Carey, Ray (2014) Toward a methodology of chunking: applications and extensions of Linear Unit Grammar. Paper presented at ICAME 35 (Intl. Computer Archive of Modern & Medieval English), University of Nottingham, 30 April–4 May 2014.
Carey, Ray (chair), Hahl, Kaisa & Koponen, Esko (2014) From policy to practice: multicultural classrooms using English as a lingua franca. Workshop held at the Peda-forum conference, Lappeenranta University of Technology, 27–28 May 2014.
Hirvensalo, Netta (2014) The effect of top-down regulation on language practices at a Finnish university. Workshop presentation at ELF7 (7th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca), DEREE-The American College of Greece, 4–6 Sept 2014.
Mauranen, Anna (2014) ELF and translation as contact languages. Colloquium paper presented at ELF7 (7th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca), DEREE-The American College of Greece, 4–6 Sept 2014.
Mauranen, Anna (2014) How do we manage academic debate in ELF? The case of the viva. Workshop presentation at ELF7 (7th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca), DEREE-The American College of Greece, 4–6 Sept 2014.
Pietikäinen, Kaisa (2014) Avoiding and overcoming misunderstandings in private ELF conversations. Paper presented at ELF7 (7th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca), DEREE-The American College of Greece, 4–6 Sept 2014.
Pietikäinen, Kaisa (2014) Code-switching as a communication strategy in private ELF conversations. Paper presented at the International Conference on Spoken English, University of Santiago de Compostela, 4–6 June 2014.
Pietikäinen, Kaisa (2014) ELF in the private sphere: ELF as the 'couple tongue' in intercultural relationships. Doctoral workshop presentation at ELF7 (7th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca), DEREE-The American College of Greece, 4–6 Sept 2014.
Vetchinnikova, Svetlana (2014) Approximation, re-metaphorisation and idiomatising in ELF phraseological patterning: Looking for the point of contact. Paper presented at ELF7 (7th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca), DEREE-The American College of Greece, 4–6 Sept 2014.
Carey, Ray (2013) "Bad English"? Presentation at Korkeakoulujen kansainvälisten asioiden kevätpäivät (Finnish International Educators' Days), Levi, Finland, 20–22 May 2013.
Carey, Ray (2013) On the other side: formulaic organizing chunks in spoken and written academic ELF. Paper presented at Changing English: Contacts & Variation (ChangE 2013), University of Helsinki, 10–12 June 2013.
Carey, Ray (2013) "Sorry if I were incomprehensible": Language regulation in academic ELF blog discussions. Colloquium paper presented at ELF6 (Sixth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca), Roma Tre University, Rome, 4–7 Sept 2013.
Carey, Ray (2013) A corpus-based study of fluency in academic ELF. Doctoral workshop presentation at ELF6 (Sixth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca), Roma Tre University, Rome, 4–7 Sept 2013.
Hynninen, Niina (2013) Language regulation: Alternative norms for English as a lingua franca? Paper presented at Changing English: Contacts & Variation (ChangE 2013), University of Helsinki, 10–12 June 2013.
Hynninen, Niina (2013) How do speakers regulate language in English as a Lingua Franca interaction? Paper presented at ELF6 (Sixth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca), Roma Tre University, Rome, 4–7 Sept 2013.
Mauranen, Anna (2013) Tuhoutuuko englanti kun äidinkieliset jäävät vähemmistöön? Invited plenary at Tieteen päivät (Science Forum), University of Helsinki, 10 Jan 2013.
Mauranen, Anna (2013) What is going on in Academic ELF? Findings and implications. Invited plenary at the New Frontiers in Teaching and Learning English Symposium, University of Verona (Italy), 15 Feb 2013.
Mauranen, Anna (2013) English as a global lingua franca – changing language in changing global academia. Invited plenary at the 2nd Waseda ELF International Workshop, University of Waseda (Tokyo), 8 March 2013.
Mauranen, Anna (2013) English as an academic Lingua Franca – changing English in changing academia. Invited plenary at ETRA (30th International Conference on English Teaching), National Cheng Kung University (Tainan, Taiwan), 19 May 2013.
Mauranen, Anna (2013) What is going on in English? Explorations in a global Lingua Franca. Guest lecture at Fen-chia University (Taichung, Taiwan), 20 May 2013.
