Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, 2005, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
Postdoc 2005-2009 in Whitlock's lab at UBC (SNSF funded), Vancouver, Canada.
Independent junior group leader (SNSF funded), 2009-2013, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
Assistant professor (SNSF funded), 2014-2021, University of Zürich, Switzerland.
I am an evolutionary biologist trained in population and quantitative genetics. My research has a strong computational component. I develop the Nemo forward-time simulation software since my PhD. I more recently fell for experimental evolution and the little critter we use in the lab, Tribolium castaneum.
Petri Kemppainen
Ph.D. in Marine Biology, 2008, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Posdoctoral research in Gothenburg University, Sweden (2008-2010), University of Manchester, UK (2010-2013), Brno, Czech Republic (2014), NTNU Trondheim, Norway (2015-2017), University of Helsinki, Finland (2017-2023) and Hong Kong (2023-2024).
I have a diverse background in population and evolutionary genomics focused on understanding how different evolutionary processes affects patterns of genetic variation in natural populations and how this can be utilized to understand adaptive evolutionary processes in the wild. My studies include local adaptation in marine periwinkles (Littorina fabalis) on the Swedish west coast; inversion polymorphism in anopheles mosquitoes in SE Asia; artificial selection experiments in insular grey sparrow populations off the coast of northern Norway; parallel evolution in stickleback fishes (Helsinki); and developing methods to detect range expansions from population genomic data (Hong Kong).
Nicholas Armeni
BSc in Biology, 2018, University of Malta, Malta. MSc in Ecology and Evolution, 2023, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Hi, I am an evolutionary biologist with a keen interest in simulations and computational methods. My academic background ranges from marine ecology, which I studied during my BSc, to a more recent foray into evolutionary dynamics using the simulation software Avida during my MSc.
Currently, my research is focused on examining the impacts of species interactions on eco-evolutionary dynamics. I am utilizing the individual-based model software Nemo, which I am also actively helping to develop further. This work aims to deepen our understanding of how interactions shape ecosystems and improve our predictive capabilities in the face of environmental changes.
Martti Levo
BSc in Botany, 2019, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. MSc in Plant Sciences, 2023, University of Helsinki, Finland. Research assistant at LUOMUS, 2021 – 2023, Helsinki, Finland.
My work aims to investigate the genetic architecture of adaptation. I do this by testing polygenic adaptation to a new temperature and humidity optimum using experimental evolution, using Tribolium castaneum as the model organism. I have experience working on large scale greenhouse experiments, gathering phenotypic data, and performing statistical analysis on empirical data. I hope to complement these skills by learning to perform genetic analysis on samples collected from our lab.
BSc in Aquatic & Fishery Sciences and BA in Finnish, 2019, University of Washington. Current Master's student in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, studying the change in genetic diversity due to extreme climate events in a metapopulation of Melitaea cinxia in Åland, Finland.
I am a marine biologist with my background in arctic marine mammals. My Master's thesis is using NEMO simulations with butterflies to see how significant climate change events affect a metapopulation, which I hope to be able to apply to other populations as well.
Lauri Ahlberg
Yunus Vilkkavaara Cankocak
Theresa Koller
I'm a Master student in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Helsinki and I'm currently doing a four months internship (sponsored by HiLIFE) in this research group. Using the simulation software Nemo, I want to find out how the species' range of the flowering plant Hypericum perforatum will shift due to future climate change.