Arador Innovations Ltd is a Finnish science communication and research company, founded and led by the animal cognition scientist and award-winning nonfiction author Helena Telkänranta. The overarching theme of the work of Arador is to develop new ways to use science to improve animal welfare.
Its research department Arador Health Science, develops thermographic methods to measure animal emotions, contributing to the available methodology in animal welfare assessment, and to detect painful conditions so that animals can be provided with the pain medication or other help they need.
In addition to this main line of research, it also occasionally participates in other projects, such as the study on factors affecting people's ability to recognise animal emotions.
Other departments include Arador Training, providing courses for animal-related professionals and hobbyistis, and Arador Productions, developing digital, interactive media for education and public communication of science. Focusing on the science of animal behaviour, emotions and welfare, the projects involve novel ways to utilise virtual reality, mobile games and more to bring scientific knowledge available to the public and to vocational education in an easily accessible, captivating way.
Korkeasaari Zoo is one of the most popular leisure destinations in Finland, and every year, it attracts almost half a million visitors of all ages. The most important mission of Korkeasaari is to conserve biodiversity and each and every one of the visitors supports this work.
Korkeasaari is home for nearly two thousand animals representing approximately 160 species. The Wildlife Hospital at the Korkeasaari Zoo is the largest care centre in Finland for injured and orphaned wild animals.
Korkeasaari conserves biodiversity as part of the network of zoos and conservation organizations. Endangered species are conserved by breeding as genetically diverse populations as possible to ensure the future of the species. Declining populations in the nature can be strengthened with the help of zoo populations, and animals can be reintroduced to areas where they have previously lived. European forest reindeers, Przewalski's wild horses and many other species have been sent from Korkeasaari Zoo to the wild.
Studies to enhance the success of the conservation work and the wellbeing of animals are conducted and supported in Korkeasaari. For over 100 years, Korkeasaari has donated deceased animals to the collections of the Finnish Museum of Natural History for researchers.
One of the cornerstones of the zoo’s working principles is environmental education. Its objective is to inform the leisure visitors and students on a field trip about the meaning of biodiversity and the ways to conserve it.
The Zoo is managed by a non-profit foundation, called the Foundation of Korkeasaari Zoo (officially Korkeasaaren eläintarhan säätiö).