Revival Bash: "Rethinking intellectual history I: Feminism and the history of ideas"
The Centre for Intellectual History is organizing its new kick-off event – join us in the Revival Bash!
Are you perhaps wondering what intellectual history is about? One of our main beliefs is research of ideas across disciplines, so come and find out for yourself, it’s actually more relevant to you than you might anticipate. Everybody is warmly welcome – old friends and newcomers alike!
In 2016, the Helsinki Centre for Intellectual History (HIC) was founded as a network to pool together events and projects happening in the field of intellectual history (broadly understood) to make visible all the things that were happening to others in Helsinki as well as to people outside who might be interested in its undertakings. During the pandemic, the activities of the centre became fewer, so we felt that the centre needs a restart. Now we are organising a series of lectures/workshops in intellectual history in the years 2024 and 2025 called “Rethinking intellectual history”.
The first event is the Revival Bash – join us to think, discuss and mingle!
5 April 2024, HCAS Common room (Fabianinkatu 24 A, third floor)
Musical performance: Ilkka Eronen (baroque flute), Eerika Perkkiö (baroque flute), Daniel Kivivuori (baroque cello), J. Haydn, London Trio no. 3, G major (Hob IV:3);
Opening of the new era of HIC, Filipe Pereira da Silva (vice dean of research, Faculty of Arts)
Speakers' section:
Tuija Pulkkinen “Intellectual history and feminist thought”
Martina Reuter "(Dis)continuities of feminism"