GeMANE 5 Abstracts: Guidelines for Authors

The Scientific Committee recommends that abstract proposals for GeMANE 5 follow these guidelines:

Abstracts should be between 300 and 500 words long, and submitted via the online form by 30th December 2021.

All proposals are welcome, but some of the themes we hope to explore this year will be:

  • La­bels and their im­pact on gender research
  • Read­ing against the grain
  • Re­la­tion­ships and net­works
  • History of the field of gender and ancient Near Eastern studies
  • Future of the field and public outreach

It is recommended to include the following in your abstract:

  • The period the research is focused on
  • Area or culture the research is focused on
  • Materials or sources used in the research
  • Methods used in the research
  • Significant conclusions of your research


Abstracts should be written in English. Keep your language as clear and concise as possible. Remember that whilst you may be the expert in your field, the reviewers may not be. Try to emphasise the importance of your work - is it a new approach? New material? Please include the conclusions of your research in the abstract.

Spelling and language

Spelling can follow either British or American conventions. Try to keep jargon and technical language to a minimum. The abstract should be accessible to non-specialists.


References and citations should generally not appear in the abstract. If you find it necessary to include them, please follow the standards of your field of expertise, but include enough information that the reviewers will be able to find the reference if needed.

Ancient Languages

Ancient languages in the abstract should follow the standard conventions of their field. However, please remember the form will not facilitate special fonts (e.g. Greek or cuneiform) or italics. In this case, we ask that you use the transliteration conventions of your field.

Please Note

GeMANE 5 adheres to ASOR guidelines regarding the publication of undocumented antiquities.