. 2020, Compensation of carbon sequestration in forests: theory and practical applications. University of Helsinki, Department of Economics and Management. Master's thesis. https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/320330
Korhonen, S. 2020. Forests in European Union’s climate policy ‒ A case study of the forest reference level projection in Finland. University of Helsinki, Department of Economics and Management. Master's thesis. https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/319032
Laukkanen, M. 2020. On the Economics of carbon sequestration in forest sites of different productivity. University of Helsinki, Department of Economics and Management. Master's thesis. https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/316369
Pekkarinen, A.-J., Kumpula, J. and Tahvonen, O. 2020, Predation costs and compensations in reindeer husbandry, Wildlife biology, 2020 (3). https://doi.org/10.2981/wlb.00684
Parkatti, V.-P. and Tahvonen, O. 2020, Optimizing continuous cover and rotation forestry in mixed-species boreal forests, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, in print. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2020-0056
Rämö, J., Assmuth, A. and Tahvonen, O.: 2019. Optimal continuous cover management with lower bound constrains on deadwood. Forest Science, 66: 201-209. https://doi.org/10.1093/forsci/fxz073
Tahvonen, O., Rämö, J., and Mönkkönen, M.: 2019. Economics of mixed forests with ecosystem services. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 49: 1219-1232. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2018-0514
Quaas, M. and Tahvonen, O. 2019. Strategic harvesting of age-structured populations. Marine Resource Economics 34: 292-303. https://doi.org/10.1086/705905
Parkatti, V-P., Assmuth, A., Rämö, J. and Tahvonen, O. Economics of boreal conifer species in continuous cover and rotation forestry. Forest Policy and Economics, 100, 55-67. 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2018.11.003
Assmuth, A., Ramo, J. and Tahvonen, O. Economics of size-structured forestry with carbon storage. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 48(1), 11-22. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2017-0261
Assmuth, A. and Tahvonen, O. Optimal carbon storage in even-and uneven-aged forestry. Forest Policy and Economics, 87, 93-100. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2017.09.004
Pekkarinen, A-J., Kumpula, J. and Tahvonen, O. Parameterization and validation of an ungulate-pasture model. Ecology and Evolution, 7(20), 8282-8302. 2017. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.3358
Tahvonen, O. and Rautiainen, A. Economics of forest carbon storage and the additionality principle. Resource and Energy Economics, 50, 124-134. 2017. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.reseneeco.2017.07.001
Rämö, J. and Tahvonen, O. Optimizing the Harvest Timing in Continuous Cover Forestry. Environmental and Resource Economics, 67(4), 853-868. 2017. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10640-016-0008-4
Sinha, A., Rämö, J., Malo, P., Kallio, M., and Tahvonen, O. Optimal management of naturally regenerating uneven-aged forests. European Journal of Operational Research, 256(3), 886-900. 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2016.06.071
Tahvonen O., and Rämö J. Optimality of continuous cover vs. clearcut regimes in managing forest resources. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 46(7): 891-901. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2015-0474
Rämö, J., and Tahvonen O. Optimizing the Harvest Timing in Continuous Cover Forestry. Environmental and Resource Economics 67 (4): 853-868. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10640-016-0008-4
Tahvonen O. Economics of rotation and thinning revisited: the optimality of clearcuts versus continuous cover forestry. Forest Policy and Economics 62: 88-94. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2015.08.013
Quaas MF, Reusch TBH, Schmidt JO, Tahvonen O, and Voss R. It is the economy, stupid! Projecting the fate of fish populations using ecological–economic modeling. Global Change Biology 22 (1): 264-270. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/gcb.13060
Pekkarinen A.-J., Kumpula J., and Tahvonen O. Reindeer management and winter pastures in the presence of supplementary feeding and government subsidies. Ecological Modelling 312: 256–271. 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.05.030
Rämö J. and Tahvonen O. Economics of harvesting boreal uneven-aged mixed-species forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45(8): 1102-1112. 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2014-0552
Tahvonen. O. Economics of Naturally Regenerating, Heterogeneous Forests. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 2 (2): 309-337. 2015. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/681587
Rämö, J and Tahvonen, O. Optimal harvesting of uneven-aged stands in Fennoscandia. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 29(8). 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2014.982166
Pihlainen, S. Tahvonen, O and Niinimäki, S. Economics of timber and bioenergy production and carbon storage in Scots pine stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44(9): 1091-1102. 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2013-0475
Voss, R, Quaas, M, Schmidt, J, Tahvonen, O, Lindegegren, M and Moellmann, C. Assessing social-ecological trade-oofs to advance ecosystem-based fisheries management. PloS One 9,9, 8 p. 107811.
Tahvonen, O, Kumpula, J and Pekkarinen A-J: Optimal harvesting of an age-structured two sex herbivore-plant system. Ecological Modelling 272: 348-361, 2014.
Tahvonen O: Optimal harvesting of size-structured populations. In Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics, E. Moser, W. Semmler, G. Tragler, V. Velinov (eds). Springer Verlag, 2013.
Tahvonen O, Pihlainen S, Niinimäki S: On the economics of timber production in boreal Scots pine stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43: 719-730, 2013.
Niinimäki S, Tahvonen O, Mäkelä A and Linkosalo T: On the economics of Norway spruce stands and carbon storages. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43: 637-648, 2012.
Tahvonen O, Quaas M, Schmidt J and Voss R: Optimal harvesting of age-structured schooling fishery. Environmental and Resource Economics 54:21-39, 2012.
