Prof. (emer.) Anna Mauranen is Research Director at the University of Helsinki. Her current research focuses on linear modelling of spoken language and English as a lingua franca. She is one of the developers of the linear model of linguistic description based on chunking up language in real time (Linear Unit Grammar, with Sinclair 2006). She is director of the Finnish Cultural Foundation-funded CLUMP project on chunking and the brain, and director of several projects on spoken and written ELF, Global English, and Changing Englishes. Her recent publications have two foci, LUG and ELF, on the latter her work includes Exploring ELF (C.U.P. 2012). She is co-editor of Applied Linguistics, and Vice-President of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. In the project she works specifically on linear grammar analyses of the findings and analyses of levels of chunking and processing.
Link to Anna Mauranen's University of Helsinki Research Portal profile
Alena's main research interests lie in online speech processing, reading, and simultaneous interpreting. She has two MAs: one in Cognitive Studies and one in Translation and Interpreting Studies, both from St. Petersburg State University, Russia. In 2015-2018, Alena has been working as a Junior Researcher at the Institute for Cognitive Sciences at St. Petersburg State University, and continues collaborating with this team now. She has joined the CLUMP project in 2017 first as visiting researcher on EDUFI fellowship, and then became a PhD student at the University of Helsinki in 2018.
Link to Alena Konina's University of Helsinki Research Portal profile
Link to Alena Konina's ResearchGate profile
ORCID: 0000-0002-1215-1514
Aleksandra has BA in Liberal Arts and Sciences and MA in Cognitive Studies from St. Petersburg State University, Russia. She’s also received additional education in Brain Science from a joint program of Waseda University and RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Tokyo. She spent a year working for CLUMP project as a visiting researcher and started her PhD studies in 2019. Her research interests include online processing of continuous speech, and the linguistic factors that contribute to the listener’s understanding of spoken input, particularly prosodic cues.
Link to Aleksandra Dobrego's University of Helsinki Research Portal profile
Link to Aleksandra Dobrego's ResearchGate profile
Link to Aleksandra Dobrego's LinkedIn profile
ORCID: 0000-0002-3209-6356
Svetlana Vetchinnikova received her PhD in English philology from the University of Helsinki in 2014. She is interested in chunking at different levels of language organisation, both individual and communal, online and spread over time. Her book Phraseology and the Advanced Language Learner (CUP) appeared in late 2019. Svetlana worked on the CLUMP project since its inception as a postdoctoral researcher and continues to take an active interest in it in her new position as a university lecturer. Among other things, she is looking at individual variation in the chunking data.
Link to Svetlana Vetchinnikova's University of Helsinki Research Portal profile
Nitin has a background in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Anna University, India. His research has been on developing signal processing, statistical and machine learning methods, mainly to analyse human neuroscience data. His PhD on EEG/MEG (Electroencephalography/Magnetoencephalography) signal processing was supervised by Profs. Slawomir Nasuto and Douglas Saddy, University of Reading, UK. Before working on this project, he also gained post-doctoral experience on EEG/MEG method development with Prof. Rik Henson, University of Cambridge, UK and Prof. Matias Palva, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Link to Nitin Williams's University of Helsinki Research Portal profile
Irina Anurova participates in the present project as a postdoctoral researcher since 2016. She obtained her PhD degree in physiology at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine in 2005. Her doctoral thesis was focused on processing of spatial and non-spatial auditory information in human brain. In 2008, she joined Prof. J. P. Rauschecker’s lab at the Department of Neuroscience, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, where she studied mechanisms of brain plasticity caused by early visual deprivation. Irina’s current research interests include studying neurophysiological basis of speech processing using simultaneous EEG and MEG recordings.
Link to Irina Anurova's University of Helsinki Research Portal profile
Nina studies language technology; she worked on the project as a research assistant, webpage admin, Excel whisperer and iPad handler.