New sequencing instruments


We have purchased new sequencing instruments


Short read sequencer AVITI (Element Biosciences) was delivered and installed in November 2023. 

  • It has industry-leading accuracy: >90% >Q30
  • Avidity Sequencing employs rolling circle amplification (RCA) to minimize common amplification errors.
    • No PCR error propagation
    • Negligible index hopping
    • Low duplication rates
    • Low AT/GC bias


Long read sequencer Revio (Pacific Biosicence, PacBio) was delivered in end of 2023 and installed in January 2024. 

  • Replacing PacBio Sequel II instrument
  • 15x increase in HiFi long read throughput compared to Sequel II
  • HiFi sequencing provides
    • small and structural variants
    • repeat extensions
    • methylation
    • haplotype phasing  


Long read sequencer Promethion-2-Solo (Oxford Nanopore) was acquired in spring 2023.


New instruments and training