MINTED (Multilingual and Intercultural Education in Sweden and Finland)

MINTED investigates the relationship between Swedish and Finnish education policy and teacher education, with a focus on multilingualism and intercultural education.

A fundamental issue for the project is whether our teachers are educated to teach pupils from a variety backgrounds with regard to language, ethnicity, race, gender, social class, and religion.

We study whether current teacher education works against inequality and creates opportunities for a fairer society, as well as whether there is a the need for changes in Swedish and Finnish teacher education. The empirical studies undertaken include discourse analysis of Swedish and Finnish national comprehensive school curricula and policy documents for teacher education, semi-structured interviews at eight universities with teacher educators and student teachers in pre-service education in Sweden and Finland, and an ethnographic study of newly educated working teachers in the year 5-6 classroom in Finland.

MINTED seeks to develop concrete implications for the development of teacher education and comprehensive school educational practices.

Cooperation and funding

MINTED is a cooperation between University of Helsinki and Stockholm University. The project was financed (2015–2017) by strategic funds from the two universities. The project is ongoing.

Project team

Project Leader Professor Gunilla Holm, University of Helsinki

Professor Lena Ekberg, Stockholm University

Post doc BethAnne Paulsrud, Stockholm University

Post doc Harriet Zilliacus, University of Helsinki

Doctoral student Ida Hummelstedt-Djedou, University of Helsinki

Professor Fritjof Sahlström, Åbo Akademi

Senior lecturer Anna Slotte, University of Helsinki

  • Harriet Zilliacus visiting Stockholm University, October 2015, September 2016
  • Ida Hummelstedt-Djedou visiting Stockholm University, October 2015, September 2016
  • BethAnne Paulsrud visiting University of Helsinki, March and November 2016, April 2017
Conference presentations

Hummelstedt, I., Holm, G. & Zilliacus, H. (November 2019). Spots of othering on the way towards social justice: discourses on multicultural education among Finnish teacher educators. Paper presented at the conference International Association of Intercultural Education conference (IAIE), Amsterdam.

Hummelstedt-Djedou, I., Sahlström, F & Zilliacus, H. (March, 2019). Countering or reproducing discourses of othering – multiculturalism and multicultural education in Finnish teacher education. Paper presentation at the conference Nordic Educational Research Association Conference (NERA), Uppsala.

Zilliacus, H. & Paulsrud, B. (May, 2018). Multicultural and multilingual education: Current challenges in teacher education in Sweden and Finland. Paper presentation at the conference Multilingualism and Education: Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives, Oslo.

Hummelstedt-Djedou, I. & Zilliacus, H. (May, 2018). Motstridiga diskurser om mångkulturalitet och mångfald i finländsk lärarutbildning. Paper presentation at Nordisk lärarutbildningskonferens 2018, Vasa.

Hummelstedt-Djedou, I., Sahlström, F & Zilliacus, H. (May, 2018). Conflicting discourses on multicultural education in Finnish teacher education. Paper presentation at the conference JustEd 2018 ‘Promoting justice through education’, Helsinki.

Paulsrud, B. & Zilliacus, H. (April, 2018). En skola för alla: Flerspråkighet och transspråkande i lärarutbildningen. Paper presentation at ASLA symposium at Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden.

Paulsrud, B. & Zilliacus, H. (February, 2018). Spaces for multilingual education: Language orientations in the national curricula of Sweden and Finland. Paper presentation at the conference Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts Trinity College, Dublin. 

Paulsrud, B. & Zilliacus, H. (February, 2018). Spaces for multilingual education: Language orientations in the national curricula of Sweden and Finland. Paper presentation at the conference Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts Trinity College, Dublin.

Hummelstedt-Djedou, I. & Sahlström, F. (March, 2018). The complexity of multicultural education: an example of an art lesson. Paper presentation at the conference Nordic Educational Research Association Conference (NERA), Oslo.

Paulsrud, B. & Zilliacus, H. (February, 2018). Spaces for multilingual education: Language orientations in the national curricula of Sweden and Finland. Paper presentation at the conference Language, Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts Trinity College, Dublin.


Hummelstedt-Djedou, I., Holm, G, Sahlström, F. & Zilliacus, H. (in press). ‘Refugees here and Finns there’ - Categorisations of race, nationality and gender in a Finnish classroom, Intercultural Education.

Paulsrud, B., Zilliacus, H. & Ekberg, L. (submitted). Spaces for multilingual education: Language orientations in the national curricula of Sweden and Finland. International Multilingual Research Journal.

Hummelstedt-Djedou, I., Zilliacus, H. & Holm, G. (2018). Diverging discourses on multicultural education in Finnish teacher education programme policies: implications for teaching, Multicultural Education Review, 10:3, 184–202, DOI: 10.1080/2005615X.2018.1511341

Paulsrud, B. & Zilliacus, H. (2018). En skola för alla: Flerspråkighet och transspråkande i lärarutbildningen, In B. Paulsrud, J. Rosén, B. Straszer & Å. Wedin (Eds), Transpråkande och utbildning. Stockholm: Studentlitteratur.

Zilliacus, H., Paulsrud, B. & Holm, G. (2017). Essentializing vs. non-essentializing students’ cultural identities: curricular discourses in Finland and Sweden. Multicultural Discourses. Journal of Multicultural Discourses,12(2), 166–180. DOI=10.1080/17447143.2017.1311335 (Open access)

Zilliacus, H, Holm, G. & Sahlström, F. (2017). Taking steps towards institutionalising multicultural education – The national curriculum of Finland, Multicultural Education Review, 9(4), 231–248 DOI: 10.1080/2005615X.2017.1383810. DOI: 10.1080/2005615X.2017.1383810 (Open Access)

Contact information

Professor and Project Leader Gunilla Holm:

Post doc Harriet Zilliacus:

Doctoral student Ida Hummelstedt-Djedou: