History of Philosophy Seminar: The Doctrine of Necessity in Law and Politics

The History of Philosophy Seminar on "The Doctrine of Necessity in Law and Politics" convenes June 10, 2022, at 14–17. It is also possible to participate on Zoom.

JUNE 10, 2022, at 14–17

Faculty room, Faculty of Theology, Vuorikatu 3, 5th



Mia Korpiola (Turku) and Jørn Øyerhagen Sunde

(Oslo): The Influence of the Doctrine of Necessitas not

habet legem on Nordic Medieval Laws on Theft

15.30–15.45 Coffee break


Alejandra Mancilla (Oslo): Domingo de Soto on Open


Available also at Zoom:

Meeting ID: 678 9480 3812

Passcode: 196389


History of Philosophy Research Seminar is a monthly seminar organized together with four academy research projects: Augustinian natural Philosophy at Oxford and Paris ca. 1277 led by prof. Filipe Pereira da Silva (University of Helsinki); Vicious, Antisocial, and Sinful led by dr. Juhana Toivanen (University of Jyväskylä) and At the Frontiers of Humanity: Extreme Necessity in Ethics, Law and Politics, 300–1600 led by senior lecturer Virpi Mäkinen (University of Helsinki) and Social Emotions in Medieval and Renaissance Intellectual History by dr. Ritva Palmén (University of Helsinki). The contact person is Ritva Palmén (ritva.palmen@helsinki.fi).