
Grounded in an interest in the emergence and resilience of multifunctional landscapes and how biodiversity and functioning ecosystems can be more actively (re-)integrated in efforts to move us towards more sustainable futures, Complex Landscapes strive to integrate research on regional development and planning, tools for dialogue and co-creation, meanings of nature and place, comparative studies, and spatial analysis (and more). Results and insights are held and tested against ideas of justice, resilience, competence etc.

Complex Landscapes is explicitly transdisciplinary and intersectoral in its practice and aims to break down barriers that have impeded understanding of social-ecological transformations.

Currently, the Complex Landscapes team is working on four larger projects:

The SRC-funded MUST-project (Valtteri and Erik) with an ambition to “enable multispecies transitions in cities and regions”. Valtteri’s main duty is to act as the responsible researcher in work package 6, led by Erik. In MUST Valtteri will conduct research focusing on multispecies, not only humans but also other species of life on Earth, as part of governance and decision-making processes in cities and regions. 

WP and scientific lead in the EU Horizon project UNPplus (Anahita and Erik), which contributes to understanding how urban greening policies, measures and strategies can be integrated at all governance levels and across planning departments across diverse European cities. In this project, Anahita’s work is primarily focused on WP2 (led by Erik), providing the scientific baseline, state of the art, and R&D and innovation support to make science more actionable and applicable in partner cities while at the same time enabling city experiences to be translated into science, through the creation of knowledge and reflection labs.

The Swedish Research Council project “Material cultures for multispecies co-habitation” (Erik), focusing on design artefacts as mediators of multispecies relations.

The RCF-funded “Biodiversity on your Doorstep” (Sonali and Erik), a joint venture with SYKE. The project investigates the biodiversity supported by gardens in Helsinki, combining a landscape perspective with a closer look at the practices and values of the gardeners. Sonali is working on the landscape analysis while Erik is supervising the ecological fieldwork and taxonomic analyses.