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Past projects
Positive development during the life-span: Psycho-social implications in Finland and Russia (2013–2016)
Mind the Gap. Development and well-being of adolescents project
Mobile Video Experience (MoViE) commercialisation and research project (2014–2015)
Expanding STEM Learning and Teaching with Mobile Video Inquiries and Communities
(2013–2015) part of
Innovations in Learning and Education (SAVI)
(2012–2014) part of Tekes Learning Solutions Programme
Early indices of language-related impairments and their amelioration
(2012–2014) part of Tekes Learning Solutions Programme
Systemic Learning Solutions (SysTech)
(2012–2014) part of Tekes Learning Solutions Programme
Key Competence Network on School Education
LATU - Lapset tuottavat (2012–2013)
Multisensory Learning (2011–2014)
Senior Talent - Senior Knowledge at Work
Uusien opettajien mentoroinnin kehittämis- ja koulutusohjelma
Projektin julkaisu
VISCI - Virtual Intelligent Space for Collaborative Innovation (2009-2012) & VISCI Tools (2010–2011)
AVARA Museo - kehittyvä oppimisympäristö aikuisille
(AVARA Open Museum) (2010–2012)
TravEd - research and development of travelling services through mobile education
Työelämän osaamis- ja oppimishaasteet
Projektin loppuraportti
Opetusteknologia koulun arjessa
Educational Technology at School's Everyday Life
TVT koulun arjessa
ICT at School's Everyday Life
Oppimisen Sillat - Kohti osallistavia oppimisympäristöjä
Learning Bridges - Toward Participatory Learning Environments
Finnish Speech and Communication Research Collegium (2008–2010)
PROOF - Pronunciation of Finnish by Immigrants in Finland
InnoSchool - Innovative School Concept for the Future
Mobile Social Media (2008–2010)
MediPeda III (2008–2010)
Review on the use of ICT in learning and teaching in Finnish comprehensive schools
PICCO - a collaborative research project on the ecology of children’s conceptual thinking and learning of science
MobIt - developing mobile network-based teaching, studying and learning processes (2007–2009)
CICERO-KAUPPI - review on how to develop and commercialise products from Finnish research on learning