Dirty words: populism, feminism, and hegemony. Master Class with Mercedes Barros 7-8 December

Mercedes Barros (CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba CEA) is coming all the way from Argentina to Helsinki to give a Master Class on populism, feminism, and hegemony. The course is organized by the University of Helsinki Doctoral Program in Gender, Culture, and Society (SKY) in cooperation with HEPPsinki and their Now Time Us Space Project, co-teacher being Emilia Palonen (University of Helsinki).

During her visit, Mercedes will also give a keynote lecture at the HEPP4 Conference, taking place in Helsinki between 11-13 December, to which all course participants are invited.

The course is designed for PhD students from all around the world. Course participants have a chance to present their research, get detailed comments, and discuss other papers on any aspects of the following themes: feminist political movements, practices of feminist resistance, anti-gender movements, gender and populism, hegemony and discourse theoretical approach, memory, and use of political theory in research.

Time & Place: 

Mercedes Barros´s lecture in the SKY Christina Research Seminar on 5th December 4-6pm

Course: 7-8 December 2023 at the University of Helsinki

If interested, apply with a paper abstract/short summary of max 200 words by 31 October 2023, through the form linked below. Further questions can be directed to Emilia Palonen (emilia.palonen@helsinki.fi).