Mauranen, Anna (2013) Explorations in a global Lingua Franca. Guest lecture at National Taiwan Normal University (Taipei, Taiwan), 21 May 2013.
Mauranen, Anna (2013) English as a Lingua Franca – the big picture from corpus analysis. Guest lecture at National Taiwan Normal University (Taipei, Taiwan), 22 May 2013.
Mauranen, Anna (2013) English as a global Lingua Franca. Where is it going? Guest lecture at National Taiwan Normal University (Taipei, Taiwan), 24 May 2013.
Mauranen, Anna (2013) The Global Shift: Trends and implications of language use in academia and the workplace. Invited plenary at the Welche Sprachkompetenzen brauchen unsere Studierenden in der Zukunft? -conference, University of Zürich, 7 June 2013.
Mauranen, Anna (2013) A Glimpse of ELF. Invited plenary at Changing English: Contacts & Variation (ChangE 2013), University of Helsinki, 12 June 2013.
Mauranen, Anna (2013) ELF for academic publishing – the remaining taboo. Colloquium paper presented at ELF6 (Sixth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca), Roma Tre University, Rome, 4–7 Sept 2013.
Pilkinton-Pihko, Diane (2013) English-medium instruction: Students adapt to their lecturer's English. Poster presented at ELF6 (Sixth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca), Roma Tre University, Rome, 4–7 Sept 2013. (view poster as pdf)
Suviniitty, Jaana (2013) From Challenging to Accessible: How interactional features and their use influence students' perceptions of ELF lectures. Paper presented at Changing English: Contacts & Variation (ChangE 2013), University of Helsinki, 10–12 June 2013.
Suviniitty, Jaana (2013) Interactional Features and Lecturing in ELF. Paper presented at ELF6 (Sixth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca), Roma Tre University, Rome, 4–7 Sept 2013.
Vetchinnikova, Svetlana (2013) Lexical patterns in second language acquisition and use. Paper presented at Changing English: Contacts & Variation (ChangE 2013), University of Helsinki, 10–12 June 2013.
Vetchinnikova, Svetlana (2013) Phraseological competence of ELF users. Paper presented at ELF6 (Sixth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca), Roma Tre University, Rome, 4–7 Sept 2013.
Carey, Ray (2012) From language learners to language users: the ELFA and WrELFA corpora. Paper presented at the Finnish Society for the Study of English (FINSSE-6), University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu), 18–20 Oct 2012.
Carey, Ray (2012) Interruption and uncooperativeness in academic ELF group work: an application of Linear Unit Grammar. Paper presented at ELF5 (Fifth International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca), Bogazici University, Istanbul, 24–26 May 2012.
Hakala, Henrik (2012) ELF Realities: Accommodative Behavior and Social Preferences. Paper presented at ELF5 (Fifth International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca), Bogazici University, Istanbul, 24–26 May 2012.
Hynninen, Niina (2012) English-medium programmes and the use of English as an academic lingua franca. Invited plenary at the 25th Communication Skills Workshop, Tallinn, 24–26 May 2012.
Hynninen, Niina (2012) What matters in English as a lingua franca vs. standards of English. Paper presented at the CALPIU'12 conference, University of Roskilde, 2–4 April 2012.
Hynninen, Niina (2012) Academic ELF and language authority roles of the speakers. Paper presented at Languages for Specific Purposes 5, Stockholm University, 12–13 Jan 2012.
Mauranen, Anna (2012) English as a global lingua franca – spoken and written. Invited plenary at BCLSE 5 (Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English), Masaryk University, Brno, 17–18 Sept 2012.
Mauranen, Anna (2012) Speaking English in a multilingual context: the case of ELF. Invited plenary at BAAL 45 (British Association of Applied Linguistics), University of Southampton, 8 Sept 2012.
Mauranen, Anna (2012) What is going on in English? Explorations in a global Lingua Franca. Invited plenary at the FIPLV (Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes) World Congress, Helsinki, 8–9 June 2012.
Mauranen, Anna (2012) Hybridism, edutainment, and doubt – science blogging finding its feet. Invited plenary at Languages for Specific Purposes 5, Stockholm University, 12–13 Jan 2012.
