This project was collaboration between HAMK Edu Research Unit and DigIT Research Group. HAMK Edu is a research unit at HAMK (Häme University of Applied Sciences), which works on competence development of transforming work and educational reforms.
The project was an ethnographic study of two innovation projects of HAMK Bioeconomy 4.0 and Carbon 4.0
Liubov Vetoshkina, responsible researcher,
Vetoshkina, L., Lamberg, L., Paavola, S., Ryymin, E. & Rintala, H. (2021). Intertwined Development of Innovation Activities: Redefining Applied Research in a University of Applied Sciences. Manuscript in preparation.
Lamberg, L., Ryymin, E. & Vetoshkina, L. (2021). Value Dimensions in Interdisciplinary Research: Facilitating Research Problem Formulation in Smart Bioeconomy. Manuscript submitted for publication.