Most of our research is analyzing comprehensive long-term data sets, but we also maintain measurements in Finland and China, use and generate models for our studies, and apply theoretical approaches to air quality problems.
Aerosol formation and emissions – We inspect the effects of atmospheric new particle formation, secondary aerosol formation and primary aerosol emissions on air quality. This research is based on analyzing atmospheric data from various measurement sites and laboratory experiments, and developing process-scale models to understand the underlying processes. We also improve the description of aerosol number emissions in global and smaller scale models.
Urban and indoor air quality – We investigate the spatial and temporal variation in urban air quality and citizen exposure by analyzing data from diverse sources – from supersites to authority networks and low-cost sensors. We utilize these hierarchal observation networks to increase the understanding of the factors influencing the local air quality.
Air quality – weather – climate interactions – We study how the changes in pollutant emissions, arising from air quality driven legislation or energy transition, impact the global climate and regional weather. We utilize various data sources, including satellite, in-situ and modelled data, to investigate these connections.