Location: Online in Zoom. For invitation, please send email to samuli.ollila (@) helsinki.fi
Description: Online meeting to discuss on the NMRlipids databank development and NMRlipids VI project on polarizable force fields.
Targer group: Students and researchers interested in using or developing the NMRlipids Databank.
Registration: No registration required. For Zoom invitation, please send email to samuli.ollila (@) helsinki.fi
Fri 17.12.2021:
9.00-10.00 (CET) Samuli Ollila: Current status of the NMRlipids databank
10.00-10.15 (CET) break
10.15-11.15 (CET) Fabián Suárez, Ángel Piñeiro and Rebeca García Fandiño: Development of graphical user interface for the NMRlipids databank
11.15-12.00 (CET) Discussion and more examples of NMRlipids databank applications
12.00-13.00 (CET) Lunch break
13.00-13.30 (CET) Batuhan Kav: Current status of the NMRlipids VI project on polarizable force fields
13.30-14.30 (CET) Discussion
14.30 (CET) Meeting ends