Rhetoric, Conversation and Political Thought in the Early-Modern World

Research Workshop



Seminarium och Konferens: Rhetoric, Conversation and Political Thought in the Early-Modern World

Evenemangs kategori:Seminarium och Konferens

Tid:fre 8.5.2015 kl 10:00-17:00

Plats:University of Helsinki Main Building Auditorium XI

Adress:Unioninkatu 34


00170 Helsinki

Organisatör:University of Helsinki

Rhetoric, Conversation and Political Thought in the Early-Modern World

8 May 2015

University of Helsinki, Main Building Auditorium XI

10.15 -11.45

Jaska Kainulainen (University of Helsinki/University of York), ‘Renaissance humanism and the Jesuit education of humanities, 1540-1600’

Sami Savonius-Wroth (University of Helsinki/ Indiana University), ‘Scientia and Lockes rejection of rhetorical arts’

11.45- 13.15 lunch break

13.15 -14.45

Markku Peltonen (University of Helsinki), ‘Democracy and the English Revolution’

Rachel Foxley (University of Reading), ‘Redeeming those giddy Greeks: Algernon Sidney and classical politics’

14.45 – 15.15 coffee


Quentin Skinner (Queen Mary University of London), ‘Thomas Hobbes and civil conversation’