Together with Daniel Le Berre (University of Artois), Matti Järvisalo of the Constraint Reasoning and Optimization group is Program Committee Chair of the 2018 edition of the Pragmatics of SAT (PoS) workshop series. With a long history of being affiliated with the SAT conference series on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, this 9th edition of PoS takes place on July 7, 2018, in Oxford, UK in conjunction with the Federated Logic Conference.
The aim of the Pragmatics of SAT workshop series is to provide a venue for researchers working on designing and/or applying Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solvers and related solver technologies, including but not restricting to satisfiability modulo theories (SMT), Answer set programming (ASP), and constraint programming (CP) as well as their optimization counterparts, to meet, communicate, and discuss latest results.