The teacher training event of OLIVE on Mentorship and Leadership took place in the Faculty of Education at Birzeit University from 31 July to 8 August. The event was organized in collaboration with the University of Helsinki in Finland and gathered teachers and school principals from different domains and specializations from approximately 25 schools located in the West Bank and East Jerusalem in Palestine. The aim of the training event was to provide mentor teachers with necessary knowledge and skills of mentorship as well as to provide school principals with necessary knowledge and skills of educational leadership. The blended / hybrid event combined face-to-face and online sessions and was the first of a series of six training circles. Each circle aims to bring together Finnish and Palestinian experts with experience in mentoring teachers and educational leadership to establish a network of collaboration and exchange of best practices. In this way, the network will not only bring forward the current needs of staying connected. It will also expand the ways we perform mentorship in practicum courses and encourage peer and self learning with state-of the-art activities and collaborative technologies.