
Canine Research: Members of the FIN-SAGAS research group
Thomas Spillmann

Group leader, professor

Title of thesis: Laboratory diagnosis and imaging of canine acute and chronic pancreatic diseases. Year and place of defense: 2002, Habilitation thesis, University of Giessen, GER.

Mairi Speeti

Senior researcher. Title of thesis: Doberman hepatitis - comparison of subclinical and clinical stages and evaluation of etiopathogenesis of the disease. Year and place of defense: 2004, University of Helsinki, FIN​

Rafael Frias

Senior researcher. Title of thesis: Preclinical evaluation of common markers and iohexol for the development of intestinal permeability tests in dogs: Studies on laboratory Beagle dogs and Sprague-Dawley rats. Year and place of defense: 2013, University of Helsinki, FIN

Rafael.Frias (at)

Susanne Kilpinen

Senior researcher. Title of thesis: Tylosin-responsive Diarrhea in Dogs – Clinical trials on tylosin’s efficacy, dosage regimen, and effects on fecal enterococci. Year and place of defense: 2016, University of Helsinki, FIN

Hanna Dyggve

Post doc researcher. Title of thesis: DOBERMAN HEPATITIS - Role of Immunological and Genetic Mechanisms. Year and place of defense: 2017, University of Helsinki.

Hanna.Dyggve ( at )

Linda Toresson
Marcus Candido

PhD Student. Title of PhD project: Chromoendoscopy in canine gastroenterology - assessment of its diagnostic value.  Start August 2015.

Vic­to­ria Or­tin Pique­ras

PhD Student. Title of PhD project: Development of an in vivo iohexol intestinal permeability tests to refine and reduce the use of mouse models in research. Start November 2015.

victoria.ortinpiqueras  ( at )

Vahideh Rahmani

PhD Student. Title of PhD project: Usefulness of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) in dogs and cats with chronic hepatobiliary and pancreatic disorders Start September 2017