Call for applications for ReNEW mobility and workshop grants is open!

ReNEW mobility and workshop grants can be applied for on a competitive basis by all scholars working in a partner university of the ReNEW Hub, including affiliated researchers.

ReNEW invites applications for mobility and workshop grants. 

ReNEW mobility grants are intended to intensify research collaboration and exchange of scholars. The grants are available for research stays in the participating universities, in ReNEW’s strategic international partners, and where relevant, in other universities or departments that are engaged in research relevant to ReNEW. ReNEW workshops have multiple purposes, such as, to explore research ideas, to pursue on-going cooperation in the context of a joint publication, to fund smaller start-up projects, to contribute to outreach or other activities. Grant covers travel of participants, hosting of the workshop, meals during the workshop and other relevant costs.

For more information see:


Deadline for applications: 15 November 2018

Applications are submitted electronically through ReNEW mobility and workshop grant application form