of coronal flux ropes-i. footpoints and fluxes. Astronomy & Astrophysics677, A81. 2023
  • Waterfall, C. O. G., Dalla, S., Raukunen, O., Heynderickx, D., Jiggens, P., Vainio, R. 2023. High Energy Solar Particle Events and Their Relationship to Associated Flare, CME and GLE Parameters.  SpaceWeather 21. doi:10.1029/2022SW003334
  • Wijsen, N., Lario, D., Sánchez-Cano, B., Jebaraj, I. C., Dresing, N., Richardson, I. G., ... & Heyner, D. The effect of the ambient solar wind medium on a CME-driven shock and the associated gradual solar energetic particle event. The Astrophysical Journal950(2), 172. 2023
  • Zimbardo, G., Ying, B., Nisticò, G., Feng, L., Rodríguez-García, L., Panasenco, O., ... & Uslenghi, M. (2023). A high-latitude coronal mass ejection observed by a constellation of coronagraphs: Solar Orbiter/Metis, STEREO-A/COR2, and SOHO/LASCO. Astronomy & Astrophysics676, A48. 2023
  • Ala-Lahti, M., Pulkkinen, T. I., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Grandin, M., and Palmroth, M., Energy flux through the magnetopause during flux transfer events in hybrid-Vlasov 2D simulations, Geophys. Res. Lett.,, 2022
  • Alho, M., Battarbee, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Khotyaintsev, Y., Nakamura, R., Ganse, U., Turc, L., Johlander, A., Cozzani, G., Horaites, K., Tarvus, V., Zhou, H., Grandin, M., Dubart, M., Papadakis, K., Suni, J., George, H., Bussov, M., and Palmroth, M., Electron signatures of reconnection in a global eVlasiator simulation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2022
  • Anger, M., Fetzer, A., Janes, N., Lundén, V., Clayhills, B., Kettunen, V., ... & Praks, J. (2022). FORESAIL-2: System Engineering Challenges for Cubesat Missions in High Radiation Orbits. In The 4S Symposium 2022.
  • Antropov, O., Tomppo, E., McRoberts, R. E., & Praks, J. (2022). Near Real Time Forest Inventory with Remote Sensing: Novel Techniques and Applications. Remote Sensing14(21).
  • Cheremetiev, K., Niemelä, P., Kettunen, V., Peltola, T., Clayhills, B., Lundén, V., ... & Praks, J. (2022, May). Design and verification of electrical power systems for FORESAIL satellites beyond the LEO. In Small Satellites, System & Services Symposium.   
  • Çelikbilek, K., Saleem, Z., Morales Ferre, R., Praks, J., & Lohan, E. S. (2022). Survey on optimization methods for LEO-satellite-based networks with applications in future autonomous transportation. Sensors22(4), 1421.
  • Da Deppo, V., Della Corte, V., Zuppella, P., Nordera, S., Pernechele, C., Lara, L., ... & Praks, J. (2022). EnVisS: a full-sky camera for the Comet Interceptor ESA mission. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July44, 216.
  • Da Deppo, V., Della Corte, V., Zuppella, P., Nordera, S., Pernechele, C., Lara, L. M., ... & Praks, J. (2022, July). The Entire Visible Sky (EnVisS) imager for the Comet Interceptor ESA mission. In European Planetary Science Congress (pp. EPSC2022-273).
  • Dalbins, J., Allaje, K., Iakubivskyi, I., Kivastik, J., Komarovskis, R. O., Plans, M., ... & Janhunen, P. (2022, March). ESTCube-2: The Experience of Developing a Highly Integrated CubeSat Platform. In 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference (AERO) (pp. 1-16). IEEE.
  • Dubart, M., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Osmane, A., Spanier, F., Suni, J., Johlander, A., Alho, M., Bussov, M., Cozzani, G., George, H., Grandin, M., Horaites, K., Papadakis, K., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Tarvus, V., Turc, L., Zaitsev, I., Zhou, H., and Palmroth, M., Sub-grid modelling of pitch-angle diffusion for ion-scale waves in hybrid-Vlasov simulations with Cartesian velocity space, Phys. Plasmas,, 2022
  • Ferre, R. M., Lohan, E. S., Kuusniemi, H., Praks, J., Kaasalainen, S., Pinell, C., & Elsanhoury, M. (2022). Is LEO-based positioning with mega-constellations the answer for future equal access localization?. IEEE Communications Magazine60(6), 40-46.
  • Ferre, R. M., Praks, J., Seco-Granados, G., & Lohan, E. S. (2022). A feasibility study for signal-in-space design for LEO-PNT solutions with miniaturized satellites. IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems3(4), 171-183.
  • Ge, S., Gu, H., Su, W., Praks, J., & Antropov, O. (2022). Improved semisupervised unet deep learning model for forest height mapping with satellite sar and optical data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing15, 5776-5787.
  • Aguilar, M. and 230 colleagues 2022. Properties of Daily Helium Fluxes. Physical Review Letters 128. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.231102
  • Badman, S. T. and 9 colleagues 2022. Tracking a Beam of Electrons from the Low Solar Corona into Interplanetary Space with the Low Frequency Array, Parker Solar Probe, and 1 au Spacecraft. The Astrophysical Journal 938. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac90c2
  • Br¨udern, M. and 9 colleagues 2022. A new method to determine solar energetic particle anisotropies and their associated uncertainties demonstrated for STEREO/SEPT. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202142761
  • Klein, K.-L. and 8 colleagues 2022. The relativistic solar particle event on 28 October 2021: Evidence of particle acceleration within and escape from the solar corona. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202243903
  • Kouloumvakos, A. and 15 colleagues 2022. The first widespread solar energetic particle event of solar cycle 25 on 2020 November 29. Shock wave properties and the wide distribution of solar energetic particles. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202142515
  • Kouloumvakos, A., Rodr´ıguez-Garc´ıa, L., Gieseler, J., Price, D. J., Vourlidas, A., Vainio, R. 2022. PyThea: An open-source software package to perform 3D reconstruction of coronal mass ejections and shock waves. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 9. doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.974137
  • Lario, D. and 20 colleagues 2022. Influence of Large-scale Interplanetary Structures on the Propagation of Solar Energetic Particles: The Multispacecraft Event on 2021 October 9. The Astrophysical Journal 934. doi:10.3847/1538- 4357/ac6efd2 
  • Mishev, A. L. and 6 colleagues 2022. High-Resolution Spectral and Anisotropy Characteristics of Solar Protons During the GLE N◦73 on 28 October 2021 Derived with Neutron-Monitor Data Analysis. Solar Physics 297. doi:10.1007/s11207- 022-02026-0
  • Morosan, D. E., Pomoell, J., Kumari, A., Vainio, R., Kilpua, E. K. J. 2022. Shock-accelerated electrons during the fast expansion of a coronal mass ejection. Astronomy and Astrophysics 668. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202244432
  • Nyberg, S., Vainio, R. 2022. Simulating Three-Wave Interactions and the Resulting Particle Transport Coefficients in a Magnetic Loop. Physics 4, 394–408. doi:10.3390/physics4020026
  • Trotta, D. and 10 colleagues 2022. Single-spacecraft techniques for shock parameters estimation: A systematic approach. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 9. doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.1005672 
  • Ge, S., Gu, H., Su, W., Rauste, Y., Praks, J., & Antropov, O. (2022). Boreal Forest Height Mapping using Sentinel-1 Time Series and improved LSTM model. bioRxiv, 2022-09.
  • Ge, S., Gu, H., Su, W., Praks, J., Lönnqvist, A., & Antropov, O. (2022, July). Deep Learning Models in Forest Mapping Using Multitemporal SAR and Optical Satellite Data. In IGARSS 2022-2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 5688-5691). IEEE.
  • George, H., Osmane, A., Kilpua, E., Lejosne, S., Turc, L., Grandin, M., Kalliokoski, M., Hoilijoki, S., Ganse, U., Alho, M., Battarbee, M., Bussov, M., Dubart, M., Johlander, A., Manglayev, T., Papadakis, K., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Suni, J., Tarvus, V., Zhou, H., and Palmroth, M., Estimating inner magnetospheric radial diffusion using a hybrid-Vlasov simulation, Front. Astron. Space Sci.,, 2022
  • George, H., Reeves, G., Cunningham, G., Kalliokoski, M., Kilpua, E., Osmane, A., Hendersson, M., Moreley, S., Hoilijoki, S., and Palmroth, M., Contributions to loss across the magnetopause during an electron dropout event, J. Geophys. Res.,, 2022
  • Johlander, A., Battarbee, M., Turc, L., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Grandin, M., Suni, J., Tarvus, V., Bussov, M., Zhou, H., Alho, M., Dubart, M., George, H., Papadakis, K., and Palmroth, M., Quasi-parallel shock reformation seen by Magnetospheric Multiscale and ion-kinetic simulations, Res. Lett., 2022
  • Jorge Ruiz, J., Lemmetyinen, J., Merkouriadi, I., Kontu, A., Pulliainen, J., & Praks, J. (2022, December). Snow Water Equivalent retrieval using ALOS2 imagery over Northern Finland. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. C16A-03).
  • Kalliokoski, M., Kilpua, E.K.J., Osmane, A., Jaynes, A., Turner, D., George, H., and Palmroth, M., Phase Space Density Analysis of Outer Radiation Belt Electron Energization and Loss during Geoeffective and Nongeoeffective Sheath Regions,, J. Geophys., Res., 2022
  • Lang, M., & Praks, J. (2022). The influence of Sentinel-1 SAR sub-swath on the recorded backscatter time-series over managed hemiboreal forests. Forestry Studies77(1), 90-96.
  • Lemmetyinen, J., Jorge Ruiz, J., Cohen, J., Haapamaa, J., Kontu, A., Pulliainen, J., & Praks, J. (2022, December).  Observed and Modelled Attenuation of Radar Signal in a Boreal Forest Canopy in Winter. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. C15C-0598).
