Principal investigator Anu Klippi has studied aphasia from several perspectives. Her research has focused on interactional aspects of aphasia conversation, e.g. the structure of conversation as well as conversational practices and strategies with special attention to the role of multimodality and multisemiotic systems, repairs and meaning negotiations in these conversations. In addition, the conversational partner’s support has been in focus. Furthermore, her studies have dealt with e.g. long-term recovery of aphasia, quality of life in aphasia and social participation in aphasia. At present Anu Klippi’s interests are also aimed at the effects of aphasia interventions as well as the therapy effects on everyday conversation of a persons with aphasia.
She has recently co-edited with Anna-Maija Korpijaakko-Huuhka, Matti Lehtihalmes & Pirkko Rautakoski a book called Afasia. Aikuisiän kielihäiriöiden aivoperusta ja kuntoutus (Brain basis and rehabilitation of language disorders in adults).
Anu Klippi has been the president of the Association of Aphasia Rehabilitation Research (Afasian kuntoutustutkimusyhdistys ry.) in 1998-2016, the vice-president of the Finnish Association of Speech and Language Research (Puheen ja kielen tutkimuksen yhdistys ry.) in 1995-2010 and the chair of the Aphasia Committee of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics in 2010-2016.
Leena Tuomiranta has a special interest in learning in aphasia. She defended her doctoral thesis on the title "Novel word learning ability in chronic post-stroke aphasia : variability and modality effects" in 2015.
Riikka Brunou is a Ph.D. student at the Aphasia Research group.
Paula Heikkinen is a Ph.D. student at the Aphasia Research group.
Sanna Lemmetyinen is a Ph.D. student at the Aphasia Research group.
Leena Salonen is a Ph.D. student at the Aphasia Research group.
Asta Tuomenoksa is a Ph.D. student at the Aphasia Research group.
Maria Widenius is a Ph.D. student at the Aphasia Research group.