Registration deadline for the HEPP4 Conference extended

The panel submissions for the upcoming Fourth Helsinki Conference on Emotions, Populism and Polarised Politics fill us with great hope for a fruitful event, and we would like to express our deep gratitude to all researchers and experts in various fields for their valuable contributions so far! Having said that, we are motivated to expand the reach of the conference to the maximum. Therefore, we would like to announce that the registration for the upcoming HEPP4 conference is now extended until 30 September 2023.

Reduced fees apply to doctoral researchers, non-employed researchers, and colleagues from the Global South and Central and Eastern Europe:

  • HEPP4 ONSITE: Normal fee – 250€ (early bird 200) 
  • HEPP4 ONSITE: Reduced fee – 150€ (early bird 120)
  • HEPP4 ONLINE: Normal fee – 150€ (early bird 120)
  • HEPP4 ONLINE: Reduced fee – 100€ (early bird 70)
  • HEPP4 ONSITE: Non-presenting normal fee – 100€
  • HEPP4 ONSITE: Non-presenting reduced fee – 70€
  • HEPP4 ONLINE: Non-presenting – 50€
  • HEPP4 ONLINE: Non-presenting from the University of Helsinki – 0€
  • HEPP research group member – 0€


Please note that if you cancel your registration by 30 September 2023, you will receive a refund of the conference registration fee, minus a 50 € administrative charge. Refunds are not available after 30 September 2023.

Once again, do not forget to check out our latest updates about the post-conference symposium day on 14 December 2023 at the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi and its preliminary programme to make up your mind and decide if you join us up north. However, we would like to remind you that the symposium day takes place during the high-demand Christmas season in Lapland meaning you should try to book your travel plans early. 

Do not hesitate to follow us on Instagram or Facebook to stay even more up-to-date with the HEPP4 Conference news and general activity of our Research Hub!