  • Lundén, V., Peltola, T., Niemelä, P., Cheremetiev, K., Clayhills, B., Palmroth, M., ... & Praks, J. (2022). Performance and Design of Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Components-based Magnetometer for FORESAIL-1 CubeSat.  In Small Satellites, System & Services Symposium.
  • Pajusalu, M., Iakubivskyi, I., Schwarzkopf, G. J., Knuuttila, O., Väisänen, T., Bührer, M., ... & Slavinskis, A. (2022). SISPO: space imaging simulator for proximity operations. PloS one17(3), e0263882.
  • Palmroth, M., Daring to think about the impossible: The story of Vlasiator, Front. Astron. Space Sci., 2022
  • Papadakis, K., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Ganse, U., Battarbee, M., Alho, M., Grandin, M., Dubart, M., Turc, L., Zhou, H., Horaites, K., Zaitsev, I., Cozzani, G., Bussov, M., Gordeev, E., Tesema, F., George, H., Suni, J, Tarvus, V., and Palmroth, M., Spatial filtering in a 6D hybrid-Vlasov scheme for alleviating AMR artifacts, Geosci. Model Dev.,, 2022
  • F. S., Ferre, R. M., Saleem, Z., Välisuo, P., Pinell, C., Lohan, E. S., ... & Kuusniemi, H. (2022). Position, navigation, and timing (PNT) through low earth orbit (LEO) satellites: A survey on current status, challenges, and opportunities. IEEE Access10, 83971-84002.
  • Palmerio, E. and 22 colleagues 2022. CMEs and SEPs During November-December 2020: A Challenge for Real-Time Space Weather Forecasting. Space Weather 20. doi:10.1029/2021SW002993
  • Palmroos, C. and 8 colleagues 2022. Solar Energetic Particle Time Series Analysis with Python. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 9. doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.1073578
  • Papaioannou, A. and 10 colleagues 2022. The first ground-level enhancement of solar cycle 25 on 28 October 2021. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660. doi:10.1051/0004- 6361/202142855
  • Papaioannou, A. and 8 colleagues 2022. The probabilistic solar particle event forecasting (PROSPER) model. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 12. doi:10.1051/swsc/2022019
  • Pinto, M. and 11 colleagues 2022. The BepiColombo Environment Radiation Monitor, BERM. Space Science Reviews 218. doi:10.1007/s11214-022-00922-2
  • Raukunen, O., Usoskin, I., Koldobskiy, S., Kovaltsov, G., Vainio, R. 2022. Annual integral solar proton fluences for 1984-2019. Astronomy and Astrophysics 665. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202243736
  • Retin`o, A. and 29 colleagues 2022. Particle energization in space plasmas: towards a multi-point, multi-scale plasma observatory. Experimental Astronomy 54, 427–471. doi:10.1007/s10686-021-09797-7 
  • Rae, J., Forsyth, C., Dunlop, M., Palmroth, M., Lester, M., Friedel, R., Reeves, G., Kepko, L., Turc, L., Watt, C., Hajdas, W., Sarris, T., Saito, Y., Santolik, O., Shprits, Y., Wang, C., Marchaudon, A., Berthomier, M., Marghitu, O., Hubert, B., Volwerk, M., Kronberg, E., Mann, I., Murphy, K., Miles, D., Yao, Z., Fazakerley, A., Sandhu., J., Allison, H., Shi, Q., What are the fundamental modes of energy transfer and partitioning in the coupled Magnetosphere- Ionosphere system? Exp. Astron.,, 2022
  • rg Schwarzkopf, G. J., Teras, H., Guillaume Le Bonhomme, I. D., & Praks, J. (2022). SISPO: Space Imaging Simulator for Proximity Operations.
  • Ruiz, J. J., Lemmetyinen, J., Kontu, A., Tarvainen, R., Vehmas, R., Pulliainen, J., & Praks, J. (2022). Investigation of environmental effects on coherence loss in SAR interferometry for snow water equivalent retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing60, 1-15.
  • Sihstla, C., Pomoell, J., Kilpua, E., Good, S., Daei, F., and Palmroth, M., Flux tube dependent propagation of Alfvén waves in the solar corona,Astron. & Astrophys.,,  2022
  • Tampuu, T., De Zan, F., Shau, R., Praks, J., Kohv, M., & Kull, A. (2022). Reliability of Sentinel-1 InSAR distributed scatterer (DS) time series to estimate the temporal vertical movement of ombrotrophic bog surface (No.  EGU22-2387). Copernicus Meetings.
  • Turc, L., Roberts, O.W., Verscharen, D., Dimmock, A., Kajdic, P., Palmroth, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Johlander, A., Dubart, M., Kilpua, E., Soucek, J., Takahashi, K., Takahashi, N., Battarbee, M., and Ganse, U., Transmission of foreshock waves through Earth’s bow shock, Nature Phys.,, 2022
  • Turc, L., Zhou, H., Tarvus, V., Ala-Lahti, M., Battarbee, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Johlander, A., Ganse, U., Dubart, M., George, H., Grandin, M., Horaites, K., Tesema, F., Suni, J., Alho, M., Papadakis, K., and Palmroth, M., A global view pf Pc3 wave activity in near-Earth space: results from hybrid-Vlasov simulations, Front. Astron. Space Sci.,, 2022
  • Vuorinen, L., Vainio, R., Hietala, H., Liu, T. Z. 2022. Monte Carlo Simulations of Electron Acceleration at Bow Waves Driven by Fast Jets in the Earth’s Magnetosheath. The Astrophysical Journal 934. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac7f42
  • Wellbrock, A. and 14 colleagues 2022. Observations of a Solar Energetic Particle Event From Inside and Outside the Coma of Comet 67P. Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 127. doi:10.1029/2022JA030398
  • Wijsen, N. and 8 colleagues 2022. Observation-based modelling of the energetic storm particle event of 14 July 2012. Astronomy and Astrophysics 659.doi:10.1051/0004 6361/202142698 3
  • Zhou, H., Turc, L., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Battarbee, M., Tarvus, V., Dubart, M., George, H., Cozzani, G., Grandin, M., Ganse, U., Alho, A., Johlander, A., Suni, J., Bussov, M., Papadakis, K., Horaites, K., Zaitsev, I., Kebede, F., Gordeev, E., and Palmroth, M., Magnetospheric response to solar wind Pc5 density fluctuations: Results from 2D hybrid-Vlasov simulation, Front. Astron. Space Sci., 2022
  • Sakamoto, H., Mughal, M. R., Slavinskis, A., Praks, J., Toivanen, P., Janhunen, P., Palmroth, M., Kilpua, E., Vainio, R., Verification of Tether Deployment System aboard CubeSat through Dynamics Simulations and Tests, IEEE Aerospace Conference (50100), 2021, pp. 1-7, 2021
  • Kajdic, P., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Turc, L., Dimmock, A., Palmroth, M., Takahashi, K., Kilpua, E., Soucek, J., Takahashi, N., Preisser, L., Blanco-Cano, X., Trotta, D., and Burgess, D., ULF wave transmission across collisionless shocks: 2.5D local hybrid simulations,, J. Geophys. Res., 2021
  • Suni, J., Palmroth, M., Turc, L., Battarbee, M., Johlander, A., Tarvus, V., Alho, M., Bussov, M., Dubart, M., Ganse, U., Grandin, M., Horaites, K., Manglayev, T., Papadakis, K., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Zhou, H., Connection between foreshock structures and the generation of magnetosheath jets: Vlasiator results,, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2021
  • Tarvus, V., Turc, L., Battarbee, M., Suni, J., Blanco-Cano, X., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Alho, M., Dubart, M., Grandin, M., Johlander, A., Papadakis, K., Palmroth, M., Foreshock cavitons and spontaneous hot flow anomalies: A statistical study with a global hybrid-Vlasov simulation,, Ann. Geophys., 2021
  • Branduardi-Raymont, G., Berthomier, M., Bogdanova, Y. V.,  Carter, J. A., Collier, M., Dimmock, A., Dunlop, M., Fear, R., Forsyth, C., Hubert, B., Kronberg, E. A., Laundal, K. M., Lester, M., Milan, S., Oksavik, K., Østgaard, N., Palmroth, M., Plaschke, F., Porter, F. S., Rae, I. J., Read, A.,Samsonov, A., Sembay, S., Shprits, Y., Sibeck, D. G., Walsh, B., and Yamauchi, M., Exploring Solar-Terrestrial Interactions via Multiple Imaging Observers, Exp. Astron., 2021
  • Runov, A., Grandin, M., Palmroth, M., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Hietala, H., Hoilijoki, S., Kilpua, E., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Toledo-Redondo, S., Turc, L., and Turner, D., Ion distribution functions in magnetotail reconnection: Global hybrid-Vlasov simulation results,, Ann. Geophys., 2021
  • Johlander, A., Battarbee, M., Vaivads, A., Turc, L., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Ganse, U., Grandin, M., Dubart, M., Khotyaintsev, Yu., Caprioli, D., Haggerty, C., Schwarttz, S.J., Giles, B., and Palmroth, M., Ion acceleration efficiency at the Earth’s bow shock: observations and simulation results, J., 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Tapio, J., Soucek, A., Perrels, A., Jah, M., Lönnqvist, M., Nikulainen, M., Piaulokaite, V., Seppälä, T., and Virtanen, J., Towards sustainable use of space: Economic, technological and legal perspectives, Space Policy,, 2021
  • Grandin, M., Palmroth, M., Whipps, G., Kalliokoski, M., Ferrier, M., Paxton, L. J., Mlynczak, M. G., Hilska, J., Holmseth, K., Vinorum, K., and Whenman, B., Investigation of a large-scale dune aurora event by combining Citizen Scientists’ pictures with spacecraft observations, AGU Advances,, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Raptis, S., Suni, J., Karlsson, T., Turc, L., Johlander, A., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Blanco-Cano, X., Akhavan-Tafti, M., Battarbee, M., Dubart, M., Grandin, M., Tarvus, V., and Osmane, A., Magnetosheath jet evolution as a function of lifetime: Global hybrid-Vlasov simulations compared to MMS observations, Ann. Geophys., 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Grandin, M., Sarris, T., Doornbos, E., Tourgaidis, S., Aikio, A., Buchert, S., Clilverd, M., Dandouras, I., Heelis, R., Hoffmann, A., Ivchenko, N., Kervalishvili, G., Knudsen, D., Kotova, A., Liu, H.-L., Malaspina, D., March, G., Marchaudon, A., Marghitu, O., Matsuo, T., Miloch, W., Moretto-Jørgensen, T., Mpaloukidis, D., Olsen, N., Papadakis, K., Pfaff, R., Pirnaris, P., Siemes, C., Stolle, C., Suni, J., van den Ijssel, J., Verronen, P.T., Visser, P., and Yamauchi, M., Lower thermosphere - ionosphere (LTI) quantities: Current status of measuring techniques and models, Ann. Geophys.,, 2021 
