This work package seeks to understand how farmed animal products can contribute to culturally acceptable diets that are both healthy and aligned with ecological limits. By examining the intersection of ecological sustainability, cultural preferences, and nutritional needs, WP3 aims to contribute valuable insights into the future of food systems.
Prof Minna Kaljonen
Doctoral researcher Kaisa Kurki
Doctoral researcher Niko Räty
Dr Rachel Mazac
Master student Sanja Tuovila
Research Aims
The goal of WP3 is to explore new ways of thinking about sustainable diets. This includes:
Why It Matters
Today’s food systems face significant challenges, from exceeding planetary boundaries to addressing human health and animal welfare concerns. While sustainable diets have been studied extensively in terms of ecological and nutritional aspects, less attention has been paid to how these can be harmonized with cultural practices and food traditions. WP3 addresses this gap by offering a holistic approach to dietary sustainability, applying emerging themes of sufficiency and adhering to planetary boundaries.
Key Objectives
Research Methods
WP3 applies interdisciplinary methods drawn from agricultural, environmental, social, and sustainability sciences. Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative research, the team will gather new data and synthesize existing knowledge to inform future dietary models.
Co-creation and serious gaming and participatory methods
To foster co creation and participation, we developed a serious game called the Planetary Plate Puzzle, designed to facilitate discussions about sufficient eating among people from diverse backgrounds. In the game, participants work together to plan a future diet for an average Finn in 2050, fitting food items onto a plate which represents the limits of planetary boundaries. The game uses food group cards that indicate the environmental impact of each food, with larger cards representing greater impacts. Through joint negotiation, the goal is to fit all cards onto the game board.
Based on the feedback received from testing the game, we have learned that setting a common goal within the game helps prevent polarized discussions, as participants must move beyond their personal preferences. The game creates an open and relaxed atmosphere where multiple viewpoints are heard, fostering a deeper understanding of others' perspectives and their underlying reasoning. Participants have come to realize that the challenges related to sustainable and healthy diets are more complex than they initially thought. Additionally, the use of physical tools and visualizations helps participants grasp the complexities and diverse values related to food production and consumption.
Outcomes and Impact
WP3’s results will provide evidence-based recommendations for integrating farmed animal products into sustainable diets that align with ecological and cultural realities. These outcomes will inform policy discussions and support the transition toward more sustainable food systems in Finland.
Outcomes and Impact
WP3’s results will provide evidence-based recommendations for integrating farmed animal products into sustainable diets that align with ecological and cultural realities. These outcomes will inform policy discussions and support the transition toward more sustainable food systems in Finland.
Publications, news and talks:
Kaisa Kurki ja Niko Räty: Pelin avulla kohti avointa ja mielekästä ruokakeskustelua. 5.8.2024.
Niko Räty ja Kaisa Kurki: Peli tutkimusmenetelmänä luo avoimen keskusteluilmapiirin.
Kaisa Kurki, presentation: Sufficient and Culturally Acceptable Diets. 28.11.2024. YHYS Colloquium 2024, Lappeenranta.
Mazac, R., Kaljonen, M., Kurki, K., Räty, N., Tuovila, S., and Herzon, I. Planetary Plate Puzzle: A Serious Game for Deliberating Sufficient Future Diets. (in review Journal of Consumer Research)
Join the Discussion
We encourage interested parties, including researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders, to connect with us for further insights into our research or explore opportunities for collaboration. For more information or to discuss potential master’s thesis topics related to WP3, please reach out to us directly.