Centre of Excellence in Reason and Religious Recognition
Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki
Academy of Finland
More information:
9.30, Registration (hall 104)
9.50, Opening words, Virpi Mäkinen
10.00–11.00, Keynote (hall 104), chair: Virpi Mäkinen
Isabelle Mandrella, Professor of Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich
Encountering Others in Medieval Ethics: The Case of Thomas Aquinas
11.00–11.30, Coffee break (hall 504)
11.30–13.00, Session 1 (hall 505), chair: Mikko Posti
Ritva Palmén (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies):
Hope, Shame and Self-evaluation in Thomas Aquinas’s Moral Philosophy
Nicolas Faucher (University of Helsinki):
Scientia, fides or opinio? Aquinas on the Epistemic Status of Heretical and Demonic Belief
Juhana Toivanen (University of Jyväskylä/University of Gothenburg):
Conditions for a Conceptual Distinction between Common and Individual Good
13.00–14.00, Lunch break
14.00–15.00, Session 2 (hall 505), chair: Nicolas Faucher
Samuel Fernandés (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile):
Origen's Doctrine on the Pre-existence of the Soul: A Speculation about Prehistory or a Biblical Enquiry about Our Present Identity?
Patricia Calváro (University of Porto):
The Contribute of the Palamite Controversy (14th c.) for the Formation of the Hesychast Identity
15.00–15.30, Coffee break (hall 404)
15.30–17.00, Session 3 (hall 404), chair: Ritva Palmén
Reima Välimäki (University of Turku):
The Worst of All Heresies: Polemical Responses to Waldensianism ca. 1200–1400
Michael Dunne (University of Maynooth):
Conflicts, Controversies and Confrontations: The Irish, the Armenians and the Muslims in the Thought of Richard FitzRalph (1300-1360)
Stefan Schröder (University of Helsinki):
“O what a strange unnatural fast, fit only for carnal and beastly men!” The Interrelation between the ‘Other’ and the ‘Self’ in Late Medieval Travel Reports to the Holy Land
18.00–22.00, Reception (salad buffee & wine)
Faculty of Theology, Faculty Hall (Vuorikatu 3, 5th floor)
10.00–11.00, Keynote (hall 104), chair: Jeremy Kleidosty
Frederick Neuhouser, Professor of Philosophy, Barnard College, Columbia University
Rousseau on the Nature and Source of Social Inequality
11.00–11.30, Coffee break (hall 504)
11.30–13.30, Session 4 (hall 505), chair: Panu-Matti Pöykkö
Tim Stuart-Buttle (University of York) and Heikki Haara (University of Helsinki):
Recognition and the Acknowledgement of Equality: from Hobbes to Smith
Kaisa Iso-Herttua (University of Helsinki):
The Conflict between Religious Identity and Political Order – Lockean Solution
Risto Saarinen (University of Helsinki):
Farewell to Early Modern Accounts: Recognition in Schleiermacher's On Religion (1799)
13.30–14.30, Lunch break
14.30–16.00, Session 5 (hall 505), chair: Juhana Toivanen
Emanuelle Lacca (University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic):
Justice, Dignity and the Care of the Others in Pedro de Ledesma (1544-1616)
Ryan Manley (Texas A&M University):
A Friend Within: Montaigne on Friendship and Conscience
Vili Lähteenmäki (University of Helsinki):
Anthony Collins on Powers and Selves
16.00–16.30, Coffee break (hall 504)
16.30–18.00, Session 6 (hall 505), chair: Jari Kaukua
Mikko Posti (University of Helsinki):
Medieval Christian Encounters with Pagan Views of Divine Causality
Susan Gottlöber (University of Maynooth):
How Tolerable is Cusa’s Tolerance? Revisiting Cusa’s Encounter with Islam
Panu-Matti Pöykkö (University of Helsinki): Some Help from Two Medieval Friends:
Levinas, Maimonides and Judah Halevi on Idolatry
18.30–23.00, Conference Dinner
Unioninkadun juhlahuoneistot (Unioninkatu 33)
Music: Nelli Saarikoski (vocals/piano), Mikko Posti (guitar), Kimmo Vainio (bass)
10.00–11.00, Keynote (hall 104), chair: Antti Ruotsala
Jukka Korpela, Professor of History, University of Eastern Finland
Does the Law Need Reason and Recognition? Cases from Eastern Church and Politics
11.00–11.30, Coffee (hall 504)
11.30–13.00, Session 7 (hall 505), chair: Pekka Kärkkäinen
Joanna Comes (University of Porto):
Translating Religious Differences: An Impossibility?
Päivi Räisänen-Schröder (University of Helsinki):
Encountering Reformation Others in Early Modern German Administration
Joonas Tammela (University of Jyväskylä):
The Limits of the “New Israel”? The Collective Lutheran Identities and
the Recognition of “the Others” in Swedish Local Sermons, 1790–1820
13.00–14.00, Lunch buffee and coffee (hall 504)
14.00–15.00, Session 8 (hall 505), chair: Heikki Haara
Jukka Ruokanen (University of Jyväskylä):
Dimensions of Tolerations in the Political Theory of Johannes Althusius
Virpi Mäkinen (University of Helsinki):
Extreme Necessity and the Rights of Foreign Poor in Later Scholastic Thought
15.00–15.15, Closing words, Virpi Mäkinen (hall 505)