  • Takahashi, K., Turc, L., Kilpua, E.K.J., Takahashi, N., Dimmock, A., Kajdic, P., Palmroth, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Soucek, J., Moroba, T., Hartinger, M.D., Artemyev, A., Singer, H., Kletzing, C., Ganse, U., and Battarbee, M., Propagation of Ultralow-Frequency Waves From the Ion Foreshock Into the Magnetosphere During the Passage of A Magnetic Cloud, J. Geophys. Res.,, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Vlasiator; Global ion-kinetic modelling of the near-Earth space in 6D, invited seminar at Magnetosphere Online Seminar Series (, Nov 22, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Global 6-dimensional hybrid-Vlasov modelling of the magnetosphere: First Vlasiator results, invited talk, Royal Astronomical Society Specialist Discussion Meeting on the “Numerical Modelling of Planetary Magnetospheres, online, 8 Oct 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Sustainable space, keynote at Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates, 4 Oct, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Sustainable space, keynote at Sharjah Academy of Space Science and Technology, United Arab Emirates, 4 Oct, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Citizen scientists discver a new auroral form: Dunes provide insight into the upper atmosphere, Physics Department Colloquium, University of Helsinki, 17 Sep 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Global 6-dimensional hybrid-Vlasov modelling of the magnetosphere: First Vlasiator results, invited talk, Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction Workshop, USA, 30 Aug – 3 Sep 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Repoter Review on Space Weather, Joint Assembly of International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy and International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IAGA-IASPEI), Hyderabad, India, Aug 22-27, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Tapio, J., Soucek, A., Perrels, A., Jah, M., Lönnqvist, M., Nikulainen, M., Piaulokaite, V., Seppälä, T., and Virtanen, J., Towards sustainable use of space: Economic, technological and legal perspectives, Finnish Satellite Workshop, Espoo, Finland, 23-24 Aug, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., & Vlasiator team, Global hybrid-Vlasov modelling of the foreshock-magnetosheath interactions, invited oral presentation at the 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Sydney, Australia, 28 Jan – 4 Feb, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Grandin, M., Helilin, M., Koski, P., Glad, M., Briis, E., Norberg, J., Viljanen, A., Kauristie, K., and Verronen, P.T., Citizen scientists discover a new auroral form: Dunes provide insight into the upper atmosphere, presentation at the 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Sydney, Australia, 28 Jan – 4 Feb, 2021
  • Sarris, T., Palmroth M., and the Daedalus team, The Daedalus Candidate Mission for the Exploration of the Lower Thermosphere-Ionosphere and Results from the Daedalus Mission Performance Demonstration, invited oral presentation at the 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Sydney, Australia, 28 Jan – 4 Feb, 2021
  • Grandin, M., Turc, L., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Johlander, A., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Dubart, M., Palmroth, M., Hybrid-Vlasov sumulation of auroral proton precipitation in the cusps: Comparison of northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field driving, poster presentation at the 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Sydney, Australia, 28 Jan – 4 Feb, 2021
  • Sakamoto, H., Mughal, M., Slavinskis, A., Praks, J., Toivanen, P., Janhunen, P., Palmroth, M., Kilpua, E., Vainio R., Verification of Tether Deployment System aboard CubeSat through Dynamics Simulations and Tests, presentation in the IEEE Aerospace Conference, virtual, 6 – 13 Mar, 2021
  • Tarvus, V., Turc, L., Battarbee, M., Suni, J., Blanco-Cano, X., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Alho, M., Dubart, M., Grandin, M., Johlander, A., Papadakis, K., Palmroth, M., Propagation properties of foreshock cavitons and spontaneous hot flow anomalies: Statistical results from a global hybrid-Vlasov simulation, oral presentation at the virtual European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021
  • Grandin, M., Palmroth, Whipps, G., Kalliokoski, M., Ferrier, M., Paxton, L.J., Mlynczak, M.G., Hilska, J., Holmseth, K., Vinorum, K., and Whenman, B., Large-scale dune aurora event investigation combining Citizen Scientists’ photographs and spacecraft observations, oral presentation at the virtual European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021
  • Turc, L., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Johlander, A., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Tarvus, V., Zhou, H., Alho, M., Dubart, M., Grandin, M., Papadakis, K., Suni, J., Palmroth, M., Foreshock wave transmission into the magnetosheath and magnetosphere: results from global hybrid-Vlasov simulations, oral presentation at the virtual European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021
  • Alho, M., Battarbee, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Ganse, U., Turc, L., Johlander, A., Tarvus, V., Zhou, H., Dubart, M., Grandin, M., Papadakis, K., Suni, J., George, H., Bussov, M., and Palmroth, M., A Global Survey of Geospace Electrons with eVlasiator: First results, oral presentation at the virtual European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021
  • Kajdic, P., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Turc, L., Dimmock, A., and Palmroth, M., ULF wave transmission across collisionless shocks: 2.5D local hybrid simulations, oral presentation at the virtual European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021
  • Kalliokoski, M., Kilpua, E., Osmane, A., Jaynes, A., Turner, D., George, H., Turc, L., and Palmroth, M., Phase space density analysis of outer radiation belt electron energization and loss during geoeffective and non-geoeffective sheath regions, oral presentation at the virtual European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Raptis, S., Suni, J., Karlsson, J., Turc, L., Johlander, A., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Blanco-Cano, X., Akhavan-Tafti, M., Battarbee, M., Dubart, M., Grandin, M., Tarvus, V., and Osmane, A., Magnetosheath jet evolution as a function of lifetime: Global hybrid-Vlasov simulations compared to MMS observations, oral presentation at the virtual European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021
  • George, H., Kilpua, E., Osmane, A., Ganse, U., Lejosne, S., Kalliokoski, M., L. Turc,  Battarbee, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Bussov, M., Grandin, M., Johlander, A., Suni, J., Dubart, M., Papadakis, K., Alho, M., Zhou, H., and Palmroth, M., Methodology for calculation of radial diffusion coefficients for a relativistic electron population from hybrid-Vlasov simulation, oral presentation at the virtual European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021
  • Dubart, M., Ganse, U., Osmane, A., Johlander, A., Battarbee, M., Alho, M., Bussov, M., George, H., Grandin, M., Papadakis, K., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Suni, J., Turc, L., and Palmroth, M., Subgrid modelling of ion pitch-angle scattering for magnetosheath waves in a global hybrid-Vlasov simulation, oral presentation at the virtual European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021
  • Battarbee, M., Brito, T., Alho, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Grandin, M., Ganse, U., Papadakis, K., Johlander, A., Turc, L., Dubart, M., and Palmroth, M., Vlasov simulation of electrons in the context of hybrid global models: An eVlasiator approach, oral presentation at the virtual European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021
  • Suni, J., Palmroth, M., Turc, L., Battarbee, M., Johlander, A., Tarvus, V., Alho, M., Dubart, M., Ganse, U., Grandin, M., Papadakis, K., and Pfau-Kempf, Y., Foreshock compressive structure-magnetosheath jet coupling in a global hybrid-Vlasov simulation, oral presentation at the virtual European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021
  • Pfau-Kempf, Y., Palmroth, M., Johlander, A., Turc, L., Alho, M., Battarbee, M., Grandin, M., Dubart, M., and Ganse, U., Hybrid-Vlasov modelling of three-dimensional dayside magnetopause reconnection, oral presentation at the virtual European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021
  • Johlander, A., Battarbee, M., Turc, L., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Ganse, U., Grandin, M., Dubart, M., Alho, M., Bussov, M., George, H., Tarvus, V., Papadakis, K., Suni, J., Zhou, H., and Palmroth, M., Magnetic structures and reformation at quasi-parallel shocks, oral presentation at the virtual European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021
  • Oleynik, P., Hedman, H.-P., Punkkinen, A., Punkkinen, R., Salomaa, L., Säntti, T., Vainio, R., Virtanen, P., Praks, J., Slavinskins, A., Janhunen, P., Kilpua, E.K.J., and Palmroth, M.,  Relativistic electron and proton experiment (REPE) aboard FORESAUL-2 satellite, poster presentation in the Physics Days, Jyväskylä, Finland, 24-26 March 2021
  • Fryer, L. J., Fear, R. C., Gingell, I. L., Coxon, J. C., Palmroth, M., Hoilijoki, S., Janhunen, P., Kullen, A., 3D GUMICS simulations of northward IMF magnetotail structure, National Astrononomy Meeting ( 2021, virtual, 2021
  • Shistla, C.P., Pomoell, J., Kilpua, E., Good, S., Daei, F., and Palmroth, M., Flux tube dependant propagation of Alfvén Waves in the Solar Corona, poster presentation at the 16th European Solar Physics Meeting, online, 6-10 Sep 2021
  • Grandin, M., Palmroth, M., Whipps, G., Kalliokoski, M., Ferrier, M., Paxton, L. J., Mlynczak, M. G., Hilska, J., Holmseth, K., Vinorum, K., and Whenman, B., Investigation of a large-scale dune aurora event by combining Citizen Scientists’ pictures with spacecraft observations, presentation, European Space Weather Week, Glasgow, UK, 25-29 Oct, 2021
  • Grandin, M., Palmroth, M., Whipps, G., Kalliokoski, M., Ferrier, M., Paxton, L. J., Mlynczak, M. G., Hilska, J., Holmseth, K., Vinorum, K., and Whenman, B., Investigation of a large-scale dune aurora event by combining Citizen Scientists’ pictures with spacecraft observations, presentation, AGU Fall meeting, 13-17 Dec, online, 2021
  • Turc, L., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Johlander, A., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Tarvus, V., Zhou, H., Alho, M., Bussov, M., Dubart, M., George, H., Grandin, M., Horaites, K., Manglayev, T., Papadakis, K., Suni, J., and Palmroth, M., Global hybrid-Vlasov simulations of foreshock waves and their transmission into the dayside magnetosphere, presentation, AGU Fall meeting, 13-17 Dec, online, 2021
  • Kalliokoski, M., Hendersson, M., S., Morley, Kilpua, E., Osmane, A., Olifer, L., Jaynes, A., Turner, D., George, H., Turc, L., and Palmroth, M., Timescales of Changes in Outer Radiation Belt Electrons During Sheath Regions of Coronal Mass Ejections Using the Global Positioning System Constellation, presentation, AGU Fall meeting, 13-17 Dec, online, 2021
  • George, H. Reeves, G., Cunningham, G., Kalliokoski, M., Henderson, M., Morley, S., Kilpua, E., Osmane, A., Palmroth, M., Comparison of outer radiation belt loss processes during October 2012 geomagnetic storm, presentation, AGU Fall meeting, 13-17 Dec, online, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., panellist and invited speaker at Kumpula Campus workshop on the renewed European partnerships, University of Helsinki, 6 May 2021
  • Palmroth M., & Vlasiator team, Global 6-dimensional hybrid-Vlasov modelling of the magnetosphere: First Vlasiator results, invited oral presentation at the virtual European Geophysical Union General Assembly, 19-30 Apr 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Space weather, space debris and space traffic management, invited presentation, hearing meeting preparing to EU/ESA Space Council and European Space Traffic Management (STM) Conference, virtual, hosted by Germany, March 24, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Modellelling the 6D near-Earth space: Aurorae and plasma dynamics, invited lecture at the Max Planck Institute in Greifswald Colloquium series, virtual, 19 March 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Varautuminen äärimmäisimpään avaruussäähän, talk at Junior Faculty Club, University of Helsinki, 19 March 2021
  • Shistla, C., Pomoell, J., Kilpua, E.K.J., Good, S., Daei, F., and Palmroth, M., Investigating the Propagation of Alfven Waves in the Solar Corona, presentation at the 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Sydney, Australia, 28 Jan – 4 Feb, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Ganse, U., Alho, M., Suni, J., Grandin, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Battarbee, M., Turc, L., Johlander, A., Tarvus, V., Zhou, H., Bussov, M., Dubart, M., George, H., Horaites, K., Manglayev, T., Papadakis, K., Nakamura, R., and Pulkkinen, T.I., First 6D hybrid-Vlasov modelling of the entire magnetosphere: Substorm onset and current sheet flapping, oral presentation, AGU Fall meeting, 13-17 Dec, online, 2021
  • Pulkkinen, T. I. and Palmroth, M., Space Weather Future Path Mingles Between Real and Virtual Worlds, invited presentation at the AGU Fall meeting, 13-17 Dec, online, 2021
  • Grandin, M., Battarbee, M., Alho, M., Manglayev, T., Verronen, P., Szeląg, M., Kalakoski, N., Häkkilä, T., Bussov, M., Dubart, M., Ganse, U., George, H., Horaites, K., Johlander, A., Papadakis, K., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Suni, J., Tarvus, V., Turc, L., Zhou, H., and Palmroth, M., Simulation of auroral electron precipitating fluxes with eVlasiator: Method and preliminary results, presentation at the AGU Fall meeting, 13-17 Dec, online, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Raptis, S., Suni, J., Karlsson, J., Turc, L., Johlander, A., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Blanco-Cano, X., Akhavan-Tafti, M., Battarbee, M., Dubart, M., Grandin, M., Tarvus, V., and Osmane, A., Magnetosheath jet evolution as a function of lifetime: Global hybrid-Vlasov simulations compared to MMS observations, presentation at the AGU Fall meeting, 13-17 Dec, online, 2021
  • Kajdic, P., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Turc, L., Dimmock, A., Palmroth, M., Takahashi, K., Kilpua, E., Soucek, J., Takahashi, N., Preisser, L., Blanco-Cano, X., Trotta, D., Burgess, D., 2.5D local hybrid simulations of ULF wave transmission across collisionless shocks, presentation at the AGU Fall meeting, 13-17 Dec, online, 2021
  • Suni, J., Palmroth, M., Turc, L., Battarbee, M., Johlander, A., Tarvus, V., Alho, M., Bussov, M., Dubart, M., Ganse, U., Grandin, M., Horaites, K., Manglayev, T., Papadakis, K., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Zhou, H., Connection Between Foreshock Structures and the Generation of Magnetosheath Jets: Vlasiator Results, poster presentation at the AGU Fall meeting, 13-17 Dec, online, 2021
  • Kalliokoski, M., Kilpua, E., Turner, D., Jaynes, A., Osmane, A., Turc, L., George, H., and Palmroth, M., Dramatic Changes in Earth’s Outer Radiation Belt Electrons Caused by Sheath Regions of Coronal Mass Ejections, invited presentation at the AGU Fall meeting, 13-17 Dec, online, 2021
  • Shistla, C.P., Pomoell, J., Kilpua, E., Good, S., Daei, F., and Palmroth, M., A parametric study of the propagation of Alfvén waves in the solar corona for varying flux tube expansion factors, presentation at the AGU Fall meeting, 13-17 Dec, online, 2021
  • Alho, M., Battarbee, M., Turc, L., Ganse, U., Johlander, A., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Tarvus, V., Zhou, H., Dubart, M., Grandin, M., Papadakis, K., Suni, J., George, H., Bussov, M., Nakamura, R., and Palmroth, M., Electron distribution functions in global magnetospheric scales: eVlasiator results, presentation at the AGU Fall meeting, 13-17 Dec, online, 2021
  • Fryer, L.J., Fear, R. C., Gingell, I. L., Coxon, J. C., Palmroth, M., Hoilijoki, S., Janhunen, P., and Kullen, A., 3D GUMICS simulations of northward IMF magnetotail structure, presentation at MIST2021 conference, 25-26 Nov, online, 2021 
  • Battarbee, M., Brito, T., Alho, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Grandin, M., Ganse, U., Papadakis, K., Johlander, A., Turc, L., Dubart, M., and Palmroth, M., Vlasov simulation of electrons in the context of hybrid global models: an eVlasiator approach,, Ann. Geophys., 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Mitä on avaruussää, invited speaker in a seminar towards Finnish energy sector, Adato Energia seminar series, 23 Nov 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Äärimmäinen avaruussää, keynote speaker in the preparedness committee for Inner and Western Finland regional state administrative agency, 11 Nov 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Äärimmäinen avaruussää, keynote speaker and panellist at Digiturvaviikko event for Finnish preparedness experts, 29 Oct 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Varautuminen äärimmäisimpään avaruussäähän, talk for the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs internal seminar series, 28 Oct 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Preparing for the most extreme space weather, lecture at the LAUREA University of Applied Sciences, 15 Oct, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Varautuminen äärimmäisimpään avaruussäähän, lecture at the LAUREA University of Applied Sciences, 14 Oct, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Kestävä avaruus, talk at Teknologiateollisuuden Vaikuttajafoorumi, 7 Oct 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Sustainable space, meeting with the directors of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre, United Arab Emirates, 4 Oct, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., FORESAIL Centre of Excellence, meeting with the directors of the United Arab Emirates Space Agency, United Arab Emirates, 3 Oct, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Sustainable space, keynote at the opening event of the Finnish Pavilion at the Dubai Expo, 2 Oct, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., invited speaker and panellist, Sivistystyönantajien paneelikeskustelu akateemisesta johtamisesta, Kansallismuseo, Helsinki, 29 Sep 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Varautuminen äärimmäisimpään avaruussäähän, keynote at Helsinki City Rescue Service seminar ”Väestönsuojelu Nyt”, 14 Sep, 2021
