The past winter, we had three happy PhD defences in the group, all dealing with some aspects of Formica ant biology, from their genomes to behavior to nest microbiome. We wish them all the best for their bright futures.
Stafva Lindström defended in 20.9.2019 with Prof. Katarzyna Turnauas her opponent. The thesis ” The bacterial and fungal communities in the nests of the ant Formica exsecta” can be found here:
Unni Pulliainen defended in 22.11.2019 with Prof. Ellouise Leadbeater as her opponent. The thesis “The scent of brood recognition in Formica ants" can be found here:
Kishor Dhaygude defended in 14.12.2019 with docent Lumi Viljakainen as his opponent. The thesis ” Meta-omics approach to explore microbial community of the wood ant Formica exsecta” can be found here: