Open Lecture Series on Transforming Politics and Communications 8-31 May

Open hybrid lecture series with international guest speakers starts next Monday (8 May 2023). Master's students and Doctoral researchers can enroll for this as "GPC-M328 - Populism, Nativism, and the Future of Liberal Democracy".

Course of Guest Lectures on politics and communication addresses the environment of transforming communication and organisation from TV to TikTok, pandemic to stakeholder.

This course is available for Masters students and doctoral researchers for discussing political communication and organisation in the contemporary era. The topics cover media transformation from TV to social media (Twitter and TikTok), new forms of election analysis, the role of public political philosophy and political economy in multinational organisations. The course is composed of guest lectures and two seminars, and the assessment is by an essay discussing three of the topics for those students who wish to obtain credits from the international lecture series. The guests are visiting Helsinki Hub on Emotions, Populism and Polarisation research group and Helsinki Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities.

Course schedule:

  1. Monday 8 May 14-16 (Main Building, U3032) Lecture: Saman Choudary (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain): COVID19-pandemic and health organisations’ social media communication

    Recording of the lecture is now available Here

  2. Tuesday 9 May 10-12 (Main Building, U3032) Lecture: William Lancaster (Northeastern University, US): Film, Television and the Rise of Nationalism

  3. Recording of the lecture is now available Here

  4. Tuesday 16 May 16-18 (Main Building, U3032)

    RESCHEDULED Tuesday 16 May 17:30 - 19:00 (Kielikeskus/Language Center, Room 115, Fabianinkatu 26): Lecture: Jonathan Floyd (University of Bristol, UK): Public Political Philosophy (Comments Minna-Kerttu Kekki, Oulu)

    Recording of the lecture is now available Here

  5. Wednesday 17 May 10-12 (Main Building, U4072): Workshop on public political philosophy with Jonathan Floyd

  6. Tuesday 23 May 16-18 (Main Building, U3032) Lecture: Szilvia Horváth (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary): Counterhegemony and Building of an Illiberal University

    Recording of the lecture is now available Here

  7. Wednesday 24 May 10-12 (Main Building, U3039) Lecture: Kyle Bailey (York University, Canada) Stakeholder capitalism in multinational organisations

    Recording of the lecture is now available Here

  8. Tuesday 30 May 19-20:30 (Remote lecture, online) Lecture: Emilia Palonen (Helsinki): Populist Dynamics in the Hashtag Landscape: A Comparative Study of the European Parliamentary Elections delivered at Käte Hamburger Centre for global Cooperation Research)

    Please note that to participate on this lecture you first need to pre-register!

  9. Wednesday 31 May 10-12 (Main Building, U3032) Lecture: Virpi Salojärvi (University of Vaasa & Helsinki): TikTok as a tool for political communication

    Lecture will also be available live on Unitube

  10. Wednesday 31 May 12-14 (Main Building, U4072) Final seminar with Yannick Lahti, Emilia Palonen & Virpi Salojärvi (compulsory attendance or requires extra assignment)

Course will consist of lectures and seminars. Coursework will include short reflective assignments for each lecture, finishing with final essay of approximately 3000 words discussing themes of the course. Course literature will be available on Moodle.

Lecture course by Emilia Palonen in Master's Programme in Global Politics and Communication.

Teaching Language: English

From 8 May 2023 until 31 May 2023