  • Palmroth M., invited speaker and panellist, Tietokirjailta, event for University of Helsinki Alumnae, 21 Sep 2021
  • Palmroth M., invited speaker in Kumpula Campus seminar series for Supervisors, 10 May 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Varautuminen äärimmäisimpään avaruussäähän, talk for the Finnish Parliament Green Party group in Foreign and Security Policy, 7 May 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Sustainable use of space, Lecture at Space Missions course, University of Turku, 17 Feb 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Varautuminen äärimmäisimpään avaruussäähän, meeting with the Finnish Foreign Minister, online at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 11 Jan, 2021
  • Palmroth, M., Avaruus on uusi musta, Maanpuolustuslehden avaruusteeman avaava artikkeli 7.3.2022,
  • Palmroth, M., Yliopisto-lehden pääkirjoitus numerossa 7/2021
  • Palmroth, M., Sustainable use of space, invited lecture in the University of Turku lecture series Space Missions, 17 Feb 2021
  • Ala‐Lahti, M., Ruohotie, J., Good, S., Kilpua, E. J. K. & Lugaz, N., “Spatial Coherence of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection Sheaths at 1 AU”, JGR Space Physics. 125, 9, e2020JA028002, DOI: 10.1029/2020JA028002, 2020
  • Akhavan-Tafti, M., Palmroth, M., Slavin, J., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Grandin, M., Le, G., Gershman, D., Eastwood, J., Stawarz, J., "Comparative Analysis of the Vlasiator Simulations and MMS Observations of Multiple X-Line Reconnection and Flux Transfer Events", JGR Space Physics. 125, 7, 1-22, DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027410, 2020
  • Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Turc, L., Brito, T., Grandin, M., Koskela, T. & Palmroth, M., "Non-locality of the Earth’s quasi-parallel bow shock: injection of thermal protons in a hybrid-Vlasov simulation", Annales Geophysicae. 38, 625-643, DOI:, 2020
  • Battarbee, M., Blanco-Cano, X., Turc, L., Kajdic, P., Johlander, A., Tarvus, V., Fuselier, S., Trattner, K., Alho, M., Brito, T., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Akhavan-Tafti, M., Karlsson, T., Raptis, S., Dubart, M., Grandin, M., Suni, J., & Palmroth, M., "Helium in the Earth's foreshock: a global Vlasiator survey", Annales Geophysicae, 38(5), 1081-1099, DOI: 10.5194/angeo-38-1081-2020, 2020
  • Dubart, M., Ganse, U., Osmane, A., Johlander, A., Battarbee, M., Grandin, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Turc, L. & Palmroth, M., "Resolution dependence of magnetosheath waves in global hybrid-Vlasov simulations", Annales Geophysicae Discussions. DOI: 10.5194/angeo-2020-24, 2020
  • Escoubet, C. P., Hwang, K. -J., Toledo-Redondo, S., Turc, L., Haaland, S. E., Aunai, N., Dargent, J., Eastwood, J. P., Fear, R. C., Fu, H., Genestreti, K. J., Graham, D. B., Khotyaintsev, Y. V., Lapenta, G., Lavraud, B., Norgren, C., Sibeck, D. G., Varsani, A., Berchem, J., Dimmock, A. P. & 17 others, "Cluster and MMS Simultaneous Observations of Magnetosheath High Speed Jets and Their Impact on the Magnetopause", Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. 6, 21 p., 78, DOI: 10.3389/fspas.2019.00078, 2020
  • Gieseler, J., Oleynik, P., Hietala, H., Vainio, R., Hedman, H-P., Peltonen, J. Punkkinen, A., Punkkinen, R., Säntti, T., Heggström, E., Praks., J., Niemelä, P., Riwanto, B., Jovanovic, N. & Mughal, M.R., “Radiation RADMON aboard Aalto-1 CubeSat: First results”, Advances in Space Research. 66, 1, 52-56, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2019.11.023, 2020
  • Good, S. W., Ala-Lahti, M., Palmerio, E., KilpuaE. K. J. & Osmane, A., ”Radial Evolution of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection Sheath”, The Astrophysical Journal. 893, 2, 1-10, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab7fa2, 2020
  • Grandin, M., Turc, L., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Johlander, A., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Dubart, M., & Palmroth, M., "Hybrid-Vlasov simulation of auroral proton precipitation in the cusps: Comparison of northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field driving", Journal of space weather and space climate , 10, 51, DOI: 10.1051/swsc/2020053, 2020
  • Iakubivskyi, I., Janhunen, P., Praks, J., Allik, V., Bussov, K., Clayhills, B., Dalbins, J., Eenmäe, T., Ehrpais, H., Envall, J., Haslam, S., Ilbis, E., Jovanovic, N., Kilpua, E., Kivastik, J., Laks, J., Laufer, P., Merisalu, M., Meskanen, M., Märk, R., Nath, A., Niemelä, P., Noorma, M., Mughal, R.M., Nyman, S., Pajusalu, M., Palmroth, M., Paul, A.S., Peltola, T., Plans, M., Polkko, J., Islam, Q.S., Reinart, A., Riwanto, B., Sammelselg, V., Sate, J., Sünter, I., Tajmar, M., Tanskanen, E., Teras, H., Toivanen, P., Vainio, R., Väänänen, M. & Slavinskis, A., "Coulomb drag propulsion experiments of ESTCube-2 and FORESAIL-1”, Acta Astronautica. In Press, DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2019.11.030, 2020
  • Janhunen, P., “Shielded dumbbell L5 settlement”, NSS Space Settlement Journal. 4, 1-11,, 2020
  • Jacob, A.W., Notarnicola, C., Suresh, G., Antropov, O., Ge, S., Praks, J., Ban, Y., Pottier, E., Mallorqui Franquet, J. J., Duro, J., Engdahl, M. E., Vicente-Guijalba, F., Lopez-Martinez, C., Lopez-Sanchez, J. M., Litzinger, M., Kristen, H., Mestre-Quereda, A., Ziolkowski, D. & Lavalle, M., “Sentinel-1 InSAR Coherence for Land Cover Mapping: A Comparison of Multiple Feature-Based Classifiers”. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 13, 535-552, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2019.2958847, 2020
  • Kalliokoski M. M. H., Kilpua E. K. J., Osmane A., Turner D. L., Jaynes A. N., Turc L., George H. & Palmroth M., "Outer radiation belt and inner magnetospheric response to sheath regions of coronal mass ejections: a statistical analysis", Annales Geophysicae. 38, 683-701, DOI: 10.5194/angeo-38-683-2020, 2020
  • Kilpua, E. K. J., Juusola, L., Grandin, M., Kero, A., Dubyagin, S., Partamies, N., Osmane, A., George, H., Kalliokoski, M., Raita, T. & Palmroth, M., ”Cosmic noise absorption signature of particle precipitation during ICME sheaths and ejecta”, Annales Geophysicae. 38, 557-574, DOI: 10.5194/angeo-38-557-2020, 2020
  • Kocharov, L., Pesce-Rollins, M., Laitinen, T., Mishev, A., Kühl, P., Klassen, A., Jin, M., Omodei, N., Longo, F., Webb, D. F., Cane, H. V., Heber, B., Vainio, R. & Usoskin, I., “Interplanetary Protons versus Interacting Protons in the 2017 September 10 Solar Eruptive Event “, The Astrophysical Journal. 890, 1, 13 pages, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab684e, 2020
  • Liu, T. Z., Hietala, H., Angelopoulos, V., Vainio, R. & Omelchenko, Y.,”Electron Acceleration by Magnetosheath Jet‐Driven Bow Waves”, JGR Space Physics. 125, 7, e2019JA027709, DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027709, 2020
  • Liu, T. Z., Hietala, H., Angelopoulos, V., Omelchenko, Y., Vainio, R. & Plaschke, F, ”Statistical Study of Magnetosheath Jet‐Driven Bow Waves”, JGR Space Physics. 125, 7, e2019JA027710, DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027710, 2020
  • Morosan, D., Palmerio, E., Pomoell, J., Vainio, R., Palmroth, M. & Kilpua, E. K. J., “Three-dimensional reconstruction of multiple particle acceleration regions during a coronal mass ejection”, Astronomy & Astrophysics. 635, A62, 1-12, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201937133, 2020
  • Morosan, D. E., Palmerio, E., Lynch, B. J. & Kilpua, E. K. J., “Extended radio emission associated with a breakout eruption from the back side of the Sun”, Astronomy & Astrophysics. 633, A141, 1-7, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201936878, 2020
  • Morosan, D., Palmerio, E., Pomoell, J., Vainio, R., Palmroth, M.; Kilpua, E. “The 3D Location of Shock Particle Acceleration Regions during a Flux Rope Eruption”, Astronomy & Astrophysics,635, A62, 1-12, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201937133, 2020
  • Oleynik, P., Vainio, R., Hedman, H-P., Punkkinen, R., Salomaa, L., Säntti, T., Tuominen J., Virtanen, P., Bosser, A., Janhunen, P., Kilpua, E., Palmroth, M., Praks, J., Slavinskis, A., Kakakhel, S.R.U, Peltonen, J., Plosila, J. & Westerlund, T.,” Particle Telescope aboard FORESAIL-1: simulated performance”, Advances in Space Research. 66,1,29-41, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2019.11.010, 2020
