
Our strategic focus areas are:

Climate change and soils:
Through deep understanding of soil processes, we provide solutions to challenges that soils, as part of our environment, are facing in changing climate.

Topical questions are how to increase soil carbon stabilization and to simultaneously minimize greenhouse gas emissions from soils.

  • Soils and water quality:

    Soils are facing global issues such as loss of nutrients from agricultural land, eutrophication of inland and coastal waters, and soil and water contamination. Our research focuses on nutrient cycling and leaching, soil structure and erosion, water quality, and remediation of contaminated soils.
  • Soil productivity:

    Soils sustain life and provide ecosystem services such as producing food, feed and fiber, purifying our fresh water reserves, as well as providing healthy living environment for humans and animals alike. Our research focuses on maintaining soil fertility and safety of food webs, environmental safety and soil remediation.
  • Our projects at the Research Portal

    Below are ten projects we are involved in, here listed in the order of the last update done on the Research Portal. When a project description is not available in the language requested, the description will be shown in other available languages.

    See also the list of recent publications by our researchers.