Letterstedt lecture with Professor Klaus Petersen

Public lecture on Nordic values, Wednesday 17 March, 17-18:30 (EET). The lecture is streamed on-line.

Professor Klaus Petersen: Nordiska värderingar

17.3.2021, 17:00-18:30 (EET)

On-line event: www.facebook.com/nordiskkulturkontakt/live 

Letterstedska föreningen, Centre for Nordic Studies (University of Helsinki) och Föreningarna

Nordens Förbund in collaboration with Nordic Culture Contact organises a public lecture annually. The Letterstedt lecturer 2021 is Klaus Petersen, professor and head of Danish Center for Welfare Studies at the University of Southern Denmark. Klaus Petersen is best known for his research on the welfare state in Denmark and the Nordic countries from a historical, conceptual and comparative perspective. He has led a number of research projects, and was Deputy Director of the Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel (2007–2014). In his lecture, Petersen will discuss the notion of Nordic values. The lecture is in Danish/Scandinavian. 

Facebook: Nordiska värderingar - föreläsning med Klaus Petersen

Den tredje Letterstedt-föreläsningen: Klaus Petersen