Solin, Anna (2012) Genre change in academia: reflective writing as a new resource in academic genre repertoires. Paper presented at Genre 2012 – Rethinking genre 20 years later, Carleton University, Ottawa, 25–28 June 2012.
Vetchinnikova, Svetlana (2012) Approximation of Multi-Word Units in SLA and ELF. Paper presented at ELF5 (Fifth International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca), Bogazici University, Istanbul, 24–26 May 2012.
Hakala, Henrik and Hynninen, Niina (2011) Lexical and accent accommodation in ELF interaction. Paper presented at ISLE2 (International Society for the Linguistics of English), University of Boston, Boston, MA, USA, 17–21 June 2011.
Hakala, Henrik and Hynninen, Niina (2011) Lexical and accent accommodation in ELF interaction. Paper presented at ELF4 – Fourth International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca, Hong Kong, 26–28 May 2011.
Hynninen, Niina (2011) Monenlaiset analyysimenetelmät ja tutkimuksen kontekstualisointi. Workshop presentation at AFinLA, Diskurssintutkimuksen kontekstualisointi workshop. Organised by Anne Mäntynen and Pekka Pälli. University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu), 11–12 Nov 2011.
Mauranen, Anna (2011) Corpora and non-native speakers. Invited plenary at the Brazilian Corpus Linguistics Meeting 10, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 9–12 Nov 2011.
Mauranen, Anna (2011) Issues of English as an academic Lingua Franca. Paper presented at the European Association for International Education (EAIE) conference, Copenhagen, 14 Sept 2011.
Mauranen, Anna (2011) Redefining registers: is ELF too chatty or too bookish? Invited plenary at the CERLIS (Centro di Ricerca sui Linguaggi Specialistici) Conference, University of Bergamo, 23–25 June 2011.
Mauranen, Anna (2011) Speaking in Globalised Academia: English as our Lingua Franca. Invited plenary at PRISEAL 2 (Publishing and Presenting Research Internationally: Issues for Speakers of English as an Additional Language), University of Silecia, Poland, 9–11 June 2011.
Mauranen, Anna (2011) Modelling temporality in speech – the Linear Unit Grammar. Invited plenary at AESLA XXIX (Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics), University of Salamanca, 4–6 May 2011.
Mauranen, Anna (2011) Global use changes English – the effects of ELF. Invited plenary at GERAS 32 (Groupe d’Étude et de Recherche en Anglais de Spécialité), University of Burgundy, 18 March 2011.
Paulasto Heli, Ranta, Elina and Meriläinen, Lea: Syntactic Features in Global Englishes: How "Global" Are They? Paper presented at ISLE2 (International Society for the Linguistics of English), University of Boston, Boston, MA, USA, 17–21 June 2011.
Ranta, Elina: Verb-syntactic Features in English as a Lingua Franca. Paper presented at the 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Beijing, 23–28 Aug 2011.
Hynninen, Niina (2010) Language regulation in English as a lingua franca interaction. Paper presented at the NAES-FINSSE 2010: English in the North. The 11th Nordic Conference for English Studies and the 5th Conference of the Finnish Society for the Study of English. Oulu, 9–13 June 2010.
Hynninen, Niina (2010) ELF and language regulation: Combining different types of data. Paper presented at the ELF3 – Third International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. Vienna, 22–25 May 2010.
Hynninen, Niina (2010) Studying in English as a Lingua Franca – The SELF Project. Poster presented at the Professionalising Multilingualism in Higher Education conference. Luxembourg, 4–6 February 2010.
Mauranen, Anna (2010) English as a global lingua franca of academia. Guest lecture at the University of Zürich, 19 November 2010.
Mauranen, Anna (2010) English as a lingua franca – Issues of research and teaching. Workshop at the University of Zürich, 19 November 2010.
Mauranen, Anna (2010) Vieraskielisen opetuksen ja oppimisen haasteet yliopistossa. Tutkas-seminaari, 17 November 2010.
Mauranen, Anna (2010) Englanti lingua francana – ylivaltaa ja huonoa kieltä? Ammattikorkeaukoulujen kieltenopettajien päivät, Seinäjoen Amattikorkeakoulu, 6 October 2010.
