Abstract: Although arbitration has deep roots in the United States, the first half of the twentieth century witnessed a remarkable surge of enthusiasm for the procedure, giving rise to legislative and institutional experiments at multiple levels of government. A broad range of actors and interests embraced arbitration as key to the revitalization of American democracy in a modern age beset by pressing new challenges of industrialization, urbanization, and immigration. And a striking proportion of these were Jewish. According to advocates of arbitration, the procedure facilitated new forms of private/public partnership that would enable expanded, lawyer-free access to justice and give voice to disempowered groups—ranging from small-scale business organizations and labor unions to Jewish communal minorities. The end result, they hoped, would be to generate a more socially expansive and culturally pluralist society, refashioning American democracy for the modern industrial era.
Recovering this forgotten history of arbitration reveals the surprising role that this seemingly technical and abstruse procedure played in two key developments that profoundly transformed the United States roughly a century ago and whose legacies remain with us to this day—namely, the rise of the modern administrative state and the emergence of cultural pluralism as a defining, though contested feature of American society.
When: Tuesday, 28 May 2024, 3:00pm - 4:30pm (UTC+3).
Where: Porthania, P545. You can also join us online via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 637 3244 0554
Passcode: 331089
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