On Tuesday 30 May 19:00 - 20:30 (UTC+3) Emilia Palonen holds a lecture about Populist Dynamics in the Hashtag Landscape: A Comparative Study of the European Parliamentary Elections.
Last week Juha Herkman and Emilia Palonen got a green light for their edited volume.
Over the four years a lot of colleagues have been laboring on this and would like to give special thanks to Carola Schoor, Reeta Pöyhtäri, Tuija Saresma, Kimmo Elo, Laura Sibinescu, Saija Räsänen, Roberto de Rosa, Dario Quattromani, Dolors Palau Sampio, Virpi Salojärvi, Niamh Kirk, Dayei Oh, Olli Castrén
Who worked on the country-specific chapters of Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Italy, Spain, Ireland and United Kingdom.
With additional thanks given to Juha Koljonen and Laura Sibinescu who worked on the methodology along with Emilia and Juha
If you want to know more about this and comparative thinking, I am giving the 51st Käte Hamburger Lecture: Populist Dynamics in the Hashtag Landscape at the Centre for Global Cooperation Research. This is a remote lecture and to participate you need to pre-register through this link!
(And yes we are preparing for the next analysis of EP2024 with different, audiovisual data.)
Looking forward to Paolo Gerbaudo's comments!
On the following day, Wednesday 31 May 10:15 - 11:45 in the University of Helsinki Main Building (U3032) We have lecture about TikTok as a tool of Political Communication by Virpi Salojärvi whom you may recognise for her contribution on the Spain chapter above.
Virpi's lecture will about her research with Dolors Palau Sampio and Teija Waaramaa on TikTok communication by younger generation of politicians whom are popular on twitter. These TikTok politicians represent variety of political ideas from Europe and Latin America.
Join us in the classroom for the lecture or participate live through Unitube. You can write comments and ask questions through Flinga. Recording of the lecture will also be available later.