  • Oleynik, P., Vainio, R., Punkkinen, A., Dudnik, O., Giesler, J, Hedman, H-P., Hietala, H., Heggström, E., Niemelä, P., Peltonen, J., Praks, J., Punkkinen, R., Säntti, T., and Valtonen, E., ” Calibration of RADMON Radiation Monitor Onboard Aalto-1 CubeSat”, Advances in Space Research. 66, 1, 42-51, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2019.11.020, 2020
  • Palmroth, M., Grandin, M.T., Helin, M., Koski, P., Oksanen, A., Glad, M., Valonen, R., Saari, K., Bruus, E., Norberg, J., Viljanen, A., Kauristie, K. & Verronen, P., “Citizen Scientists discover a new auroral form: Dunes provide insight into the upper atmosphere”, AGU Advances. 1, e2019AV000133, 1-12, DOI: 10.1029/2019AV000133, 2020
  • Pfau-Kempf, Y., Palmroth, M., Johlander, A., Turc, L., Alho, M., Battarbee, M., Dubart, M., Grandin, M., & Ganse, U., "Hybrid-Vlasov modeling of three-dimensional dayside magnetopause reconnection", Physics of Plasmas, 27(9), 092903, DOI: 10.1063/5.0020685, 2020
  • Raukunen, O., Paassilta, M., Vainio, R., Rodriguez, J. V, Eronen, T., Crosby, N., Dierckxsens, M., Jiggens, P., Heynderickx, D. & Sandberg, I., “Very high energy proton peak flux model”, J. Space Weather Space Clim. 10, 24, 1-11, DOI: 10.1051/swsc/2020024, 2020
  • Sarris, T., Talaat, E., Palmroth, M., Dandouras, I., Armandillo, E., Kervalishvili, G., Buchert, S., Tourgaidis, S., Malaspina, D., Jaynes, A., Paschalidis, N., Sample, J., Halekas, J., Doornbos, E., Lappas, V., Jorgensen, T.M., Stolle, C., Clilverd, M., Wu, Q., Sandberg, I., Pirnaris, P. & Aikio, A., “A Low-Flying Spacecraft for the Exploration of the Lower Thermosphere – Ionosphere”, Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems. 9, 153-191, DOI: 10.5194/gi-9-153-2020, 2020
  • Turc, L., Tarvus, V., Dimmock, A.P., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Johlander, A., Grandin, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Dubart, M., and Palmroth, M., Asymmetries in the Earth's dayside magnetosheath: results from global hybrid-Vlasov simulations, in review, Ann. Geophys., DOI:, 2020
  • Zhang, P., Zucca, P., Wang, C., Bisi, M. M., Dabrowsky, B., Fallows, R. A., Krankowsky, A., Magdalenič, J., Mann, G., Morosan, D. E. & Vocks, C., "Drift discontinuities and fine structures of Solar S-bursts using the high frequency band of LOFAR", Astrophysical Journal. 891, 89, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab7005, 2020


  • Ala-Lahti, M., Kilpua, E. K. J., Soucek, J., Pulkkinen, T. & Dimmock, A. P., “Alfvén Ion Cyclotron Waves in Sheath Regions Driven by Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections”, JGR Space Physics. 124, 3893-3909, DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026579, 2019
  • Ali, H., Ali, A., Mughal, M.R., Reyneri, L., Sansoe, C. & Praks, J., “Modular Design of RF Front End for a Nanosatellite Communication Subsystem Tile Using Low-Cost Commercial Components”, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering (HINDAWI LTD), 2019, 1-11, DOI: 10.1155/2019/8174158, 2019
  • Fabra, F., Cardellach, E., Ribó, S., Li, W., Rius, A., Arco-Fernández, J.C., Nogués-Correig, O., Praks, J., Rouhe, E., Seppänen, J. & Martín-Neira, M., “Is accurate synoptic altimetry achievable by means of interferometric GNSS-R?”, Remote Sensing (MDPI AG). 11, 11-19, DOI: 10.3390/rs11050505, 2019
  • Jovanovic, N., Pearce, J. & Praks, J., “Design and Testing of a Low-Cost, Open Source, 3-D Printed Air-Bearing-Based Attitude Simulator for CubeSat Satellites”, Journal of Small Satellites. 8, 859-880, DOI:, 2019
  • Kainulainen, J., Salo, S., Lahtinen, J., Molera Calves, G., Seppänen, J., Praks, J., Hakala, T., Chen, Y., Hyyppä, J., Unwin, M., Jales, P., Ressler, G., Casal, T. & Rosello, J., ”Airborne Wind Vector Scatterometer for Sea Surface Measurements”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 12, 2470-2476, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2019.2900410, 2019
  • Leppinen, H., Niemela, P., Silva, N., Sanmark, H., Forsten, H., Yanes, A., Modrzewski, R., Kestila, A. & Praks, J. “Developing a Linux-based nanosatellite on-board computer Flight results from the Aalto-1 mission”, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine (IEEE). 34, 4-14, DOI: 10.1109/MAES.2019.170217, 2019
  • Mughal, R.M., Ali, A., Praks, J. & Reyneri, L., “Intra-spacecraft Optical Communication Solutions using discrete Transceiver”, International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking.37, 588-600, DOI: 10.1002/sat.1300, 2019
  • Tomppo, E., Antropov, O. & Praks, J., “Cropland classification using Sentinel-1 time series Methodological performance and prediction uncertainty assessment”, Remote Sensing (MDPI AG). 11, 2480, 1-22, DOI: 10.3390/rs11212480, 2019
  • Tomppo, E., Antropov, O. & Praks, J., “Boreal forest snow damage mapping using multi-temporal sentinel-1 Data”, Remote Sensing (MDPI AG). 11, 384, 1-20, DOI: 10.3390/rs11040384, 2019
  • Iakubivskyi, I., Janhunen, P., Praks, J., Allik, V., Bussov, K., Clayhills, B., Dalbins, J., Eenmäe, T., Ehrpais, H., Envall, J., Haslam, S., Ilbis, E., Jovanovic, N., Kilpua, E., Kivastik, J., Laks, J., Laufer, P., Merisalu, M., Meskanen, M., Märk, R. & 24 others, "Coulomb drag propulsion experiments of ESTCube-2 and FORESAIL-1”, Acta Astronautica, DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2019.11.030, 2019
  • Jiggens, P., Clavie, C., Evans, H., O'Brien, TP., Witasse, O., Mishev, A.L., Nieminen, P., Daly, E., Kalegaev, V., Vlasova, N., Borisov, S., Benck, S., Poivey, C., Cyamukungu, M., Mazur, J., Heynderickx, D., Sandberg, I., Berger, T., Usoskin, I.G., Paassilta, M., Vainio, R., Straube, U., Muller, D., Sanchez-Cano, B., Hassler, D., Praks, J., Niemela, P., Leppinen, H., Punkkinen, A., Aminalragia-Giamini, S., Nagatsuma, T. & Nagatsuma, T., ”In Situ Data and Effect Correlation During September 2017 Solar Particle Event THEMIS Observations of Particle Acceleration by a Magnetosheath Jet-Driven Bow Wave”, Space Weather.17, 99-117, DOI: 10.1029/2018SW001936, 2019
  • Liu, T.Z., Hietala, H., Angelopoulos, V., Omelchenko, Y., Roytershteyn, V. & Vainio, R.,”THEMIS Observations of Particle Acceleration by a Magnetosheath Jet-Driven Bow Wave”, Geophysical Research Letters. 46, 7829-7936, DOI: 10.1029/2019GL082614, 2019
  • Aguilar, M., Cavasonza, L.A., Ambrosi, G., Arruda, L., Attig, N., Bachlechner, A., Barao, F., Barrau, A., Barrin, L., Bartoloni, A., Basegmez-du Pree, S., Battiston, R., Becker, U., Behlmann, M., Beischer, B., Berdugo, J., Bertucci, B., Bindi, V., de Boer, W., Bollweg, K. & 204 others, ”Properties of Cosmic Helium Isotopes Measured by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer”, Geophysical Research Letters. 123, 181102-181108, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.181102, 2019
  • Kouloumvakos, A., Rouillard, A.P., Wu, Y.H., Vainio, R., Vourlidas, A., Plotnikov, I., Afanasiev, A. & Onel, H., “Connecting the Properties of Coronal Shock Waves with Those of Solar Energetic Particles”, The Astrophysical Journal. 876, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab15d7, 2019
  • Grandin, M., Battarbee, M., Osmane, A., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Turc, L., Brito, T., Koskela, T., Dubart, M. & Palmroth, M.,"Hybrid-Vlasov modelling of nightside auroral proton precipitation during southward interplanetary magnetic field conditions", Annales of Geophysicae. 37, 791-806, DOI: 10.5194/angeo-37-791-2019, 2019
  • Palmroth, M., Praks, J., Vainio, R., Janhunen, P., Kilpua, E.K.J., Ganushkina, N.Yu., Afanasiev, A., Ala-Lahti, M., Alho, A., Asikainen, T., Asvestari, E., Battarbee, M., Binios, A., Bosser, A., Brito, T., Envall, J., Ganse, U., George, H., Gieseler, J., Good, S. & 40 others, "FORESAIL-1 cubesat mission to measure radiation belt losses and demonstrate de-orbiting", Journal of Geophysical Research.124, 5783-5799, DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026354, 2019
  • Turc, L., Roberts, O.W., Archer, M. O., Palmroth, M., Battarbee, M., Brito, T., Ganse, U., Grandin, M., Pfau-Kempf, Y. & Escoubet, C.P., "First observations of the disruption of the Earth’s foreshock wave field during magnetic clounds", Geophysical Research Letters. 28, 12644-12653, DOI: 10.1029/2019GL084437, 2019
  • Ganushkina, N. Y., Sillanpää, I., Welling, D. T., Haiducek, J. D., Liemohn, M. W., Dubyagin, D. & Rodriguez, J. V., "Validation of Inner Magnetosphere Particle Transport and Acceleration Model (IMPTAM) with long‐term GOES MAGED measurements of keV electron fluxes at geostationary orbit", Space Weather. 17, 687-708, DOI: 10.1029/2018SW002028, 2019
  • Haiducek, J. D., Ganushkina, N. Y., Dybyagin, S. & Welling, D. T., "On the accuracy of adiabaticity parameter estimations using magnetospheric models", JGR Space Physics. 124, 1785-1805, DOI: 10.1029/2018JA025916, 2019
  • Haiducek, J. D., Ganushkina, N. Y., Dubyagin, S. & Welling, D., "The role of current sheet scattering in the proton isotropic boundary formation during geomagnetic storms", JGR Space Physics.124, 3468-3486, DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026290, 2019
