
We have a cross-disciplinary team with expertise in medicine, computer science, software development and engineering.
Johan Lundin

Johan Lundin, MD, PhD, is Research Director at FIMM and Professor of Medical Technology at Karolinska Institutet (KI), Stockholm. Johan Lundin is also Associate Professor in Biomedical Informatics, University of Helsinki. His overall research aims are to study the use of digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) for improvement of diagnostics and care of the individual patient. He has together with his research group at FIMM and researchers at KI developed technologies for diagnostic decision support, for example cloud-based and mobile solutions that allow the diagnostic process to be performed remotely, by a human observer or using AI. The methods can aid in diagnostics at the point-of-care, decrease the workload of local experts and enable task-shifting.

As a Research Director at FIMM Dr. Lundin facilitates research related to digital medicine grand challenges at the Meilahti Campus (e.g. HiLIFE, iCAN), on a national level and through international collaborations with both academia and industry. Lundin also is involved in development and maintenance of research infrastructures on a national (e.g. Biocenter Finland) and international international level (e.g. EATRIS). These infrastructure networks operate research services for scientists, clinicians and industry.

Nina Linder

Nina Linder is a physician by training and received her MD and PhD from the University of Helsinki, Finland. Dr. Linder initially focused on molecular medicine and cancer biomarker research. She previously held a position as Medical Advisor within the pharmaceutical industry with involvement in early phase clinical trials for novel targeted molecular cancer therapeutics.

Nina Linder’s current research involves the development of novel artificial intelligence-based solutions for cancer and infectious disease diagnostics. Linder is also co-heading several projects developing artificial intelligence-based tools for point-of-care diagnostics in a global setting. The overall goal of Linder’s research is to promote the implementation of innovative decision-support solutions for precision medicine to improve the translation from basic medical research to the doctor and patient at the clinic.

Mikael Lundin
Dmitrii Bychkov

Dmitrii Bychkov studied computer science in St.Petersburg, Russia and then did his masters studies in bioinformatic at Aalto University. His work focuses on image-based cancer diagnostics with machine learning. He has been developing and adapting computer vision approaches to mine information form basic morphology of microscopic cancer tissue specimens. Currently Dmitrii approaches final stages of his doctoral studies.

Oscar Holmström

Oscar Holmström is a medical doctor who is currently completing his doctoral studies at FIMM. His work focuses on studying how digital microscopy diagnostics, supported by AI-based analysis of samples, can be moved from laboratory settings to the point of care. He has been involved in multiple field studies in e.g. Tanzania and Kenya to study how these methods can be utilized in areas with limited access to laboratories and medical experts to facilitate diagnostics of e.g. malaria, tropical parasites and cervical cancer.


Sebastian Stenman

Sebastian Stenman is a medical doctor who is working on his doctoral thesis on thyroid cancer digital pathology. Currently, his work studies how novel digital methods, such as artificial-intelligence based algorithms, can be utilized to facilitate the sample analysis. These novel methods can provide effective tools for improving diagnostics by e.g. automatic detection of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and the percentage of tall cells in papillary thyroid cancer.

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Klaus Kessel

Klaus Kessel is a medical student and from time to time works on research projects at FIMM. His work thus far has been about the application of machine learning in ophthalmic pathology.


Hakan Kücükel

Hakan Kücükel is experienced in software development and programming, especially related to image management and processing pipelines. His knowledge on handling gigapixel-sized digital samples in the digital diagnostic projects is essential for the research unit at FIMM. Furthermore, he has advanced skills in development of backend solutions such as database servers and cloud computing environments and client-side user interfaces.

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Antti Suutala

Antti Suutala is a bioinformatician at FIMM. He received the M.Sc.Eng. (2007) in electronic engineering from University of Oulu, Finland. He is interested in solving problems related to mobile microscopy and its applications especially in resource poor settings. The main research topics cover the designing, developing and testing of mobile microscope along with the novel sample preparation techniques.