Mauranen Anna (2010) English as the lingua franca of globalised academia. Invited plenary at the 11th International CercleS Conference, Helsinki, 2–4 September 2010.
Mauranen, Anna (2010) What's going on in English: Developments in the global lingua franca. Invited plenary at ESSE 10 (European Society for the Study of English), Torino, 24–28 August 2010.
Mauranen, Anna (2010) Research methodology in ELF. Invited section chair at the ELF3 – Third International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. Vienna, 22–25 May 2010.
Mauranen, Anna (2010) What's going on in English: Explorations into the global lingua franca. Invited lecture at ISV Forum, Copenhagen Business School, 15 March 2010.
Pilkinton-Pihko, Diane (2010) The CEFR: A tool for ELF university lecturers of engineering? Paper presented at the 11th International CercleS Conference, Helsinki 2–4 September 2010.
Pilkinton-Pihko, Diane (2010) ELF and language ideologies – A case study at TKK/Aalto University. Poster presented at the ELF3 – Third International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. Vienna, 22–25 May 2010.
Ranta, Elina (2010) Models for English grammar at school? Invited plenary panelist presentation at the ELF3 – Third International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. Vienna, 22–25 May 2010.
Ranta, Elina (2010) Englanninopettajiksi aikovien kielikäsitysten tarkastelua. Ainedidaktiikan symposium. Helsinki, 12 February 2010.
Suviniitty, Jaana (2010) No questions asked? A case study on an ELF lecture vs. native language (Finnish) lecture. Paper presented at the ELF3 – Third International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. Vienna, 22–25 May 2010.
Hynninen, Niina (2009) Emerging discourses on ELF. Paper presented at AFinLA. Tampere, 12–13 November 2009.
Hynninen, Niina (2009) A situated approach to interaction in ELF. Paper presented at The Third Scandinavian PhD Conference in Linguistics and Philology. Bergen, 16–17 June 2009.
Hynninen, Niina (2009) Neuvottelua rajoista: esimerkkejä englanti lingua francana -vuorovaikutuksesta. Paper presented at Kielitieteen päivät. Jyväskylä, 14–16 May 2009.
Mauranen, Anna (2009) Speaking a lingua Franca - Redefining relations of language and culture. Invited plenary at AFinLA. Tampere, 12–13 November 2009.
Mauranen, Anna (2009) Speaking professionally in an L2 – Issues of corpus methodology. Invited plenary at the CLAVIER conference. Modena, 5–7 November 2009.
Mauranen, Anna (2009) Co-constructing shared knowledge: ELF in academia. Invited plenary at the 2nd International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca. Southampton, 6–8 April 2009.
Mauranen, Anna (2009) English as an academic lingua franca: Focus on spoken rhetoric. Invited plenary at the Copenhagen Business School symposium. Copenhagen, 22 January 2009.
Ranta, Elina (2009). Tulevien englanninopettajien kielikäsityksistä. Paper presented at Kasvatustieteen päivät. Vieraiden kielten opetuksen teemaryhmä. Tampere, 26–27 November 2009.
Suviniitty, Jaana (2009) What you have to understand is… – Interactional features in lectures. Paper presented at the SEFI the Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs – European Society for Engineering Education 2009. Rotterdam, 1–4 July 2009.
Suviniitty, Jaana (2009) What you have to understand is… – Interactional features in scientific lectures. Paper presented at The Third Scandinavian PhD Conference in Linguistics and Philology. Bergen, 16–17 June 2009.
Suviniitty, Jaana (2009) What you have to understand is… – Interactional features in ELFA-lectures. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca. Southampton, 6–8 April 2009.
Hynninen, Niina (2008) (Re)creating norms of using English in international study contexts. Paper presented at the CALPIU conference. Roskilde, 15–17 December 2008.
Hynninen, Niina (2008) Negotiating acceptable English in an international university seminar. Paper presented at AFinLA. Helsinki, 14–15 November 2008.
Hynninen, Niina (2008) Multilingual ELF Settings. Paper presented at the Mediating Multilingualism conference. Jyväskylä, 2–5 June 2008.
Hynninen, Niina & Surakka-Cooper, Pirjo (2008) Introducing Project SELF. Paper presented at the ELF Forum – First International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca. Helsinki, 6–8 March 2008.
Mauranen, Anna (2008) How do they speak? Evidence from a corpus of academic English as a lingua franca. Paper presented at the CALPIU conference. Roskilde, 15–17 December 2008.
Mauranen, Anna (2008) English as a lingua franca – The beginning of the end of English or of something new? Postgraduate seminar, Langnet doctoral programme. Athens, 1 October 2008.
Mauranen, Anna (2008) Discourse reflexivity – A discourse universal? The case of ELF. Paper presented at the AILA 2008, the 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Essen, 28 August 2008.
Mauranen, Anna (2008) English as a lingua franca – part of linguistic diversity. Paper presented at the AILA 2008, the 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics. Essen, 26 August 2008.
Mauranen, Anna (2008) Current trends in ELF research. Paper presented at the ESSE9, The 9th Conference of The European Society for the Study of English. Aarhus, 22 August 2008.
Mauranen, Anna (2008) English as a lingua franca. Workshop held at Universidad Complutenze. Madrid, 9 April 2008.
Mauranen, Anna (2008) On my point of view...A linear perspective on ELF. Paper presented at the ELF Forum, 1st International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca. Helsinki, 6–8 March 2008.
Metsä-Ketelä, Maria (2008) A glimpse into imprecision in academic ELF: Frequency and distribution. Paper presented at the ELF Forum – First International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca. Helsinki, 6–8 March 2008.
Ranta, Elina (2008) English as a lingua franca vs. learner language. Paper presented at the ELF Forum – First International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca. Helsinki, 6–8 March 2008.
Solin, Anna (2008) Mediating genres: The localisation of a ‘global genre’ in Finland. Paper presented at the Mediating Multilingualism conference. Jyväskylä, 2–5 June 2008.
Suviniitty, Jaana (2008) ELFA and comprehension of lectures – A case study on interactional features in lectures. Paper presented at the CALPIU conference. Roskilde, 15–17 December 2008.
Suviniitty, Jaana (2008) ELFA and comprehension of lectures – A case study on an international master's program. Paper presented at AFinLA. Helsinki, 14–15 November 2008.
Suviniitty, Jaana (2008) Good, Poor, or Excellent. Students’ Perception of Lecturers’ English and Comprehension of Lectures. Paper presented at the EISTA 2008, 6th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications. Orlando, Florida, 29 June–3 July 2008.
Suviniitty, Jaana (2008) The Good, the Bad, and the Excellent. Students’ Perception of Lecturers’ English. Paper presented at the ELF Forum – First International Conference on English as a Lingua Franca. Helsinki, 6–8 March 2008.
Mauranen, Anna: "Englanti lingua francana – Miten se sopii yhteen monikielisyyden kanssa?" Presentation given at the Centre for Language Teacher Education (AinO) at the University of Helsinki, 4 Dec 2008. Presentation video available here.
Hynninen, Niina (2007) Studying ELF and studying in ELF. Paper presented at FINSSE4 – The 4th Finnish Society for the Study of English Conference. Helsinki, 29 November–1 December 2007.
Ranta, Elina (2007) Universal syntactic structures in academic ELF? FINSSE4 – The 4th Finnish Society for the Study of English Conference, Helsinki, 29 November–1 December 2007.
Ranta, Elina (2007) Finnish Upper Secondary School Students’ and English Teachers’ Views on Native and Non-native English. NAES 2007 – The Tenth Nordic Conference for English Studies. Bergen, 24–26 May 2007.
Hynninen, Niina (2006) Sopivatko ELF ja Eurooppalainen viitekehys yhteen? Paper presented at AFinLA. Jyväskylä, 10–11 November 2006.
Ranta, Elina (2006) Progressiivimuodot lingua franca -englannissa. Kielitieteen päivät. Turku, 4–5 May 2006.
Ranta, Elina (2005) Exploring standards for English as a lingua franca. 1st Scandinavian PhD Conference in Linguistics and Philology. Bergen, 13–15 June 2005.
Ranta, Elina (2005) Lingua franca -englannin kieliopilliset normit? Kielitieteen päivät. Tampere, 19–20 May 2005.
Ranta, Elina (2005) Hanke-esittely: English as a lingua franca in academic settings. Keskusteluntutkimuksen päivät. Jyväskylä, 3–4 February 2005.