Law, Tech and Theory Research Seminar 15-16 February 2023

The University of Helsinki Legal Tech Lab welcomes everyone to the Law, Tech & Theory seminar on 15-16 February. The program of the seminar is as follows:

Venue: room P545 (5th floor of the Law Faculty building Porthania, Yliopistonkatu 3, Helsinki)

Wednesday 15 February

10.00 am-12.00 noon

Welcoming words by Susanna Lindroos-Hovinheimo (Professor, Helsinki)

Connal Parsley (Senior Lecturer, Kent): Un-asking the Law Question? Towards a new approach to good human-AI administrative decisions

Bart van der Sloot (Associate Professor, Tilburg): Automation of law from the perspective of Lon Fuller

12.00 noon-1.00 pm lunch break

1.00 pm-2.45 pm

Matilda Arvidsson (Assistant Senior Lecturer, Gothenburg): AI, law and fascism

Riikka Koulu (Associate Professor, Helsinki): Interfacing law: new digital materialities of access to justice

2.45 pm-3.15 pm coffee break

3.15-5.00 pm

Laurence Diver (Senior and Postdoctoral Researcher, Brussels): Legal technologies and the effect on legal effect

Marta Maroni (PhD Candidate, Helsinki): The changing paradigms of (digital) constitutionalism and a challenge to the liberal concept of technological neutrality 




Thursday 16 February

9.00 am-10.45 am

Katie Nolan (PhD Candidate, LSE): Relationality and EU data protection law

Gloria González Fuster (Research Professor, Brussels): Data, law & the technologies of gender

10.45 am-11.15 am coffee break

11.15 am-13.00 pm

Jannice Käll (Senior Lecturer, Lund): Digital Technologies after the Human: Effects of Anthropocentric World-Views on the Regulation of Digitalization and Beyond

Riikka Lönnblad (Doctoral Researcher, Helsinki): Diseases of memory or diseases of identity? Historical privacy and collective memory in European data protection law


The seminar is organised in cooperation with the Academy-funded research projects AlgoT and PoP, the STN-funded Generation AI project and the Niilo Helander Foundation.