Kuuluvainen T, Tahvonen O, and Aakala T: Even-aged and uneven-aged forest management in boreal Fennoscandia. Ambio 41: 720-737, 2012.
Tahvonen O: Optimal structure and development of uneven-aged Norway spruce forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41: 2389–2402, 2011.
Niinimäki S, Tahvonen O, Mäkelä A: Applying a process-based model in Norway spruce management. Forest Ecology and Management 265:102-115, 2011.
Voss R, Hinrichsen H, Quaas M, Schmidt J and Tahvonen O: Temperature change and Baltic sprat: from observations to ecological–economic modelling. ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsr063, 2011.
Tahvonen O: Age-structured optimization models in fisheries economics: a survey, Optimal Control of Age-structured Populations in Economy, Demography, and the Environment” R. Boucekkine, N. Hritonenko, and Y. Yatsenko, (eds.), Series “Environmental Economics”, Routledge (Taylor & Francis, UK) 2010.
Mäkipää R, Linkosalo T, Niinimäki S, Komarov A, Bykhovets S, Tahvonen O and Mäkelä A: How forest management and climate change affect the carbon sequestration of a Norway spruce stand. Journal of Forest Planning 16: 107-120, 2010.
Tahvonen O, Pukkala T, Laiho O, Lähde E, and Niinimäki S: Optimal management of uneven-aged Norway spruce forests. Forest Ecology and Management 260: 106-115, 2010.
Tahvonen O: Optimal choice between even- and uneven-aged forestry. Natural Resource Modelling 22: 289-321, 2009.
Tahvonen O: Economics of harvesting age-structured fish populations. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 58: 281-299, 2009.
Tahvonen O: Optimal harvesting of age-structured fish populations. Marine Resource Economics 24: 147-169, 2009.
Tahvonen O: Harvesting age-structured populations as a biomass. Does it work? Natural Resource Modelling 21: 525-550, 2008.
Tahvonen O and Viitala E.-J: Does Faustmann rotation apply regulated forest. Forest Science 52: 23-30, 2006.
Tahvonen O and Kallio M: Optimal harvesting of forest age classes under price uncertainty and risk aversion. Natural Resource Modelling 19: 557-586, 2006.
Cao T, Hyytiäinen K, Tahvonen O and Valsta L: Effects of initial stand states on optimal thinning regime and rotation of Picea abies stands. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 21: 388-398, 2006.
Hyytiäinen K, Tahvonen O and Valsta L: Optimum juvenile density, harvesting and stand structure in even-aged Scots pine stands. Forest Science 51: 120-133, 2005.
Tahvonen O: Timber production vs. old growth conservation with endogenous prices and forest age classes. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34: 1296-1310, 2004.
Tahvonen O: Optimal harvesting of forest age classes: a survey of some recent results. Mathematical Population Studies 11: 205-232, 2004.
Salo S and Tahvonen O: Renewable resource management with endogenous evolution of age classes and allocation of land. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86: 513-530, 2004.
Liski M and Tahvonen O: Can carbon tax eat OPEC´s oil rent? Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 47: 1-12, 2004.
Li C-Z, Kuuluvainen J, Pouta E, Rekola M and Tahvonen O: Using choice experiments to value the Natura 2000 nature conservation programs in Finland. Environmental & Resource Economics 29: 361-374, 2004.
Hyytiäinen K, Hari P, Kokkila T, Mäkelä A, Tahvonen O and Taipale J: Connecting a process-based forest growth model to a stand level economic optimization. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34: 2060-2073, 2004.
Salo S and Tahvonen O: On the Economics of forest vintages. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 27: 1411-1435, 2003.
Hyytiäinen K and Tahvonen O: Maximum Sustainable Yield, forest rent or Faustmann, does it really matter? Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 18: 457-469, 2003.
Salo S and Tahvonen O: On the optimality of a normal forest with multiple land classes. Forest Science 48: 530-542, 2002.
Salo S and Tahvonen O: On equilibrium cycles and normal forests in optimal harvesting of tree vintages. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 44: 1-22, 2002.
Pouta E, Rekola M, Kuuluvainen J, Li C-Z and Tahvonen O: Willingness to pay in different policy-planning methods: insights into respondents’ decision-making processes. Ecological Economics 40: 295-311. 2002.
Hyytiäinen K and Tahvonen O: The effects of legal restrictions and recommendations in timber production: the case of Finland. Forest Science 47: 443-454, 2002.
Hyytiäinen K and Tahvonen O: Economics of forest thinnings and rotation periods for Finnish conifer cultures. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Resources 17: 274-288, 2002.
Tahvonen O, Salo S and Kuuluvainen J: Optimal forest rotation and land values under a borrowing constraint. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 25: 1595-1627, 2001.
Tahvonen O and Salo S: Economic growth and transitions between renewable and nonrenewable resources. European Economic Review 45: 1379-1398, 2001.
Salo S and Tahvonen O: Oligopoly equilibria in nonrenewable resource markets. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 25: 671-702, 2001.
Rekola M, Pouta E, Kuuluvainen J, Tahvonen O and Li C-Z: Incommensurable preferences in contingent valuation: the case of Natura 2000 Network in Finland. Environmental Conservation 27: 260-268, 2000.
Pouta E, Rekola M, Kuuluvainen J, Tahvonen O and Li C-Z: Contingent valuation of the Natura 2000 conservation programme in Finland. Forestry 73: 119-128, 2000.
Tahvonen O.: Net national emissions, CO2 taxation and the role of forestry. Resource and Energy Economics 17 307-315, 1995. Download.