Digital Humanities Research Seminar

Autumn 2016 Schedule

Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies Re­search Sem­inar


DH Research Seminar continues at Metsätalo (U40), Lecture Room 13 (3rd floor) [exceptions noted below].


Fall 2016 Schedule

Friday 16.09.16 at 16.15-18 Leo Lahti (University of Turku): Digital humanities, Open Science & Kraków DH2016 conference

Friday 30.09.16 at 16.15-18 Kim Solin (Uppsala University): Existential questions about the digital

Wednesday 5.10.16 at 13.00-18.30 Heldig Kickoff Event (separate programme to follow shortly)

Friday 14.10.16 at 16.15-18 Antti Kanner (University of Helsinki): Contexts and cotexts - What changes when word meaning changes?

Friday 28.10.16 at 16.15-18 Inés Matres (University of Helsinki): on innovation and education. Comment by Miikka Salavuo (Doctorate University of Jyväskylä / Coo Tabletkoulu)

Friday 11.11.16 at 15.15-18 Marco Büchler (Göttingen) on electronic text reuse acquisition with TRACER & Emily Franzini (Göttingen) on Brothers Grimm and the motif research [venue TBC]

Friday 25.11.16 at 16.15-18 Mila Oiva (University of Turku): cultural analytics / Anne Isomursu (University of Helsinki): Hierarchical information management of photographic collections: synthetic and natural archive units

The seminar is open. If you want to join our mailing list, write to If you need credits, sign up also at weboodi.


Spring 2016 Schedule

Friday 27.5.2016 at 16.15-18 Holger Kaasik, Digital analysis of medieval liturgical calendars – the case of 14th and 15th century Vatican manuscripts

Friday 13.5.2016 at 16.15-18 Emily Öhman, Multi-dimensional approaches to sentiment analysis

Thursday 12.5.2016 at 15.15: Jaakko Suominen (Professor of Digital Culture, University of Turku): “Digitality and materiality in culture” (in English). Place: Topelia, D112

Wednesday 4.5.2016 at 16.15-18 Professor Jane Ohlmeyer (Trinity College Dublin), The 1641 Depositions: Records of Massacre, Atrocity & Ethnic Cleansing in Seventeenth-Century Ireland (NB! Venue: Metsätalo (U40), Lecture Room 4 (2nd floor)

Wed 20.4. at 10am Mike Mertens, Dariah & Digital Humanities in Cultural Heritage Research.  Metsätalo, lh 4 (Unioninkatu 40) ……

Friday 8.4.2016 at 16.15-18 Professor Caroline Bassett (Sussex Humanities Lab), “Bad representation: or why Digital Humanities hates Cultural Studies”

Wednesday 23.3.2016 at 16.15-18: Wrap up of Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries conference and sharing of Oslo experiences.

Friday 4.3.2016 at 16.15-18: Discussion about Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries conference (15.-17.3.2016) with a chance to introduce one’s own presentation and get feedback.

Friday 19.2.2016 at 16.15-18: Eetu Mäkelä, (all) the (different) Digital Humanities. For this meeting, please read the following article in advance: The Landscape of Digital Humanities

Fall 2015 Schedule

30.10 Antti Kanner, (HY, Finnish language), “A vagrant’s path: tracking the life cycle of a legal term in 19th century newspaper data”. Commentator: Timo Honkela (HY)

13.11 Ylva Grufstedt (HY, History), “The Practice of History in videogames – Historical culture and consciousness in digital and interactive media”. Commentator: Jaakko Stenros (Tampere)

27.11 Eric Malmi (Aalto, Computer Science), “Automatically Reconstructing and Analyzing Family Trees”. Commentator: Tiina Miettinen (UTA, History). [Discussion in Finnish because of genealogical terminology.]

11.12 Erik Henriksson (HY, Greek), “The Language and Meter of Late Greek Poetry: A Computational Approach”. Commentator: Timo Korkiakangas (HY)

18.12. Anna Kajander, (HY, Ethnology), “Digital book culture and the new reading habits”. Commentator: Harri Heikkilä (Aalto)


If any questions, please ask. And, as always, all welcome!