HEPP roundtable on Grievance Politics and Democracy

HEPP roundtable "Grievance Politics and Democracy" discusses how affective polarization and uncompromising antagonisms in contemporary politics fuel major crises that generate populist, reactionist, and authoritarian movements and how politics and governance can be emotionally empowered to promote democracy.
HEPP roundtable on Grievance Politics and Democracy  

HEPP roundtable on Grievance Politics and Democracy  

Date: 6 February 13.30-15:00 

Place: Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Fabianinkatu 24, 3rd floor, and online 

Welcome to the Helsinki Hub on Emotions, Populism and Polarisation roundtable where group of speakers around Europe discuss grievance politics and democracy, addressing contemporary themes from Brexit, to the pandemic and the Russian aggression war in Ukraine. 


Chair: Mikko Salmela, University of Copenhagen / University of Helsinki 

Contemporary politics is angry and vengeful, with affective polarization and uncompromising antagonisms posing a significant challenge for European democracies. Grievance politics draws its impetus and animus from major crises that in the recent decade have followed one another in an unprecedented scale: the sovereign debt crisis, the refugee crisis, and the security crisis in view of terrorist attacks were followed by the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine with the ensuing humanitarian, refugee, and economic crises, challenges to EU integration following Brexit, and an exacerbating sense of climate crisis. These crises have provided a breeding ground for populist, reactionist, and authoritarian movements all over Europe, many of which contest the resilience of democratic governance and liberal international order in an unparalleled manner. How can we understand the accelerated development of rejection and challenge of democracy, of which the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a part, and how can we develop ways in which the emotional needs of citizens can be better integrated into emotionally empowering politics and governance that foster and promote European democracies and values? 

Organised Helsinki Hub on Emotions Populism and Polarisation and its Now Time Us Space Project 

Supported by Region of Uusimaa and Kone Foundation, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies

All welcome!  

Zoom link to the event: https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/65424629712?pwd=WlVQSVNLb2JBTFg2UEN1d3hMQSs0dz09

Meeting ID: 654 2462 9712

Passcode: 522205