DePTER - Exploring innovative practices in teacher education to strengthen the training of reflective practitioners in our schools

One of the main challenges of teacher education is connecting theory and practice in teacher education.

There is a variety of efforts to bridge this gap at universities around the world. In this project, teacher educators at Tallinn University in Estonia, University of Helsinki in Finland, and Uppsala University in Sweden, cooperate to explore innovative practices in teacher education. The purpose of the project is to learn from each other in order to ultimately strengthening the training of reflective practitioners in our schools.

Project Team

Currently att the University of Helsinki: Professor Erika Löfström, Lecturer Solveig Cornér, Lecturer Laura Kiuru and Doctoral student Lina Lindström

Prior members: Simona Savin-Gardberg, Hannele Pitkänen

See all people.

Project activities

The project is organised around six intellectual outputs. The University of Helsinki is responsible for the outputs on Ethics (IO 3) and subject-integrative teaching (IO 4). See more


Löfström, E. & Areskoug, L. (2020). Taking action into research! 

(This methods guide is an edited version of Löfström, E. 2011. Guide to Action Research. Eduko. ISBN 978-9949-481-12-5 published in English and in Estonian (Tegevusuuringu käsiraamat).

Materials and links

All materials produced in the project will be openly available on the project website.

Blog text from a Staff Training Event - A holistic approach: Phenomenon-based and subject integrative teaching and learning (April 2021): /sv/aktuellt/undervisning-studier-vid-universitetet/amnesoverskridande-undervisning-i-skola-och-inom-lararutbildning

Blog text from a Joint Staff Training Event - Blended mobility of higher education Students (December 2020): /sv/aktuellt/undervisning-studier-vid-universitetet/internationella-praktikkollegor-i-samforstand-pa-distans


Cooperation and funding

Tallinn University (Coordinator)

University of Helsinki (Partner)

Uppsala University (Partner)

See more

The project receives EU-funding under the ERASMUS+ programme, grant 2019-1-EE01-KA201-051615 for the period September 2019 – April 2022.

Contact information