The HEPPsinki two-day seminar presented research from the Mainstreaming Populism project, which is ending in August 2021. We discussed how all the forms of mainstreaming outlined by PI Juha Herkman have been taking place in Finland over the four years, and hope to write more on this still.
The DRad project that started in the beginning of 2021 and has been intensively producing four country reports, with the fifth one on social media. The WhiKnow project still continues until 2022 and takes responsibility for organising the HEPP3 conference in autumn 2022, virtually or hybridly. The projects meet usually on Mondays in a HEPPsinki seminar - but for the future an open webinar is planned. We want to engage with others and also communicate our research based ideas.
Tuesday was reserved for the Kone foundation funded NTUS where the HEPPsterts met with colleagues from Jyväskylä who were joining us in this. It would have looked quite different had we been able to meet in person as planned, dropping and taking forward ideas. But the Covid-19 pandemic persists with the Delta variant spreading in Finland. Videocalling after the summer vacation was a bit tiring but it was great to see the smiles of the colleagues again.
Monday, 16 August (HEPP, DRad, WhiKnow and MaPo projects):
13:00-14:30 General introduction round, latest developments
+ What’s next for HEPP 3 (Task force)
14:30-15:00 Break
15:00-18:00 Workshops (presenting papers and research proposals)
15:00-15:30: Juha Herkman: Hegemonic meanings of populism: A comparative analysis of populism as a signifier in the prestige newspapers of six countries in 2000–2018
15:30-16:00: Virpi Salojärvi: Academy of Finland application
16:00-16:30: Break
16:30-17:00: Emilia Palonen and D.Rad group: D.Rad project presentation
17:00:17:30: Emilia Lounela: Incel gamers? Digital gaming and the incel phenomenon
17:30-18:00: Wrap-up, future plans for HEPP
Tuesday, 17 August (NTUS):
10:00-11:30 Latest updates from the project members, future plans
11:30-12:30 Lunch break
12:30-17:00 Workshops (with papers and research proposals)
12:30-13:00: Ilana Hartikainen: Research Proposal
13:00-13:30: Marina Vulovic: Academy of Finland application draft
13:30-14:00: Ruta Kazlauskaite: First reflections on material collected in Poland during Jul28-Aug11
14:00-14:20: Break
14:20-14:50: Taneli Viitahuhta: Towards a theory of political praxis as syncopation of reified and reflexive time
14:50-15:20: Mikko Salmela: Victimhood identities and affective polarization in the age of neoliberalism
15:20-15:30: Break
15:30-16:00: Laura Sibinescu: Article on online LGBTQ campaigning
16:00-16:30: Sabine Volk: Research proposal for future project
16:30-16:40: Break
16:40-17:10: What’s next for NTUS