  • Hayes, L. A., Gallagher, P. T., Dennis, B. R., Ireland, J., Inglis, A. & Morosan, D. E., "Persistent Quasi-periodic Pulsations during a Large X-class Solar Flare", The Astrophysical Journal. 875:1, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab0ca3, 2019
  • Hoilijoki, S., Ganse, U., Sibeck, D. G., Cassak, P. A., Turc, L., Battarbee, M., Fear, R. C., Blanco-Cano, X., Dimmock, A. P., Kilpua, E. K. J., Järvinen, R., Juusola, L., Pfau-Kempf, Y. & Palmroth, M., "Properties of magnetic reconnection and FTEs on the dayside magnetopause with and without positive IMF Bх component during southward IMF", JGR Space Physics. 124, 4037-4048, DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026821, 2019
  • Janvier, M., Winslow, R. K., Good, S., Bonhomme, E., Démoulin, P., Dasso, S., Möstl, C., Lugaz, N., Amerstorfer, T., Soubrié, E. & Boakes, P. D., "Generic Magnetic Field Intensity Profiles of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections at Mercury, Venus, and Earth From Superposed Epoch Analyses", JGR Space Physics.124, 812-836, DOI: 10.1029/2018JA025949, 2019
  • Kilpua, E. K. J., Lugaz, N., Mays, M. L. & Temmer, M., "Forecasting the Structure and Orientation of Earthbound Coronal Mass Ejections", Space Weather. 17, 498-526, DOI: 10.1029/2018SW001944, 2019
  • Kilpua, E. K. J., Turner, D. L., Jaynes, A. N., Hietala, H., Koskinen, H. E. J., Osmane, A., Palmroth, M., Pulkkinen, T. I., Vainio, R., Baker, T. & Claudepierre, S. G., "Outer Van Allen Radiation Belt Response to Interacting Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections", JGR Space Physics. 124, 1927-1947, DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026238, 2019
  • Morosan, D. E., Kilpua, E. K. J., Carley, E. P. & Monstein, C., "Variable emission mechanism of a Type IV radio burst", Astronomy & Astrophysics. 623, A63, 1-11, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201834510, 2019
  • Pomoell, J., Lumme, E. & Kilpua, E., "Time-dependent Data-driven Modeling of Active Region Evolution Using Energy-optimized Photospheric Electric Fields", Solar Physics. 294, 1-28, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-019-1430-x, 2019
  • Turner, D. L., Kilpua, E. K., J., Hietala, H., Claudepierre, S. G., O´Brian, T. P., Fennell, J. F., Blake, J. B., Jaynes, A. N., Kanekal, S., Baker, D. N., Spence, H. E., Ripoll, J. F. & Reeves, G. D., "The Response of Earth´s Electron Radiation Belts to Geomagnetic Storms: Statistics From the Van Allen Probes Era Including Effects From Different Storm Drivers", JGR Space Physics. 124, 1013-1034, DOI: 10.1029/2018JA026066, 2019
  • Hinterreiter, J., Magdalenic, J., Temmer, M., Verbeke, C., Jebaraj, I. C., Samara, E., Asvestari, E., Poedts, S., Pomoell, J., Kilpua, E., Rodriguez, L., Scolini, C. & Isavnin, A., “Assessing the Performance of EUHFORIA Modeling the Background Solar Wind”, Solar Physics. 294, 1-19, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-019-1558-8 , 2019
  • Barners, D., Davies, J. A., Harrison, R. A., Byrne, J. P., Perry, C. H., Bothmer, V., Eastwood, J. P., Gallagher, P. T., Kilpua, E. K. J., Möstl, C., Rodriguez, L., Rouillard, A. P. & Odstrcil, D., “CMEs in the Heliosphere: II. A Statistical Analysis of the Kinematic Properties Derived from Single-Spacecraft Geometrical Modelling Techniques Applied to CMEs Detected in the Heliosphere from 2007 to 2017 by STEREO/HI-1”, Solar Physics. 294, 1-25, DOI:, 2019
  • Lakka, A., Pulkkinen, T. I., Dimmock, A. P., Kilpua, E., Ala-Lahti, M., Honkonen, I., Palmroth, M. & Raukunen, O., “GUMICS-4 analysis of interplanetary coronal mass ejection impact on Earth during low and typical Mach number solar winds”, Annales Geophysicae. 37, 561-579, DOI: 2019
  • Sanchez-Diaz, E., Rouillard, A. P., Lavraud, B., Kilpua, E. & Davies, J. A., “In Situ Measurements of the Variable Slow Solar Wind near Sector Boundaries”, Astrophysical Journal. 882, 1-12, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab341c, 2019
  • Morosan, D. E., Carley, E. P., Hayes, L. A., Murray, S. A., Zucca, P., Fallows, R. A., McCauley, J., Kilpua, E. K. J., Mann, G., Vocks, C. & Gallagher, P. T., “Multiple regions of shock-accelerated particles during a solar coronal mass ejection”, Nature Astronomy. 3, 452-46, DOI: 10.1038/s41550-019-0689-z, 2019
  • Kilpua, E. K. J., Good, S. W., Palmerio, E., Asvestari, E., Lumme, E., Ala-Lahti, M., Kalliokoski, M. M. H., Morosan, D. E., Pomoell, J., Price, D. J., Magdalenić, J., Poedts, S. & Futaana, Y., “Multipoint Observations of the June 2012 Interacting Interplanetary Flux Ropes”, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. 6, 21 pages, DOI: 10.3389/fspas.2019.00050, 2019
  • Palmerio, E., Scolini, C., Barnes, D., Magdalenic, J., West, M. J., Zhukov, A. N., Rodriguez, L., Mierla, M., Good, S. W., Morosan, D. E., Kilpua, E. K. J., Pomoell, J. & Poedts, S., “Multipoint Study of Successive Coronal Mass Ejections Driving Moderate Disturbances at 1 au”, Astrophysical Journal. 878, 37 pages, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab1850, 2019
  • Lumme, E., Kazachenko, M. D., Fisher, G. H., Welsch, B. T., Pomoell, J. & Kilpua, E. K. J., “Probing the Effect of Cadence on the Estimates of Photospheric Energy and Helicity Injections in Eruptive Active Region NOAA AR 11158”, Solar Physics. 294, 1-40, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-019-1475-x, 2019
  • Asvestari, E., Heinemann, S. G., Temmer, M., Pomoell, J., Kilpua, E., Magdalenic, J. & Poedts, S., “Reconstructing Coronal Hole Areas With EUHFORIA and Adapted WSA Model: Optimizing the Model Parameters”, JGR Space Physics.124, 8280-8297, DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027173, 2019
  • Good, S. W., Kilpua, E. K. J., LaMoury, A. T., Forsyth, R. J., Eastwood, J. P. & Möstl, C., “Self-Similarity of ICME Flux Ropes: Observations by Radially Aligned Spacecraft in the Inner Heliosphere”, JGR Space Physics. 124, 4960-4982, DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026475, 2019
  • Kilpua, E. K. J., Fontaine, D., Moissard, C., Ala-Lahti, M., Palmerio, E., Yordanova, E., Good, S. W., Lumme, E., Osmane, A., Palmroth, M., Turc, L. & Kalliokoski, M., “Solar Wind Properties and Geospace Impact of Coronal Mass Ejection-Driven Sheath Regions: Variation and Driver Dependence”, Space Weather. 17, 1257-1280, DOI: 10.1029/2019SW002217, 2019
  • Price, D. J., Pomoell, J., Lumme, E. & Kilpua, E. K. J., “Time-dependent data-driven coronal simulations of AR 12673 from emergence to eruption”, Astronomy & Astrophysics. 628, A114, 1-10, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201935535, 2019
  • Jiggens, P., Clavie, C., Evans, H., O'Brien, T. P., Witasse, O., Mishev, A. L., Nieminen, P.; Daly, E., Kalegaev, V., Vlasova, N., Borisov, S., Benck, S., Poivey, C., Cyamukungu, M., Mazur, J., Heynderickx, D., Sandberg, I., Berger, T., Usoskin, I. G., Paassilta, M., Vainio, R., Straube, U., Müller, D., Sánchez-Cano, B., Hassler, D., Praks, J., Niemelä, P., Leppinen, H., Punkkinen, A., Aminalragia-Giamini, S. & Nagatsuma, T., “In Situ Data and Effect Correlation During September 2017 Solar Particle Event”, Space Weather. 17(1), 99-17, DOI: 10.1029/2018SW001936, 2019
  • Ali, H., Ali, A., Mughal, M. R., Reyneri, L., Sansoe, C. & Praks, J., “Modular Design of RF Front End for a Nanosatellite Communication Subsystem Tile Using Low-Cost Commercial Components”. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019, 8174158, 1-11 DOI: 10.1155/2019/8174158, 2019
  • Hoilijoki, S., U. Ganse, Sibeck, D., Cassak, P., Fear, R., Battarbee, M., Blanco-Cano, X., Dimmock, P., Kilpua, E. K. J., Järvinen, R., Juusola, L., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Turc, L., Palmroth, M., “Comparison of FTEs and dayside reconnection with and without a sunward tilt of the southward interplanetary magnetic field”, Journal Geophysical Research, 124, 6, 4037-4048,DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026821, 2019
  • Lakka, A., Pulkkinen, T.I., Dimmock, A.P., Kilpua, E., Ala-Lahti, M., Honkonen I., Palmroth M., Raukunen, O., “CME impact at Earth with low and typical Mach number plasma characteristics”, Annales Geophysics, 37, 561-567, DOI: 10.5194/angeo-37-561-2019, 2019
  • Hinterreiter, J., Magdalenic, J., Temmer, M., Verbecke, C., Jebaraj, I.C., Samara, E., Asvestari, E., Poedts, S., Kilpua, E., Rodriguez, L., Scolini, C. & Isavnin, A., “Testing the background solar wind modelled by EUHFORIA”, Solar Physics, 294, 170, 1-19, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-019-1558-8, 2019
  • Ali, A., Khan, S.A, Khan, M. U., Ali, H., Mughal, M.R. & Praks, J., “Design of Modular Power Management and Attitude Control Subsystems for a Microsatellite”, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering (HINDAWI LTD). 2018, 1-13, DOI:, 2018
  • Jarvinen, R., Vainio, R., Palmroth, M., Juusola, L., Hoilijoki, S., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Ganse, U., Turc, L. & von Alfthan, S., "Ion acceleration by flux transfer events in the terrestrial magnetosheath", Geophysical Research Letters. 45, 1723–1731, DOI: 10.1002/2017GL076192, 2018
  • Pfau-Kempf, Y., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Hoilijoki, S., Turc, L., von Alfthan, S., Vainio, R. & Palmroth, M., "On the Importance of Spatial and Velocity Resolution in the Hybrid-Vlasov Modeling of Collisionless Shocks", Frontiers Physics. 17, 1-16, DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2018.00044, 2018
