
Here, you can find our contact details and links to our researcher profiles at the research database Tuhat , which includes up-to-date information on our latest publications.
Katri Räikkonen

Academy Professor

Katri is the head of the Developmental Psychology Research Group. She is interested in a variety of early-life exposures, such as maternal stress and pregnancy complications, and the role these factors may play for the developing individual.

katri.raikkonen at / Tuhat

Kati Heinonen

Senior Researcher

Kati is a senior university lecturer and a specialized child psychologist, with a PhD in psychology. Kati’s research interest is preterm birth and its long-term consequences.

kati.heinonen at / Tuhat

Jari Lahti

Senior Researcher

Jari is a senior lecturer and a Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Study core fellow with a PhD in psychology. His research interests include include genomic and epigenomic influences on mental health, personality, and cognitive abilities, and their developmental origins. Jari also has a background as a psychotherapist.

jari.lahti at / Tuhat

Marius Lahti-Pulkkinen

Senior Researcher

Marius is an Academy of Finland postdoctoral researcher with a PhD in psychology. Marius’ interests include the developmental origins of mental health, including fetal programming.

marius.lahti-pulkkinen at /  Tuhat

Riikka Pyhälä

Senior Researcher

Riikka is university lecturer with a PhD in psychology, as well as a clinical child psychologist. Riikka’s research interests include psychological long-term development after preterm birth.

riikka.pyhala at / Tuhat

Polina Girchenko

Post Doctoral Researcher

Polina is an epidemiologist. Her research interest is prenatal programming of mental health and disease. 

polina.girchenko at / Tuhat

Anna Lähdepuro

Doctoral Student

Anna is a psychologist and is interested in the developmental origins of mental health. Her research focus is the association of prenatal factors with later mental health.