6th Finnish-Hungarian Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy

6–7 June 2019

University of Helsinki, Main building, hall 8

Thursday June 6

9:15: Opening

9:30: Jack Stetter (Paris 8) Spinoza on Stupidity: The Power of False Ideas and Persistent Ignorance

11:00: Ericka Tucker (Marquette University) Hobbes and Spinoza on Conatus

13:30: Jessica Tizzard (University of Connecticut) Why does Kant Think We Must Believe in the Immortal Soul?

15:00 :Jen Nguyen (Harvard) Leibniz on Distance

16:15: Zachary Agoff (San Francisco State University) A Metaphysical Method for Moral Development: Descartes and Elisabeth on Morally Relevant Knowledge


Friday June 7

9:30: Kevin R. Busch (Davidson College) Hume on the Origin and Limits of Thought

11:00: Timo Kaitaro (University of Helsinki) Hume and the Artificial Structures of the Human Mind

13:30: Nicholas Vallone (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Locke’s Theory of Memory

15:00: Matthew Leisinger (Cambridge) Cudworth on Freewill

16:30: Invited speaker Alison Simmons (Harvard) New Narratives in Early Modern Philosophy: The Road Ahead

Attendance is free and everyone is warmly welcome. Please inform us if you plan to attend so we can take your participation into consideration with practicalities: fhsemp2019@gmail.com

The venue is the main building of University of Helsinki, lecture hall 8 on the third floor (Fabianinkatu 33, 00100 Helsinki).Professor Simmons’s talk will take place at Tiedekulma(Think Corner at Yliopistonkatu 4) right next to the main building.

See also: https://fhsemp.wordpress.com