  • Turc, L., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Hoilijoki, S., Battarbee, M., Juusola, L., Jarvinen, R., Brito, T., Grandin, M. & Palmroth, M., "Foreshock properties at typical and enhanced interplanetary magnetic field strengths: results from hybrid-Vlasov simulations", JGR Space Physics. 123, 5476-5493, DOI: 10.1029/2018JA025466, 2018
  • Plaschke, F., Hietala, H., Archer, M., Blanco-Cano, X., Kajdic, P., Karlsson, T., Lee, S. H., Omidi, N., Palmroth, M., Roytershteyn, Schmid, D., Sergeev, V. & Sibeck, D., ”Jets downstream of collisionless shocks”, Space Science Review. 214, 1-77, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-018-0516-3, 2018
  • Afanasiev, A., Vainio, R., Rouillard, A. P., Battarbee, M., Aran, A. & Zucca, P., "Modelling of proton acceleration in application to a ground level enhancement", Astronomy & Astrophysics. 614, 1-11, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201731343, 2018
  • Ala-Lahti, M. M., Kilpua, E. K. J., Dimmock, A. P., Osmane, A., Pulkkinen, T. & Souček, J., "Statistical analysis of mirror mode waves in sheath regions driven by interplanetary coronal mass ejection", Annales Geophysicae. 36, 793-808, DOI: 10.5194/angeo-36-793-2018, 2018
  • Blanco-Cano, X., Battarbee, M., Turc, L., Dimmock, A. P., Kilpua, E. K. J., Hoilijoki, S., Ganse, U., Sibeck, D. G., Cassak, P. A., Fear, R. C., Jarvinen, R., Juusola, L., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Vainio, R. & Palmroth, M., "Cavitons and spontaneous hot flow anomalies in a hybrid-Vlasov global magnetospheric simulation", Annales Geophysics. 36, 1081-1097, DOI: 10.5194/angeo-36-1081-2018, 2018
  • Juusola, L., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Ganse, U., Battarbee, M., Brito, T., Grandin, M., Turc, L. & Palmroth, M., "A possible source mechanism for magnetotail current sheet flapping", Annales Geophysicae. 36, 1027-1035, DOI: 10.5194/angeo-36-1027-2018, 2018
  • Juusola, L., Hoilijoki, S., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Ganse, U., Järvinen, R., Battarbee, M., Kilpua, E., Turc, L. & Palmroth, M., "Fast plasma sheet flows and X line motion in the Earth’s magnetotail: results from a global hybrid-Vlasov simulation", Annales Geophysicae. 36:5, 1183-1199, DOI: 10.5194/angeo-36-1183-2018, 2018
  • Marchaudon, A., Blelly, P-L., Grandin, M., Aikio, A., Kozlovsky, A. & Virtanen, I., "IPIM Modeling of the Ionospheric F-2 Layer Depletion at High Latitudes During a High-Speed Stream Event", JGR Space Physics. 123, 7051-7066, DOI: 10.1029/2018JA025744, 2018
  • Palmroth, M., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Battarbee, M., Turc, L., Brito, T., Grandin, M., Hoilijoki, S., Sandroos, A. & von Alfthan, S., "Vlasov methods in space physics and astrophysics", Living Reviews Computational Astrophysics. 4:1, 1-54, DOI: 10.1007/s41115-018-0003-2, 2018
  • Palmroth, M., Hietala, H., Plaschke, F., Archer, M., Karlsson, T., Blanco-Cano, X., Sibeck, D., Kajdic, P., Ganse, U., Pfau-Kempf, Y., Battarbee, M. & Turc, L., "Magnetosheath jet properties and evolution as determined by a global hybrid-Vlasov simulation", Annales Geophysics. 36, 1171-1182, DOI: 10.5194/angeo-36-1171-2018, 2018
  • Jiggens, P., Heynderickx, D., Sandberg, I., Truscott, P., Raukunen, O. & Vainio, R., ”Updated Model of the Solar Energetic Proton Environment in Space”, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. 8, 1-22, DOI: 10.1051/swsc/2018010, 2018
  • Paassilta, M., Papaioannou, A., Dresing, N., Vainio, R., Valtonen, E. & Heber, B., “Catalogue of > 55 MeV Wide-longitude Solar Proton Events Observed by SOHO, ACE, and the STEREOs at approximate to 1 AU During 2009-2016”, Solar Physics. 293:70, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-018-1284-7, 2018
  • Schreiner, C., Vainio, R., and Spanier, F., “Analytical treatment of particle motion in circularly polarized slab-mode wave fields”, Journal of Plasma Physics, 84:1, DOI: 10.1017/S0022377817001015, 2018
  • Jovanovic, N., Riwanto, B., Janhunen, P., Vainio, R., Praks, J., Niemela, P., Nasila, A., Leppinen, H., Kestila, A. & Tikka, T., ”Nanosatellite Based Spectral Imager Earth Observation Mission Results”, 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. eISBN: 978-90-82598-73-5, DOI: 10.23919/URSI-AT-RASC.2018.8471522, 2018
  • Afanasiev, A., Aran, A., Vainio, R., Rouillard, A., Zucca, P., Lario, D., Barcewicz, S., Siipola, R., Pomoell, J., Sanahuja, B. & Malandraki, O. E., “Modelling of Shock-Accelerated Gamma-Ray Events”, Solar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis: The HESPERIA HORIZON 2020 Project and Beyond. ISSN: 0067-0057. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60051-2_9, 2018
  • Raukunen, O., Vainio, R., Tylka, A.J., Dietrich, W. J., Jiggens, P., Heynderickx, D., Dierckxsens, M., Crosby, N., Ganse, U. & Siipola, R., ”Two solar proton fluence models based on ground level enhancement observations”, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. 8, 1-19, DOI: 10.1051/swsc/2017031, 2018
  • Praks, J., Niemelä, P., Näsilä, A., Kestilä, A., Jovanovic, N., Riwanto, B., Tikka, T., Leppinen, H., Vainio, R. & Janhunen, P., ”Miniature spectral imager in-orbit demonstration results from Aalto-1 nanosatellite mission”, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings (IGARSS), July 22-27, Spain, DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8517658, 2018
  • Järvinen, R., Vainio, R., Palmroth, M., Juusola, L., Hoilijoki, S., Pfau‐Kempf, Y.,Ganse, U., Turc, L. & von Alfthan, S., “Ion Acceleration by Flux Transfer Events in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath”, Geophysical Research Letters. 45,1723-1731, DOI: 10.1002/2017GL076192, 2018
  • Vainio, R. & Afanasiev, A., “Particle Acceleration Mechanisms”, In Solar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis: The HESPERIA HORIZON 2020 Project and Beyond. 444, 45-61, ISSN: 0067-0057, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60051-2_3, 2018
  • Siiskonen, T., Muikku, M., Peräjärvi, K., Tuomisto, F., Toivonen, J., Valden, M., Lipping, T., Lehto, J., Savolainen, S., Kortesniemi, M., Dendooven, P., Nordlund, K., Juutilainen, J., Naarala, J., Salomaa, S., Seppälä, J., Kullaa, A., Greenlees, P., Röning, J., Oikarinen, H., Tervonen, O., Jurvansuu, J., Auvinen, A., Skyttä, P., Vainio, R., Teräs, M., Salminen, E., Aaltonen, R., Boström, P., Karlsson, A., Madekivi, V. & Keyriläinen, J., ” National Programme for Radiation Safety Research 2018-2022”, STUK-A, 262, ISSN: 2243-1888,, 2018
  • Slavinskis, A., Janhunen, P., Toivanen, P., Muinonen, K., Penttilä, A., Granvik, M., Kohout, T., Gritsevich, M., Pajusalu, M., Sünter, I., Ehrpais, H., Dalbins, J., Iakubivskyi, I., Eenmäe, T., Ilbis, E., Mauro, D., Stupi, J., Rivkin, A.S. & Bottke, W. F., “Nanospacecraft fleet for multi-asteroid ouring with electric solar wind sails”, IEEE Aerospace Conference. 3-10,, 2018
  • Janhunen, P., Toivanen, P. & Ruosteenoja, K., “Steam balloon concept for lifting rockets to launch altitude”, The Aeronautical Journal, 123, 1263, 600-616,, 2018
  • Lakka, A., Pulkkinen, T. I., Dimmock, A. P., Myllys, M., Honkonen, I. & Palmroth, M., Journal of geophysical research. “The Cross-Polar Cap Saturation in GUMICS-4 During High Solar Wind Driving”, Space physics. 123, 3320-3332, DOI: 10.1002/2017JA025054, 2018
  • Harrison, R. A., Davies, J. A., Barnes, D., Byrne, J. P., Perry, C. H., Bothmer, V., Eastwood, J. P., Gallagher, P. T., Kilpua, E. K. J., Möstl, C., Rodriguez, L., Rouillard, A. P. & Odstril, D., “CMEs in the Heliosphere: I. A Statistical Analysis of the Observational Properties of CMEs Detected in the Heliosphere from 2007 to 2017 by STEREO/HI-1”, Solar Physics. 293, 1-28, DOI:, 2018
  • Palmerio, E., Kilpua, E. K. J., Möstl, C., Bothmer, V., James, A. W., Green, L. M., Isavnin, A., Davies, J. A. & Harrison, R. A., "Coronal Magnetic Structure of Earthbound CMEs and In Situ Comparison”, Space Weather.16, 442-460, DOI:, 2018
  • Möstl, C., Amerstorfer, T., Palmerio, E., Isavnin, A., Farrugia, C. J., Lowder, C., Winslow, R. M., Donnerer, J. M., Kilpua, E. K. J. & Boakes, P. D., “Forward Modeling of Coronal Mass Ejection Flux Ropes in the Inner Heliosphere with 3DCORE”, Space Weather. 16, 216-229, DOI: 10.1002/2017SW001735, 2018
  • Dimmock, A. P., Alho, M., Kallio, E., Pope, S. A., Zhang, T. L., Kilpua, E., Pulkkinen, T. I., Futaana, Y. & Coates, A. J., “The Response of the Venusian Plasma Environment to the Passage of an ICME: Hybrid Simulation Results and Venus Express Observations”, JGR Space physics.123, 3580-3601, DOI: 10.1029/2017JA024852, 2018
  • Mishev, A., Usoskin, I., Raukunen, O., Paassilta, M., Valtonen, E., Kocharov, L. & Vainio, R., Solar Physics, 293, 136; “First Analysis of Ground-Level Enhancement (GLE) 72 on 10 September 2017: Spectral and Anisotropy Characteristics”, Solar Physics. 293: 136, DOI:, 2018
  • Kocharov, L., Pohjolainen, S., Reiner, M.J., Mishev, A., Wang, H.M.,Usoskin, I. & Vainio, R., ”Spatial Organization of Seven Extreme Solar Energetic Particle Events”, Astrophysical Journal Letters. 862, 1-6, DOI:, 2018
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