DigiLi - Digital Literacy in Development

Within the research project DigiLi, Digital Literacy in Development (in Swedish: Digital litteracitet i utveckling), changes and didactic implications related to an increasingly digitized teaching are examined.

Both distance education and digital practices in local education are of interest. The focus is on teaching in grades 5–9 in Swedish-language schools.


Research leader: Anna Slotte


Martina Aaltonen

Jenny Högström (doctoral student)

Pia Mikander

Katarina Rejman, University of Stockholm

Kirsi Wallinheimo

Research assistant: Olivia Kåhre



As a collaboration with the research projects Connected Classroom Nordic, (CCN within the research center QUINT) and DISKO, Digitization and distance education in Swedish-language schools in Finland, material collected within these projects is mainly analyzed. The material consists of video recordings and interviews with teachers.

DigiLi is based on the following questions:

  1. What new digital literacy practices emerged and were used during distance learning?
  2. What do digital literacy practices mean in terms of student participation in teaching and democracy in the classroom?
  3. What do digital literacy practices mean with regard to linguistically sensitive teaching?
  4. What is the significance of collaborative teacher cooperation in a digitized school?
Cooperation and financing

DigiLi is financed by the Swedish Cultural Fund for the period 1.9.2021–30.9.2023.

DigiLi collaborates with the research projects Connected Classroom Nordic, (CCN) and DISKO, Digitization and distance education in Swedish-language schools in Finland, funded by “Svenska Folkskolans Vänner”. CCN is part of the Nordic research center QUINT, which is funded by NordForsk.