EEG and other biosignal recordings will be conducted in natural environments in concerts, during dance performances, and, later on, also during school lessons.
The upmost goal of NeuroFlow is to isolate the most enjoyable moments while performing music, while observing others to perform, and while learning. This will be accomplished by combining self-reports and questionnaire data with EEG and other biosignals.
Currently the research team in the University of Helsinki consists of Research director Mari Tervaniemi, PhD student Hanna Poikonen, and undergraduate students Saara Pousi, Jenni Saaristo and Maaria Seppälä with highly versatile profiles in research, media, and performing arts. Technical expertise is provided by laboratory engineer Tommi Makkonen. From the University of Arts/Sibelius Academy we collaborate with Erja Joukamo-Ampuja. We have also conducted live EEG recordings with Rajattomat and kantele musician Arja Kastinen.