The Academy of Finland nominates a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) to the Centres of Excellence (CoE) they fund. SAB has international members, who the Academy of Finland invites. In addition, SAB includes a representative of the Academy of Finland Research Council for Culture and Society and an observer member named by the University of Helsinki. The duty of SAB is to evaluate the fulfilment of ANEE's core mission, leadership, and practices, as well as to give recommendations on these. SAB will meet yearly, in connection with the Annual Meeting of ANEE.
James R. Wiseman Chair in Classical Archaeology, Professor of Archaeology, Boston University
Portland Chair in New Testament Studies, University of Gloucestershire
Associate Professor in Assyriology and History of the Ancient Near East, Ghent University
ANEE has also a National Scientific Advisory Board. They as well provide guidance and recommendations for ANEE.
Professor of Old Testament studies, University of Helsinki
Professor emeritus of Assyriology, University of Helsinki
Professor in Science and Technology Studies, University of Helsinki