Joint application system yields 23,187 applications for the University of Helsinki

The natural sciences are now more popular. Grants for the international Master’s programmes were granted to 26 applicants from outside the EU and the EEA.

Applications submitted under the joint application procedure for University of Helsinki Bachelor’s programmes and the Master’s programmes to begin in autumn 2017:

  • Bachelor’s programmes: 22,125 (2016: 23,469)
  • Master’s programmes: 1,291 (2016: 1,382)
  • Total: 23,187 (2016: 24,568)

Last year, the joint application system covered more Master’s programmes than it did this year, as some of them were included in the application cycle for international programmes which concluded in January 2017. This is why the application figures for Master’s programmes are not fully comparable. The new extensive Bachelor’s programmes have also changed the spectrum of available application options, making comparison with the previous year practically impossible.

Interest in the natural sciences

The number of applications for the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences increased by more than 16%. As for the individual programmes, environmental sciences and molecular biosciences were particularly popular.  

The application figures for all degree programmes will be published on the University’s admission statistics page (in Finnish) on Friday, 7 April 2017.

Applications by faculty





Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences

2 036

1 796

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine



Faculty of Pharmacy

1 881

1 822

Faculty of Arts

4 036

4 359

Faculty of Educational Sciences

3 102*

6 071

Faculty of Medicine

4 571*

2 215

Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

1 180

1 485

Faculty of Science

2 901

2 794

Faculty of Law

2 968

3 004

Swedish School of Social Science



Faculty of Theology



Faculty of Social Sciences

3 904

4 108

University of Helsinki, total

23 187

24 568

*For the Faculty of Educational Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine, the application figures for 2016 and 2017 are not comparable, as the degree programmes in psychology and logopedics have been transferred from the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences to the Faculty of Medicine.

The joint application procedure concluded on 5 April 2017, as did the open track application period, which is not covered by the joint application system. A total of 130 open track applications were received.

Minor changes to the application figures are still possible after the applications have been reviewed.

Grants for 26 students

The University of Helsinki offers grants to offset the tuition fees charged to new students arriving from outside the EU or the EEA. Approximately 1,600 applications were received for the international Master’s programmes launching next autumn, and approximately 700 of them included a grant application. The application period for these programmes ended in January 2017. Admissions and grant recipients have now been decided. A total of 26 students received a University grant.

 “The level of the applications was very high. The grants were awarded to applicants with the highest academic merits, and I was delighted to see that they were fairly equally distributed across different regions around the world. There were also roughly the same number of women and men among the grant recipients,” explains Sari Lindblom, chair of the grant committee.

The grants were evenly distributed across the degree programmes.

The total of all awarded grants was €378,500. The amount for an individual student varies between €7,500 and €28,000, depending on which grant or grants he or she has been awarded.

In the long term, the goal is to transfer approximately one-fourth of the sum collected in tuition fees into the grant programme.

 “We will develop the grant programme during the coming years, and we hope to find new partners from among both companies and communities as well as international grant institutions,” Lindblom adds.

For more information, please contact:

Head of Admissions Services Sini Saarenheimo, tel. +358 50 448 0840