Venue: the Faculty Hall of the Faculty of Theology (Fabianinkatu 24, room 524, access from the inner courtyard of Vuorikatu 3).
The workshop is open to all. Participation requires pre-registration. Papers will be circulated to all participants before the workshop. To register for the workshop, please contact
The conference is supported by the Reason and Religious Recognition, the Academy of Finland's Centre of Excellence, Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki and the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki
Day 1: Thurday 6 June
12.30–13.20 Welcome: coffee, tea, fruits, snacks
13.20–13.40 Opening Words, Virpi Mäkinen (Vice Director, Reason and Religious Recognition, the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence)
13.40–14.30 Mikko Posti (University of Helsinki) “Henry of Ghent on Magnanimity in War”. Comment: Johan Olsthoorn (University of Amsterdam)
14.30–15.20 Alessandro Mulieri (University of Leuven) “Marsilius of Padua’s ‘Political’ Theory of Natural Law”
Comment: Virpi Mäkinen (University of Helsinki)
15.20–15.50 Break: coffee, tea, salad and sandwiches
15.50–16.40 Ritva Palmén (University of Helsinki) “Comparing Oneself to Others and Estimating Oneself in Thomas. Aquinas’s Moral Philosophy” Comment: Robin Douglass (University College London)
16.40–17.20 Jukka Ruokanen (University of Jyväskylä): “Origin of Social life in the Political Theory of Johannes Althusius”. Comment: Jani Marjanen (University of Helsinki)
17.20–17.30 Break
17.30–18.20 Mads Langballe Jenssen (Royal Holloway University of London): “Samuel Pufendorf on ius gentium”. Comment: Kari Saastamoinen (University of Helsinki)
18.30 Drinks
19.30 Conference Dinner
Day 2: Friday 7 June
9.30–10.00 Welcome: coffee and tea
10.00–10.50 Paul Sagar (Kings College London): “History, the Four Stages, and Commercial Society”. Comment: Koen Stapelbroek (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
10.50–11.40 Aino Lahdenranta (University of Jyväskylä) “‘This is the hinge of your system’ – Hume’s Critique of Smith Revisited”. Comment: Max Skjönsberg (University of St Andrews)
11.40–12.40 Lunch
12.40–13.30 Tim Stuart-Buttle (University of York): “A ‘strong & large foundation of sociablenesse among men’: the Desire for Esteem in Archibald Campbell’s (1691-1756) Philosophical Theology”. Comment: Adriana Luna-Fabritius (University of Helsinki)
13.30–14.20 Soile Ylivuori (University of Helsinki): "Contested whiteness: West-Indians in Georgian London”. Comment: Signy Gutnick Allen (London School of Economics)
14.20 Closing Remarks