Why has Sweden acted so differently to the other Nordic countries during the current crisis? The diverse reactions of the Nordic countries to covid-19 uncovers important variations between the way each country is run e.g. the differing relationships between government and administrative authorities (such as, health boards) and their different approaches to democracy. These differences are often rooted in historical traditions and experiences. Johan Strang, Associate Professor at the Centre for Nordic Studies at the University of Helsinki, considers some of these differences and their historical backgrounds in an outlook article for nordics.info website. These possible explanations can help us to understand the varying reactions to the current crisis in the Nordic countries. Read his analysis here: Why do the Nordic countries react differently to the covid-19 crisis?
nordics.info is ReNEW's public outreach website that disseminates reliable, interdisciplinary information on the Nordic region. Content covers different aspects of the Nordic societies, including history, politics, social policy and culture. The website is hosted at Aarhus University and content is produced by a wide range of researchers.