PI’s Sari Ylinen
Time frame 2016 – 2018
Description Second-language learning is a necessity for immigrants, since communication skills affect integration to the society. Increased immigration and consequent need for language teaching challenges traditional learning environments. We have implemented a digital language learning game that is based on speech and does not require any reading skills. An essential part of the game is speech technology, namely, automatic speech recognition that can assess language-learners’ speech. In the current project we adjust the game to mobile devices and automatic speech recognition to native speakers of Arabic. The effects of gaming and speech rehearsal will be studied with EEG recordings and learning experiments.
Methods Event-related potentials (ERP), the mismatch negativity (MMN), electroencephalography (EEG), paired associate learning, phonetic analysis
Keywords language learning, gaming, speech technology, speech, Arabic
People Sari Ylinen, Anna-Riikka Smolander, Minnaleena Toivola
Collaborators Prof. Mikko Kurimo, Aalto University, Amiedu, Luksia, HeadAI, Mobirox, Playvation, Sanako, Sanoma Pro, TowerED, DibiAcademy.
Funding Business Finland, Challenge Finland competition