The aim is to understand the practicalities behind digitalization in the field of higher education from the perspective of work research. Academic work as an illustration of knowledge work is undergoing major changes, such as diversification of tasks and implementation of new forms of control. Academics are under pressure to combine multiple roles and tasks: teaching, research, and science communication and societal impact. The reasons behind the transformations are among others transfer of practices and tools from non-academic fields and overall diminishing of differences between academic and non-academic work. One of the fast-changing areas is increased digitalization. The general research question of the whole project is how digitalization is transforming academic work and ways of collaboration between different actors?
The research site is the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki. We are looking at the digitalized activities on various levels of the whole faculty: administration, teachers, researchers, students, external stakeholders.
Liubov Vetoshkina,