The research group has participated on several research projects during the years 2011-2016 funded by TEKES (currently Business Finland), Academy of Finland and Finnish Work Environment Fund.
BIM is composed of three-dimensional models of a building in which quantitative and qualitative data can be attached to the parts of the model. This combination allows not only advanced forms of visualization but also simulation and modelling of the behaviour of the building, for example, its energy consumption or lighting as well as the operative management of building projects. The development of international standards enables the transfer of information between “native” or disciplinary design software models, that is, architectural, structural and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) models and the creation of combined models. The implementation of combined models influence in the forms of collaboration in design.
The research aim has been to produce new knowledge on uses of BIM at the design, construction, and maintenance phases of the lifecycle of the building. The research group has brought social and educational scientific perspective to research fields traditionally dominated by engineering sciences. The group has used innovation and technology studies and cultural historical activity theory as a theoretical background in these research projects. The BIM challenges our understanding of digital artifacts and the activity theoretical understanding of meditational means.
The BIM projects have produced a new, multidisciplinary workshop “When Social Science meets Lean and BIM” which have had participants from several European countries as well as from Asian countries, and Canada. It was founded by the BIM group with the School of Built Environment group at the Salford University, UK. The workshop has been held 2013 at Salford, 2014 at Helsinki, 2015 at Liverpool, 2016 at Huddersfield, 2017 at Århus, and at 2018 again at Huddersfield, UK.
Kerosuo, H. (2017). Transformative agency and the development of knotworking in building design. In M. Goller & S. Paloniemi (Eds.), Agency at work - An agentic perspective on professional learning and development, pp. 331-349. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Kerosuo, H., Miettinen, R., Mäki, T., Paavola, S., Korpela, J. and Rantala, T. (2012). Expanding uses of building information modeling in life-cycle construction projects. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation 41 (Supplement 1/2012), 114-119.
Kerosuo, H., Miettinen, R., Paavola, S., Mäki, T. & Korpela, J. (2015) Challenges of the expansive use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in construction projects. Production 25(2), 289-297.
Kerosuo, H., Mäki, T. & Korpela, J. (2015). Knotworking and the visibilization of learning in building design, Journal of Workplace Learning 27(2), 128 –141.
Kerosuo, H. & Paavola, S. (2016). Tietomallikoordinaattorin rooli, tehtävät ja jännitteet rakennushankkeissa. Rakentajan kalenteri 2017, 102-104. Helsinki: Rakennustieto Oy.
Kerosuo, H., Paavola, S., Miettinen, R. & Mäki, T. (2017) Hankkeista oppiminen: Tietomallintamisen johtaminen, organisointi ja koordinointi rakennushankkeissa. Loppuraportti työsuojelurahaston tutkimus- ja kehittämishankkeesta. Helsingin yliopisto, Käyttäytymistieteiden laitos.
Korpela, J. (2011) Tietomallintamisen hyödyt ja haasteet rakennushankkeen eri hankeosapuolten näkökulmasta. Diplomityö, Rakennustekniikan laitos, Aalto-yliopiston insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu: Espoo.
Korpela, J. (2012). Tietomallintamisen käyttöönoton haasteet rakennushankkeessa. Konsepti – Toimintakonseptin uudistajien verkkolehti 7 (1-2).
Korpela, J., Miettinen, R., Salmikivi, T., Ihalainen, J. (2015) The challenges and potentials of utilizing building information modelling in facility management: the case of the Center for Properties and Facilities of the University of Helsinki. Construction Management and Economics, 33(1), 3-17.
Miettinen, R., Kerosuo, H., Metsälä, T. & Paavola, S. (2018) Bridging the lifecycle: A case study on facility management infrastructures and uses of BIM. Journal of Facilities Management 16(1), 2-16.
Miettinen, R. & Paavola, S. (2014) Beyond the BIM utopia: Approaches to the development and implementation of building information modeling. Automation in Construction, 43, 84-91.
Miettinen, R. & Paavola, S. (2018, in press) Reconceptualizing object construction: The dynamics of building information modelling in construction design. Special Issue “Activity Theory in Information Systems Research” at Information Systems Journal.
Miettinen, R. & Paavola, S. (2018, in press) Beyond the distinction between tool and sign: Objects and artefacts in human activity. A. Rosa & J. Valsiner (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press.
Mäki, T. (2012). Rakentamisen tietomallintaminen -tutkimushankkeen esittely. Konsepti – Toimintakonseptin uudistajien verkkolehti 7 (1-2).
Mäki, T., & Kerosuo, H. (2015). Site managers’ daily work and the uses of building information modelling in construction site management. Construction management and economics, 33(3), 163-175.
Mäki, T. Korpela, J. & Kerosuo, H. (2012). Artikkeli. Last Planner tietomallinnetun hankkeen suunnittelunohjauksessa. Rakentajain kalenteri 2013. Helsinki: Rakennustieto Oy.
Mäki, T., Paavola, S., Kerosuo, H., & Miettinen, R. (2012). Tietomallintamisen käytöt rakentamisessa. Konsepti – Toimintakonseptin uudistajien verkkolehti 7 (1-2).
Paavola, S. & Miettinen, R. (in press). Dynamics of design. BIM as intermediary objects in design collaboration. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW).